


String carModel[] = {"A", "B", "C"}; //Names of cars 
int costPerDay[] = {100, 75, 250}; //Rental cost per day 
for(int x = 0; x < costPerDay.length-1; x++) { //Sort the Cost Per Day Array in descending order using bubble sort 
    for(int j = x + 1; j < costPerDay.length; j++) { 
     if(costPerDay[x] < costPerDay[j]) { 
      int t = costPerDay[x]; 
      costPerDay[x] = costPerDay[j]; 
      costPerDay[j] = t; 




'Arrays.toString()'? – dehasi


创建一个POJO和一个该类型的数组 - 然后对该数组进行排序。或者,每次交换'costPerDay' **也**交换'carModel'。 –

String carModel[] = {"A", "B", "C"}; //Names of cars 
    int costPerDay[] = {100, 75, 250}; //Rental cost per day 
    for(int x = 0; x < costPerDay.length-1; x++){ //Sort the Cost Per Day Array in descending order using bubble sort 
    for(int j = x + 1; j < costPerDay.length; j++){ 
    if(costPerDay[x] < costPerDay[j]){ 
    int t = costPerDay[x]; 
    String s = carModel[x]; 
    costPerDay[x] = costPerDay[j]; 
    costPerDay[j] = t; 
    carModel[x] = carModel[j]; 
    carModel[j] = s; 
for(int x = 0; x < carModel.length; x++){ 

非常感谢!我在这样一件容易的事情上打破了我的头!只是在最后一部分,它不应该是'carModel.length-1',而是'carModel.length'只有 –


你是对的,我纠正了它。 – Garlic


String carModel[] = {"A", "B", "C"}; //Names of cars 
    int costPerDay[] = {100, 75, 250}; //Rental cost per day 
    // Here's the trick - use an order array. 
    int order[] = {0,1,2}; 
    for(int x = 0; x < costPerDay.length-1; x++){ //Sort the Cost Per Day Array in descending order using bubble sort 
     for(int j = x + 1; j < costPerDay.length; j++){ 
      if(costPerDay[order[x]] < costPerDay[order[j]]){ 
       int t = order[x]; 
       order[x] = order[j]; 
       order[j] = t; 
