


void dateSplit(int date, int& year, int& day, int& mon) 
    // date % 10000 is a floating point value but i put it into an int to cut the back off 
    date % 10000 = year; 




int main() 
    // Variable Declarations 
    string airportCode, lat, longitude, timeZone; 
    int date; 
    char contin = 'Y'; 
    while (contin == 'Y' || contin == 'y') 
     // Ask User for Airport Code 
     cout << "Please Enter an Airport Code: "; 
     cin >> airportCode; 

     //Call to retrieve information 
     retrieveFromFile(airportCode, lat, longitude, timeZone); 

     //Call for date 
     cout << endl << "Please Enter a date(yyyy/mm/dd): "; 
     cin >> date; 

     // Continue running program? 
     cout << endl << "Would you like to continue? (Y/N): "; 
     cin >> contin; 



 void dateSplit(int date, int& year, int& day, int& mon) 
     // Ex. if date is 20150623, then it takes that number 
     // moves the decimal place over four digits 
     // then cuts off after the decimal point 
     // leaving just the first four digits 
     year = date/10000; 
     date %= 10000; 
     mon = date/100; 
     day = date % 100; 

     cout << endl << "Year: " << year 
      << endl << "Day : " << day 
      << endl << "Month:" << mon; 


这是'日期'来自哪里? – BeyelerStudios 2015-01-15 17:47:04


yyyy/mm/dd不是整数。你实际上从用户那里得到了什么? – pm100 2015-01-15 17:47:17


从用户,我将编辑我的帖子,并包括我的主要功能 – user2311215 2015-01-15 17:47:46


year = date % 10000; 
date /= 10000; 
month = date % 100; 
day = date/100; 

没有正确地分割它 – user2311215 2015-01-15 18:33:12


我修改了我的代码最新编辑。但是,由于你回答了问题,因此将你标记为回答者。 – user2311215 2015-01-15 18:41:10