

我无法理解GTK#如何获取树视图的选定项目。 我的代码示例: 在这里,我在tvStockGtk#和treeview:如何获得“选择”项目?

 Gtk.TreeViewColumn marketCol = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn(); 
      marketCol.Title = "Market"; 


      Gtk.TreeIter iter = stockListStore.AppendValues ("Dax30");  

      stockListStore.AppendValues(iter, "Adidas"); 
      stockListStore.AppendValues(iter, "Commerzbank"); 

      iter = stockListStore.AppendValues ("Cac40");  
      stockListStore.AppendValues(iter, "Bnp Paribas"); 
      stockListStore.AppendValues(iter, "Veolia"); 

      iter = stockListStore.AppendValues ("FtseMib");  
      stockListStore.AppendValues(iter, "Fiat"); 
      stockListStore.AppendValues(iter, "Unicredit"); 

      tvstock.Model = stockListStore; 

      // Create the text cell that will display the artist name 
      Gtk.CellRendererText marketNameCell = new Gtk.CellRendererText(); 
      // Add the cell to the column 
      marketCol.PackStart (marketNameCell, true);  

      // Tell the Cell Renderers which items in the model to display 
      marketCol.AddAttribute (marketNameCell, "text", 0);   

在我OnTvstockRowActivated加载数据,我怎样才能得到所选行? 谢谢


protected virtual void OnTvstockRowActivated (object o, Gtk.RowActivatedArgs args) 
    var model = tvstock.Model; 
    TreeIter iter; 
    model.GetIter (out iter, args.Path); 
    var value = model.GetValue (iter, 0); 
    Console.WriteLine (value); 