


Sub news() 

    'activate sheets 

    'array of letters for the columns 
    Dim alpha(1 To 13) As String 
    alpha(1) = "a" 
    alpha(2) = "b" 
    alpha(3) = "c" 
    alpha(4) = "d" 
    alpha(5) = "e" 
    alpha(6) = "f" 
    alpha(7) = "g" 
    alpha(8) = "h" 
    alpha(9) = "i" 
    alpha(10) = "j" 
    alpha(11) = "k" 
    alpha(12) = "l" 
    alpha(13) = "m" 

    'array of sheets 
    Dim shets() As Sheets, sheetCount As Integer 
    Set shets(1) = Sheets("Sheet1") 
    Set shets(2) = Sheets("Sheet2") 
    Set shets(3) = Sheets("Sheet3") 
    Set shets(4) = Sheets("Sheet4") 

    'used to make sure i am not shifted and photos goes to photos, videos to videos, and compliance to compliance 
    Dim newShift As Integer 
    newShift = 7 

    'for loop counter variables 
    Dim i, j, k As Integer 

    'goes through the sheets 
    For i = 2 To sheetCount 
     'goes through the columns 
     For j = 3 To 7 Step 2 
      'goes through the rows 
      For k = 2 To ThisWorksheet.Rows.count 
       If (Sheets(shets(i - 1)).Cells(k, alpha(j)) = Sheets(shets(i)).Cells(k, alpha(j))) Then 
        Sheets(shets(i)).Cells(k, alpha(j + newShift)) = False 
       ElseIf (Sheets(shets(i - 1)).Cells(k, alpha(j)) < Sheets(shets(i)).Cells(k, alpha(j))) Then 
        Sheets(shets(i)).Cells(k, alpha(j + newShift)) = True 
        Sheets(shets(i)).Cells(k, alpha(j + newShift)) = "ERROR" 
       End If 
      newShift = newShift - 1 

End Sub 

您需要将其声明为'点心shets(1〜4)为Worksheet'(我想这是一个'Worksheet'您正在使用,而不是一个'Chart' - 如果你不知道,使用'Dim Shets(1 To 4)As Sheet' - 但绝对不是'As Sheets') – YowE3K


如果您想将其尺寸设置为'sheetCount'的位置,请使用Dim sts()As Worksheet',然后在确定'sheetCount'的值,使用'ReDim shets(1 To sheetCount)As Worksheet'。 – YowE3K


FWIW - 'alpha(j)'可以替换为'j',同样,'alpha(j + newShift)'可以替换为'j + newShift'。你有一个你从未声明或设置过的对象('ThisWorksheet')。而'Sheet1.Activate'' Sheet2.Activate''Sheet3.Activate''Sheet4.Activate''可以被'Sheet4.Activate'替代,甚至可能不需要。 – YowE3K



Sub news() 
    ' No need to activate sheets 
    ' No need for array of letters for the columns: '.Cells(row,col)' can take a number for 'col' 
    ' Integers replaced by Longs, no real incentive to use Integer type and Long can be larger 

    ' Array of sheets: use WorkSheet objects, not a Sheets object 
    Dim shets() As WorkSheet 
    ' Remember to assign a value to sheetCount 
    Dim sheetCount As Long: sheetCount = 4 
    ' Must declare the size of your array, this method keeps it generic 
    ' could have used 'Dim shets(1 To 4) As WorkSheet' 
    Dim n As Long 
    ReDim shets(1 To sheetCount) 
    ' Keeping with generic theme, loop over shets to define sheets, makes expanding easier 
    For n = 1 To sheetCount 
     ' Fully qualify sheets by using workbook object 
     Set shets(n) = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet" & n) 
    Next n 
    ' Used to make sure photos goes to photos, videos to videos, and compliance to compliance 
    Dim newShift As Long: newShift = 7 
    ' For loop counter variables: Must specify EACH type, 'Dim i, j, k As Long' declares i and j as Variants 
    Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long 
    ' Go through the sheets 
    For i = 2 To sheetCount 
     ' Go through the columns 
     For j = 3 To 7 Step 2 
      ' Go through the rows. Don't just use '.Rows' object as that includes all unused rows in sheet! 
      ' Also using one of the sheet objects, as 'ThisWorksheet' doesn't exist 
      For k = 2 To shets(i).UsedRange.Rows.Count 
       ' Don't access sheet objects using 'Sheets(shets(..))', simply use 'shets(..)' 
       If shets(i - 1).Cells(k, j) = shets(i).Cells(k, j) Then 
        shets(i).Cells(k, j + newShift).Value = False 
       ElseIf shets(i - 1).Cells(k, j) < shets(i).Cells(k, j) Then 
        shets(i).Cells(k, j + newShift).Value = True 
        shets(i).Cells(k, j + newShift).Value = "ERROR" 
       End If 
      newShift = newShift - 1 
End Sub 

一旦引起我的注意,我很难纠正除真正问题之外的问题,所以非常感谢您解决这些问题。但我仍然错误9在ReDim安士(1到nSheets) –


啊,这是我的错字,我应该改变一个变量名。我已经更新了我的代码,只需将'nSheets'(不存在)更改为'sheetCount'!考虑将这个答案标记为接受,如果它帮助你:) – Wolfie


只要代码完全正常工作,我会绝对接受它,但是我仍然遇到错误9以及WorksheetsSheet上的错误。你能解释一下WorksheetsSheet是什么,也许为什么我得到这个错误9? –