Python-代码优化帮助 - 查找字

Python-代码优化帮助 - 查找字


我解决了使用这个(效率极其低下的方法)问题的所有字典,有效字谜游戏:Python-代码优化帮助 - 查找字

def createList(word, wordList): 
    #Made a set, because for some reason permutations was returning duplicates. 
    #Returns all permutations if they're in the wordList 

    return set([''.join(item) for item in itertools.permutations(word) if ''.join(item) in wordList]) 

def main(): 

    a = open('C:\\Python32\\megalist.txt', 'r+') 
    wordList = [line.strip() for line in a] 
    maximum = 0 
    length = 0 
    maxwords = "" 

    for words in wordList: 
     permList = createList(words, wordList) 
     length = len(permList) 
     if length > maximum: 
      maximum = length 
      maxwords = permList 
    print (maximum, maxwords) 



def wordIterator(dictionaryFilename): 
    with open(dictionaryFilename,'r') as f: 
     for line in f: 
      word = line.strip() 
      yield word 

def largestAnagram(words): 
    import collections 
    d = collections.defaultdict(list) 
    for word in words: 
     sortedWord = str(sorted(word)) 
     d[ hash(sortedWord) ].append(word) 
    maxKey = max(d.keys(), key = lambda k : len(d[k])) 
    return d[maxKey] 

iter = wordIterator('C:\\Python32\\megalist.txt') 
#iter = (word for word in iter if len(word) == 5) 
print largestAnagram(iter) 



key关键字参数为max可让您根据谓词查找集合中的最大元素。所以语句maxKey = max(d.keys(), key = lambda k : len(d[k]))是一个简洁的python表达式,用于回答查询,给出了字典中的键,哪个键具有最大长度的关联值?。在这方面,以max该呼叫可能已被写入(更冗长)为valueWithMaximumLength(d),其中该功能被定义为:

def valueWithMaximumLength(dictionary): 
    maxKey = None 
    for k, v in dictionary.items(): 
     if not maxKey or len(dictionary[maxKey]) < len(v): 
      maxKey = k 
    return maxKey 

+1不错的展示实际问题如何在数据采集步骤中解决,这使查找/查询步骤几乎微不足道。强调初始数据表示的影响。 – ThomasH 2011-05-21 11:27:31


这太棒了;我理解这个想法,尽管我很困惑这些行具体做什么: d [hash(sortedWord)] .append(word) maxKey = max(d.keys(),key = lambda k:len(d [k])) 你能解释一下 – Parseltongue 2011-05-21 20:18:34


@Parseltongue,我希望编辑回答你的问题 – 2011-05-22 05:03:36



下一个显而易见的优化是,一旦你测试了一个单词,你可以从wordList中删除它的所有排列,因为它们将在createList中给出完全相同的设置。如果一切都用set s完成,那么这是一个非常简单的操作 - 实际上,您只需使用二进制减号。


这肯定是有帮助的,但接受的答案是更加优化。 – Parseltongue 2011-05-21 20:41:46

没有必要做所有的排列,这是浪费内存和CPU。 所以,首先你的字典中应保持在一个二叉树,像这样:

e.g. Dict = ['alex', 'noise', 'mother', 'xeal', 'apple', 'google', 'question'] 

    Step 1: find the "middle" word for the dictionary, e.g. "mother", because "m" 
      is somewhere in the middle of the English alphabet 
      (this step is not necessary, but it helps to balance the tree a bit) 

    Step 2: Build the binary tree: 

      / \ 
      /  \ 
     alex   noise 
      \   /\ 
      \  / \ 
      apple question xeal 

    Step 3: start looking for an anagram by permutations: 
    alex: 1. "a"... (going deeper into binary tree, we find a word 'apple') 
     1.1 # of, course we should omit apple, because len('apple') != len('alex') 
      # but that's enough for an example: 
     2. Check if we can build word "pple" from "lex": ("a" is already reserved!) 
      -- there is no "p" in "lex", so skipping, GOTO 1    
     1. "l"... - nothing begins with "l"... 
     1. "l"... - nothing begins with "e"... 
     1. "x" - going deeper, "xeal" found 
     2. Check if "eal" could be built from "ale" ("x" is already reserved) 
      for letter in "eal": 
       if not letter in "ale": 
        return False 
      return True 


