在PHP中,这个错误意味着什么:Warning:ZipArchive :: close():读取错误:错误的文件描述符在(...)中?


我有一个PHP脚本,使拉链带2个功能:在PHP中,这个错误意味着什么:Warning:ZipArchive :: close():读取错误:错误的文件描述符在(...)中?

  1. dirToArray:让所有的文件/ empty_folders阵列中的
  2. create_zip:调用dirToArray(),使zipArchive



Warning: ZipArchive::close(): Read error: Bad file descriptor in path/to/file.php on line x

有人可以解释我是什么意思: “错误的文件描述符”?



/* to copy all file/folder names from a directory into an array*/ 
function dirToArray($dir_path) { 
    $result = array(); 
    $path = realpath($dir_path); 
    $objects = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); 
    foreach($objects as $name => $object) { 
     if($object->getFilename() !== "." && $object->getFilename() !== "..") { 
      $result[] = $object; 
    return $result; 


/* creates a compressed zip file */ 
function create_zip($productPath = '', $dirName = '', $overwrite = false) { 
    $fullProductPath = $productPath.$dirName; 
    $a_filesFolders = dirToArray($fullProductPath); 
    //if the zip file already exists and overwrite is false, return false 
    $zip = new \ZipArchive(); 
    $zipProductPath = $fullProductPath.'.zip'; 
    if($zip->open($zipProductPath) && !$overwrite){ 
     $GLOBALS["errors"][] = "The directory {$zipProductPath} already exists and cannot be removed."; 

    //if files were passed in... 
    if(is_array($a_filesFolders) && count($a_filesFolders)){ 
     $opened = $zip->open($zipProductPath, \ZipArchive::CREATE | \ZipArchive::OVERWRITE); 
     if($opened !== true){ 
      $GLOBALS["errors"][] = "Impossible to open {$zipProductPath} to edit it."; 

     //cycle through each file 
     foreach($a_filesFolders as $object) { 
      //make sure the file exists 
      $fileName = $object -> getFilename(); 
      $pathName = $object -> getPathname(); 
      if(file_exists($pathName)) { 
       $pos = strpos($zipProductPath , "/tmp/") + 5; 
       $fileDestination = substr($pathName, $pos); 
       echo $pathName.'<br/>'; 
       echo $fileDestination.'<br/>'; 
      else if(is_dir($pathName)){ 
       $pos = strpos($zipProductPath , "/tmp/") + 5; 
       $fileDestination = substr($pathName, $pos); 
       $GLOBALS["errors"][] = "the file ".$fileName." does not exist !"; 

     //close the zip -- done! 
     //check to make sure the file exists 
     return file_exists($zipProductPath); 
     return false; 

我的猜测是,打电话给'的open()'失败,然后您尝试关闭描述符,因为它一直没有拉开 –


我不存在检查:if($ opened!== true){GLOBALS [“errors”] [] =“无法打开{$ zipProductPath}进行编辑。 } –


是的,但它不会停止脚本的执行 –



/* creates a compressed zip file */ 
function create_zip($productPath = '', $dirName = '', $overwrite = false) { 
    $fullProductPath = $productPath.$dirName; 
    $a_filesFolders = dirToArray($fullProductPath); 
    //if the zip file already exists and overwrite is false, return false 
    $zip = new \ZipArchive(); 
    $zipProductPath = $fullProductPath.'.zip'; 

    if($zip->open($zipProductPath) && !$overwrite){ 
     $GLOBALS["errors"][] = "The directory {$zipProductPath} already exists and cannot be removed."; 
     return false; 
    //if files were passed in... 
    if(is_array($a_filesFolders) && count($a_filesFolders)){ 
     $opened = $zip->open($zipProductPath, \ZipArchive::CREATE | \ZipArchive::OVERWRITE); 
     if($opened !== true){ 
      $GLOBALS["errors"][] = "Impossible to open {$zipProductPath} to edit it."; 
      return false; 
      //cycle through each file 
      foreach($a_filesFolders as $object) { 
       //make sure the file exists 
       $fileName = $object -> getFilename(); 
       $pathName = $object -> getPathname(); 
       if(is_dir($pathName)){ /*<-- I put on first position*/ 
        $pos = strpos($zipProductPath , "/tmp/") + 5; 
        $fileDestination = substr($pathName, $pos); 
       }else if(file_exists($pathName)) { 
        $pos = strpos($zipProductPath , "/tmp/") + 5; 
        $fileDestination = substr($pathName, $pos); 
        $GLOBALS["errors"][] = "the file ".$fileName." does not exist !"; 

      //close the zip -- done! 
      //check to make sure the file exists 
      return file_exists($zipProductPath); 
     return false; 