


public class PinballObject 
    private int currentXLocation; 
    private int currentYLocation; 
    private int speedXTravel; 
    private int speedYTravel; 
    private Color colour; 
    private int radius; 
    private Machine machine; 
    private final int leftWallPosition; 
    private final int bottomWallPosition; 
    private final int topWallPosition; 
    private final int rightWallPosition; 
    private ArrayList<PinballObject> PinballTypeOneList = new ArrayList<PinballObject>(); 

    * Constructor for objects of class Pinball_Obj 
    * @param xPos the horizontal coordinate of the object 
    * @param yPos the vertical coordinate of the object 
    * @param xVel the horizontal speed of the object 
    * @param yVel the vertical speed of the object 
    * @param objectRadius the radius (in pixels) of the object 
    * @param objectColor the color of the object 
    * @param theMachine the machine this object is in 
    public PinballObject(int xPos, int yPos, int xVel, int yVel, Color objectColor, int objectRadius, Machine theMachine) 
     currentXLocation = xPos; 
     currentYLocation = yPos; 
     speedXTravel = xVel; 
     speedYTravel = yVel; 
     colour = objectColor; 
     radius = objectRadius; 
     machine = theMachine; 
     leftWallPosition = machine.getLeftWall(); 
     bottomWallPosition = machine.getBottomWall(); 
     topWallPosition = machine.getTopWall(); 
     rightWallPosition = machine.getRightWall(); 

    public void makeType1() 
     PinballObject firstTypeOne = new PinballObject(50, 200, -5, 3, Color.RED, 10, machine); 

     PinballObject secondTypeOne = new PinballObject(100, 300, 1, 2, Color.BLUE, 55, machine); 

     PinballObject thirdTypeOne = new PinballObject(450, 125, -1, -1, Color.YELLOW, 40, machine); 

    * Move this object according to its position and speed and redraw. 
    public void move() 
     // remove from universe at the current position 

     // compute new position 
     currentYLocation += speedYTravel; 
     currentXLocation += speedXTravel; 

     // check if it has hit the leftwall + change color to orange only for the objects IN the arraylist 
     if(currentXLocation <= (leftWallPosition + radius)) 
      currentXLocation = leftWallPosition + radius; 
      speedXTravel = -speedXTravel; 

       colour = Color.ORANGE; 

      // draw again at new position 


您的if(this.equals(PinballTypeOneList))'将始终返回true。 – BladeMight


这是什么意思? – Heliangs


这意味着反弹后它将始终为橙色。这也意味着你在代码中没有任何'if'。 – BladeMight


public void move() 

    currentYLocation += speedYTravel; 
    currentXLocation += speedXTravel; 

    if(currentXLocation <= (leftWallPosition + radius)) 
     currentXLocation = leftWallPosition + radius; 
     speedXTravel = -speedXTravel; 
     for(PinballObject po : PinballTypeOneList) { //Iterating through list of PinballObject's 
      if(this.equals(po)) { // If this PinballObject is in list 
       colour = Color.ORANGE; // Or use po.colour 

,你需要覆盖,因为你使用自己定义的类(PinballObject)等于的hashCode方法,请参阅this question

我对你的问题PinballTypeOneList为什么它在PinballObject类?这意味着每一个PinballObject都有它,这听起来很糟糕...您需要制作PinballTypeOneList global然后在其中存储您的PinballObject s,或者您有特殊的理由这样做?
