DBI1131E The user ID ERROR: i


一开始觉得问题应该不大,当然备份也已经做了,没曾想./installFixPack 命令发出后,漫长等待了执行到step 50,卡了很久(我这是DB2 V11.1),



root:/db2data/universal # ./installFixPack -b /opt/ibm/db2/V11.1
DBI1131E  The user ID ERROR: is invalid.


An attempt to access the given user ID failed. One of the following
situations has occurred:

*  This user ID does not exist on the system.

*  The home directory of this user does not exist or is not set up

*  One of the user attributes needed by the database manager is unset.

*  The UID of this user is 0

User response:

Make sure a valid user ID with valid home directory, shell, primary
group and secondary group has been used. Create a new user if necessary.

   Related information:
   Creating group and user IDs for a DB2 database installation (Linux
   and UNIX)
   DB2 users and groups (Linux and UNIX)
The user ID ERROR: is invalid. 这是什么鬼!这究竟啥意思。。。



db2inst1@myserver:~> db2ilist
ERROR:  The embedded runtime path in /opt/ibm/db2/V11.1/bin/db2 is incorrect:

ACTION: Please run /opt/ibm/db2/V11.1/install/db2chgpath and rerun the previous command.
        Contact IBM Support if the problem persists.

各位请注意这句话,我一开始开到一堆东西晕得,差点漏掉,导致我在尝试做db2idrop也是报错,回头来仔细看才发现有这么一句话! 划重点。


root:/opt/ibm/db2/V11.1/instance # /opt/ibm/db2/V11.1/install/db2chgpath
The output will be saved in /db2data/tmp/db2chgpath.log.18982
Starting the update of runtime path ...
Sat Oct 26 23:00:52 AEDT 2019

Changing the embedded runtime path for DB2 deliverables installed
under /opt/ibm/db2/V11.1 from /opt/ibm/db2/V11.1/ to /opt/ibm/db2/V11.1/
---> Please wait


  Output was saved in the log file /db2data/tmp/db2chgpath.log.18982
Sat Oct 26 23:10:23 AEDT 2019
Program db2chgpath completed successfully.


回过头进入实例,执行db2ilist, 哎! 这次那对乱七八糟的东西不见了。

root:/opt/ibm/db2/V11.1/instance #   su - db2inst1
db2inst1@myserver:~> db2ilist
db2inst1@myserver:~> logout

那我们再执行一次安装。鉴于前面安装了一半,这里需要加上-f level强制其在同版本中覆盖安装。

(这里有个要注意的地方,如果你没有export tmp的路径,可能你当前的tmp目录会有权限不够的情况,建议先提前创建一个tmp,并export到指定的临时目录)

myserver:/opt/ibm/db2/V11.1/instance # cd /db2data/universal/

myserver:/db2data/universal # export DB2TMPDIR=/db2data/tmp
myserver:/db2data/universal # ./installFixPack -f level -b /opt/ibm/db2/V11.1
Do you want to choose a different installation directory for the fix pack? [yes/no]


DBI1017I  installFixPack is updating the database products installed in
      location /opt/ibm/db2/V11.1.

DB2 installation is being initialized.
