


Concept Image


person = c("Bob", "Joe", "Sue", "Jane", "Bob", "Joe", "Sue", "Jane", "Bob", "Joe", "Sue", "Jane", "Bob", "Joe", "Sue", "Jane") 
period = c("2016", "2016", "2016", "2016", "2016", "2016", "2016", "2016", "2017", "2017","2017","2017","2017","2017","2017","2017") 
metric = c("Metric1", "Metric1", "Metric1", "Metric1", "Metric2", "Metric2", "Metric2", "Metric2", "Metric1", "Metric1", "Metric1", "Metric1", "Metric2", "Metric2", "Metric2", "Metric2") 
value = round(runif(16, -0.005, 1.0049), 2) 

tmp = data.frame(person, period, metric, value)  

ggplot(data = tmp, 
      aes_string(x = "person", 
         y = value, 
         color = "person", 
         fill= "person")) + 
    geom_point(aes(size = period))+ 
    geom_line() + 
    scale_size_manual("Year", values=c(3, 6)) + 
    facet_wrap(~metric, nrow=1, labeller = label_wrap_gen()) + 
    labs(y = "Dummy Example", 
     fill="person") + 
    theme(legend.direction = "horizontal", 
     legend.position = "bottom", 
     legend.key = element_blank(), 
     legend.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "gray30"), 
     plot.title=element_text(hjust=.5, size=22), 
     axis.text.x = element_text(angle =90, hjust=1)) 



---- ----解决这里 是多亏了你所有我能放在一起的解决方案:


person = c("Bob", "Joe", "Sue", "Jane", "Bob", "Joe", "Sue", "Jane", "Bob", "Joe", "Sue", "Jane", "Bob", "Joe", "Sue", "Jane") 
period = c("2016", "2016", "2016", "2016", "2016", "2016", "2016", "2016", "2017", "2017","2017","2017","2017","2017","2017","2017") 
metric = c("Metric1", "Metric1", "Metric1", "Metric1", "Metric2", "Metric2", "Metric2", "Metric2", "Metric1", "Metric1", "Metric1", "Metric1", "Metric2", "Metric2", "Metric2", "Metric2") 
value = round(runif(16, -0.005, 1.0049), 2) 

tmp = data.frame(person, period, metric, value)  
tmp$x <- as.numeric(tmp$person) * .25 # to use continuous x 
tmp$r <- ifelse(as.numeric(tmp$HALF_YEAR)==1, .01, .04) #set radious based on period 

#Create single line for each person/metric by Metric 
    tmp2 <- cast(tmp, person+metric ~ period, value=value) 
    tmp2$x <- as.numeric(tmp2$person) * .25 # to use continuous x 

#create dataframe for polygons to fill the cones 
    #Create Dummy section (to create dataframe) 
    tmp.c <- rep(tmp2[1, 1], 4) 
    tmp.t <- rep(tmp2[1, 2], 4) 
    tmp.x <- c(tmp2[1, 5]-.01, tmp2[1, 5]-.04, tmp2[1, 5]+.04, tmp2[1, 5]+.01) 
    tmp.y <- c(tmp2[1, 3], tmp2[1, 4], tmp2[1, 4], tmp2[1, 3]) 
    tmp.P <- data.frame(tmp.c, tmp.t, tmp.x, tmp.y) 

    for(i in seq_len(nrow(tmp2))) { 
    if(as.numeric(tmp2[i, 3]) > as.numeric(tmp2[i,4])) { 
     tmp.x <- c(tmp2[i, "x"]-.04, tmp2[i, "x"]-.01, tmp2[i, "x"]+.01, tmp2[i, "x"]+.04) 
     tmp.y <- c(min(tmp2[i, 3], tmp2[i, 4]), max(tmp2[i, 3], tmp2[i, 4]), max(tmp2[i, 3], tmp2[i, 4]), min(tmp2[i, 3], tmp2[i, 4])) 
     tmp.x <- c(tmp2[i, "x"]-.01, tmp2[i, "x"]-.04, tmp2[i, "x"]+.04, tmp2[i, "x"]+.01) 
     tmp.y <- c(min(tmp2[i, 3], tmp2[i, 4]), max(tmp2[i, 3], tmp2[i, 4]), max(tmp2[i, 3], tmp2[i, 4]), min(tmp2[i, 3], tmp2[i, 4])) 

    tmp.c <- rep(tmp2[i, "person"], 4) 
    tmp.t <- rep(tmp2[i, "metric"], 4) 

    tmp.P <- rbind(tmp.P, data.frame(tmp.c, tmp.t, tmp.x, tmp.y)) 

    names(tmp.P) <- c("person", "metric", "x", "y") 

    #remove earlier dummy frame 
    tmp.P <- tail(tmp.P, -4) 

#Create plot 
ggplot(tmp) + 
    geom_circle(aes_string(x0='x', y0='value', r='r', fill='person', color = 'person')) + 
    geom_polygon(data=tmp.P, aes(x=x, y=y, fill=person, color = person)) + 
    facet_wrap(~metric, nrow=1, labeller = label_wrap_gen()) +  
    labs(y = "Example", fill="person") + 
    scale_fill_manual("person", values=colors) + 
    scale_color_manual("person", values=colors) + 
    coord_fixed() + 
    theme(legend.direction = "horizontal", 
     legend.position = "bottom", 
     legend.key = element_blank(), 
     legend.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "gray30"), 
     plot.title=element_text(hjust=.5, size=22), 
     axis.text.x = element_text(angle =90, hjust=1)) + 
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(.25,1,.25), labels = levels(tmp$person)) 

而且它的伟大工程 - Working Example

唯一的问题现在是取决于数值,图形被压扁 - 但我无法删除cord_fixed,因为那时圈子变得疯狂。


value = c(0.96, 0.96, 0.97, 0.99, 0.94, 0.96, 0.96, 0.98, 0.99, 0.95, 0.96, 0.99, 0.97, 0.91, 0.95, 0.97) 

Squashed Plot



是在涉及任何方式你的泪滴图表“小提琴“图表? – lebelinoz


@lebelinoz我认为他们想代表两个价值观之间的转变,而不是分配。 [与此类似](http://public.tableau.com/views/TeardropCharts/NewChart?:embed=y&:showVizHome=no&:display_count=y&:display_static_image=y&:bootstrapWhenNotified=true)我想。 – neilfws


谢谢@neilfws ...这就是我正在寻找待办事项,除了垂直而不是水平。 – MrGumbyO



tmp$x.origin <- as.numeric(tmp$person) * .25 # to use continuous x 
tmp$r <- abs(as.numeric(tmp$period) - 3) *.02 # vary radius by year 
tmp2 <- cbind(tmp[1:8,],tmp[9:16,c(4,6)]) # messy reshape... 
names(tmp2)[4:8] <- c("value.2016", "x.origin", "r.2016", "value.2017", "r.2017") 

ggplot(tmp) + geom_circle(aes(x0=x.origin, y0=value, r=r, fill=person, color = person, alpha = .3)) + 
    geom_segment(data = tmp2, aes(x = x.origin - r.2016, xend = x.origin - r.2017, y = value.2016, yend = value.2017, color = person)) + 
    geom_segment(data = tmp2, aes(x = x.origin + r.2016, xend = x.origin + r.2017, y = value.2016, yend = value.2017, color = person)) + 
    facet_wrap(~metric, nrow=1, labeller = label_wrap_gen()) + labs(y = "Dummy Example", fill="person") + coord_fixed() + theme(legend.position = "bottom") + 
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(.25,1,.25), labels = levels(tmp$person)) 

enter image description here


我早就放弃了优雅!这看起来对我来说是一个很好的开始。现在只有问题...关于如何填补这些细分市场之间的区域的想法? – MrGumbyO


谈论不优雅......我能够采取你所做的,创建多边形来填补它。谢谢@ 5ayat! – MrGumbyO


应该使用geom_polygon而不是geom_segment来创建具有原点的小梯形,并为4个点的圆和半径偏移量填充“人”。 – 5ayat



ggplot(tmp, aes(period, value, group=person, colour=person)) + 
    geom_line() + 
    geom_point() + 
    geom_text(data=tmp %>% group_by(person, metric) %>% arrange(period) %>% slice(1), 
      aes(label=person), position=position_nudge(x=-0.2)) + 
    facet_grid(. ~ metric) + 

enter image description here

ggplot(tmp, aes(period, value, colour=metric, group=metric)) + 
    geom_line(position=position_dodge(0.5)) + 
    geom_point(position=position_dodge(0.5)) + 
    facet_grid(. ~ person, scales="free_x") 

enter image description here


我同意这是一个更有效的可视化。如果你随着时间的推移寻找变化,那么时间就成为一个轴是有意义的。 – neilfws


欣赏@ epii10的创意......我们也有类似的观点来表示其他的变化和数据,但是为此我们确实希望能够做到其他的可视化。 – MrGumbyO