

我正在通过一个基本的java课程,并且有一个非常困难的时间思考编程式的盟友,所以我忍受着这里。我应该编写一个程序,在用户定义的范围内总结所有的奇数 - 简单的权利?嗯,我认为我的代码已经算出来了,但数学总是出错。代替1到14等于19(1 + 3 + 5 ...)的范围,程序返回46.它只有3,所以我觉得我正在接近正确的代码。Java逻辑错误与基础数学


The value input is 14 
DEBUG: The current value of variable sum is: 4 
DEBUG: The current value of variable ctr is: 3 
DEBUG: The current value of variable sum is: 10 
DEBUG: The current value of variable ctr is: 7 
DEBUG: The current value of variable sum is: 22 
DEBUG: The current value of variable ctr is: 11 
DEBUG: The current value of variable sum is: 46 
DEBUG: The current value of variable ctr is: 15 
The sum of the odd numbers from 1 to 14 is 46 


public static void calcSumPrint(int topEndNumber) { 
    //calc and print sum of the odd number from 1 to top-end number 
    //uses loop to add odd numbers 
    //display results: range (eg: 1 to 13), sum of odd numbers 
     for (ctr = 1; ctr <= topEndNumber; ctr = ctr + 2) { 
      nextOddNumber = sum + 2; 
      sum = sum + nextOddNumber; 
      ctr = ctr + 2; 
      if (debug) { 
       System.out.println("DEBUG: The current value of variable sum is: " + sum); 
       System.out.println("DEBUG: The current value of variable ctr is: " + ctr); 

     System.out.println("The sum of the odd numbers from 1 to " + topEndNumber + " is " + sum); 

    }//end of calcSumPrint 


import java.util.Scanner; 

public class sumOdds { 
    static int topEndNumber = 0; 
    static int ctr = 0; 
    static int intermediateSum = 0; 
    static int sum = 1; 
    static boolean debug = true; 
    static int nextOddNumber = 0; 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     System.out.println("The value input is " + topEndNumber); 

    }//end of main 

    public static int getLimitNumber() { 
     //lets uer input top-end number to be used in program [X] 
     //catches exception if non-integer value is used [X] 
     //verifies that the input number has a value of at least 1 [ ] 
     //returns verified int to method caller [ ] 
     Scanner input = new Scanner(; 
     boolean done = false; 
     while (done != true) { 
      try { 
       System.out.println("Enter a positive whole top-end number to sum odds of:"); 
       topEndNumber = input.nextInt(); 
        if (topEndNumber <= 0){ 
         throw new NumberFormatException(); 
       done = true; 
      }//end of try 
      catch (Exception message) { 
       //put exception in here 
       System.out.println("Bad input, retry"); 
      }//end of catch 
     }//end of while 

     //to shut up eclipse 
     return topEndNumber; 

    }//end of getLimitNumber 

    public static void calcSumPrint(int topEndNumber) { 
    //calc and print sum of the odd number from 1 to top-end number 
    //uses loop to add odd numbers 
    //display results: range (eg: 1 to 13), sum of odd numbers 
     for (ctr = 1; ctr <= topEndNumber; ctr = ctr + 2) { 
      nextOddNumber = sum + 2; 
      sum = sum + nextOddNumber; 
      ctr = ctr + 2; 
      if (debug) { 
       System.out.println("DEBUG: The current value of variable sum is: " + sum); 
       System.out.println("DEBUG: The current value of variable ctr is: " + ctr); 

     System.out.println("The sum of the odd numbers from 1 to " + topEndNumber + " is " + sum); 

    }//end of calcSumPrint 

    public static int doAgain() { 
    //ask and verify the user wants to re-run program, return int 

    //to shut up eclipse 
     return 20000; 
    }//end of doAgain 

}//end of class 



为什么你递增ctr两次:ctr = ctr + 2; – 2015-03-19 00:46:25



sum = 0; 
for (ctr = 1; ctr <= topEndNumber; ctr = ctr + 2) { 
     sum += ctr; 



非常感谢,一旦我找到了它与我现有的代码相适合的方式,我就完全工作了。 – user132791 2015-03-19 21:40:08