架构和链接器错误的未定义符号 - 无法找出为什么


我必须复制并展开数据结构类的一些代码。它是一个链接列表的模板,作为ADT。我遇到了一些错误,但花了几个小时看看它们是什么并梳理了我的代码之后,我无法为我的生活弄清楚我错过了什么。我见过其他人发布过关于同样的错误,但看看他们的代码出了什么问题,我似乎没有这些问题 - 或者如果我这样做,我完全忽视它。架构和链接器错误的未定义符号 - 无法找出为什么


#ifndef nodeType_h 
#define nodeType_h 

template<class Type> 
struct nodeType 
    Type info; 
    nodeType<Type> *link; 

#endif /* nodeType_h */ 

#ifndef LinkedList_h 
#define LinkedList_h 

#include "LinkedListIterator.h" 
#include "nodeType.h" 

template <class Type> 
class LinkedList 
    const LinkedList<Type>& operator=(const LinkedList<Type>&); 
    // Function to overload the assignment operator. 

    void initializeList(); 
    // Function to initialize like to an empty state. 
    // Precondition: A full list is passed for clearing. 
    // Postcondition: first = NULL, last = NULL, count = 0; 

    bool isEmptyList() const; 
    // Function to determine whether or not the list is empty. 
    // Precondition: 
    // Postcondition: Returns true if the list is empty, false otherwise. 

    void print() const; 
    // Function to display data in each node. 
    // Precondition: Function is called. 
    // Postcondition: None. 

    int length() const; 
    // Function to return the number of nodes in the list. 
    // Precondition: 
    // Postcondition: The value of count is returned. 

    void destroyList(); 
    // Function to delete all the nodes from the list. 
    // Precondition: 
    // Postcondition: first = NULL, last = NULL, count = 0; 

    Type front() const; 
    // Function to return the first element of the list. 
    // Precondition: The list must exist and must not be empty. 
    // Postcondition: If the list is empty, the program terminates. Otherwise, 
    //    the first element of the list is returned. 

    Type back() const; 
    // Function to return the last element of the list. 
    // Precondition: The list must exist and must not be empty. 
    // Postcondition: If the list is empty, the program terminates. Otherwise, 
    //    the last element of the list is returned. 

    virtual bool search(const Type& searchItem) const = 0; 
    // Function to determine whether or not the searchItem is in the list. 
    // Precondition: 
    // Postcondition: Returns true if searchItem is in the list, false otherwise. 

    virtual void insertFirst(const Type& newItem) = 0; 
    // Function to insert newItem at the beginning of the list. 
    // Precondition: 
    // Postcondition: first points to the new list, newItem is inserted at the 
    //    beginning of the list, last points to the last node in the 
    //    list, and count is incremented by 1. 

    virtual void insertLast(const Type& newItem) = 0; 
    // Function to insert newItem at the beginning of the list. 
    // Precondition: 
    // Postcondition: first points to the new list, newItem is inserted at the 
    //    end of the list, last points to the last node in the 
    //    list, and count is incremented by 1. 

    virtual void deleteNode(const Type& deleteItem) = 0; 
    // Function to delete deleteItem from the list. 
    // Precondition: 
    // Postcondition: If found, the node containing deleteItem is deleted from 
    //    the list. first points to the first node, last points to the 
    //    last node of the updated list, and coint is decremented by 1. 

    LinkedListIterator<Type> begin(); 
    // Function to return an iterator at the beginning of the linked list. 
    // Precondition: 
    // Postcondition: Returns an iterator such that current is set to first. 

    LinkedListIterator<Type> end(); 
    // Function to return an iterator one element past the last element of the linked list. 
    // Precondition: 
    // Postcondition: Returns an iterator such that current is set to NULL. 

    // Default constructor initializes list to an empty state. 
    // Precondition: 
    // Postcondition: first = NULL, last = NULL, count = 0; 

    LinkedList(const LinkedList<Type>& otherList); 
    // Copy constructor. 

    // Destructor deletes all the nodes from the list. 
    // Precondition: 
    // Postcondition: The list object is destoryed. 


    int count; // Variable to store the number of list elements. 

    nodeType<Type> *first; // Pointer to the first node of the list. 
    nodeType<Type> *last; // Pointer to the last node of the list. 

    void copyList(const LinkedList<Type>& otherList); 
    // Function to make copy of otherList. 
    // Postcondition: A copy of otherList is created and assigned to the list. 

#endif /* LinkedList_h */ 

#include "LinkedList.h" 
#include "LinkedListIterator.h" 
#include "nodeType.h" 
#include <iostream> 

template <class Type> 
const LinkedList<Type>& LinkedList<Type>::operator=(const LinkedList<Type>& otherList) 
    if(this != otherList)  // Avoid self-copy. 

    return *this; 

template <class Type> 
void LinkedList<Type>::initializeList() 
    destroyList();    // If the list has any nodes, delete them. 

template <class Type> 
bool LinkedList<Type>::isEmptyList() const 
    return first == NULL; 

template <class Type> 
void LinkedList<Type>::print() const 
    nodeType<Type> *current; // Pointer to traverse the list. 

    current = first;   // Point current to the first node. 

    while(current != NULL)  // While there is data to print. 
     std::cout << current->info << " "; 
     current = current->link; 

template <class Type> 
int LinkedList<Type>::length() const 
    return count; 

template <class Type> 
void LinkedList<Type>::destroyList() 
    nodeType<Type> *temp;  // Pointer to deallocate memory occupied by the node. 

    while(first != NULL)  // While there are nodes in the list. 
     temp = first;   // Set temp to current node. 
     first = first->link; // Advance first to the next node. 
     delete temp;   // Deallocate memory occupied by temp. 

    last = nullptr;    // Initialize last to NULL. 

    count = 0;     // Set count to 0. 

template <class Type> 
Type LinkedList<Type>::front() const 
    assert(first != NULL); 

    return first->info;   // Return the info of the first node. 

template <class Type> 
Type LinkedList<Type>::back() const 
    assert(last != NULL); 

    return last->info;   // Return the info of the last node. 

template <class Type> 
bool LinkedList<Type>::search(const Type& searchItem) const 


template <class Type> 
void LinkedList<Type>::insertFirst(const Type& newItem) 


template <class Type> 
void LinkedList<Type>::insertLast(const Type& newItem) 


template <class Type> 
void LinkedList<Type>::deleteNode(const Type& deleteItem) 


template <class Type> 
LinkedListIterator<Type> LinkedList<Type>::begin() 
    LinkedListIterator<Type> temp(first); 

    return temp; 

template <class Type> 
LinkedListIterator<Type> LinkedList<Type>::end() 
    LinkedListIterator<Type> temp(NULL); 

    return temp; 

template <class Type> 
    first = NULL; 
    last = NULL; 
    count = 0; 

template <class Type> 
LinkedList<Type>::LinkedList(const LinkedList<Type>& otherList) 
    first = NULL; 

template <class Type> 

template <class Type> 
void LinkedList<Type>::copyList(const LinkedList<Type>& otherList) 
    nodeType<Type> *newNode;     // Pointer to create a node. 
    nodeType<Type> *currentNode;    // Pointer to traverse the list. 

    if(first != NULL)       // If the list is not empty, empty it. 

    if(otherList.first == NULL)     // If otherList is empty. 
     first = NULL; 
     last = NULL; 
     count = 0; 
     currentNode = otherList.first;   // currentNode points to the list to be copied. 

     count = otherList.count; 

     // Copy the first node. 
     first = new nodeType<Type>;    // Create the node. 
     first->info = currentNode->info;  // Copy the info. 
     first->link = NULL;      // Set link to NULL. 
     last = first;       // Make last point to first node. 
     currentNode = currentNode->link;  // Make currentNode point to the next node. 

     // Copy the rest of the list. 
     while(currentNode != NULL) 
      newNode = new nodeType<Type>;  // Create a new node. 
      newNode = currentNode->info;  // Copy the info. 
      newNode->link = NULL;    // Set newNode link to NULL.  
      last->link = newNode;    // Attach newNode to end of list. 
      last = newNode;      // Make last point to last node. 
      currentNode = currentNode->link; // Make currentNode point to the next node. 

#ifndef LinkedListIterator_h 
#define LinkedListIterator_h 

#include "nodeType.h" 

template<class Type> 
class LinkedListIterator 
    // Default constructor. 
    // Precondition: 
    // Postcondition: current = NULL; 

    LinkedListIterator(nodeType<Type> *ptr); 
    // Constructor that accepts a nodeType object and points current to it. 
    // Precondition: 
    // Postcondition: current = ptr; 

    Type operator*(); 
    // Function to overload the dereferencing operator *. 
    // Precondition: 
    // Postcondition: Returns the info contained in the node. 

    LinkedListIterator<Type> operator++(); 
    // Function to overload the preincrement operator. 
    // Precondition: 
    // Postcondition: The iterator is advanced to the next node. 

    bool operator==(const LinkedListIterator<Type>& right) const; 
    // Function to overload the equality operator. 
    // Precondition: 
    // Postcondition: Returns true if this iterator is equal to the iterator 
    //    specified by the right, false otherwise. 

    bool operator!=(const LinkedListIterator<Type>& right) const; 
    // Function to overload the not equal to operator. 
    // Precondition: 
    // Postcondition: Returns true if this iterator is not equal to the iterator 
    //    specified by the right, false otherwise. 

    nodeType<Type> *currentNode;  // Pointer to point to the current node in the list. 

#endif /* LinkedListIterator_h */ 

#include "LinkedListIterator.h" 
#include <iostream> 

template <class Type> 
    currentNode = NULL; 

template <class Type> 
LinkedListIterator<Type>::LinkedListIterator(nodeType<Type> *ptr) 
    currentNode = ptr; 

template <class Type> 
Type LinkedListIterator<Type>::operator*() 
    return currentNode->info; 

template <class Type> 
LinkedListIterator<Type> LinkedListIterator<Type>::operator++() 
    currentNode = currentNode->link; 

template <class Type> 
bool LinkedListIterator<Type>::operator==(const LinkedListIterator<Type> &right) const 
    return (currentNode == right.currentNode); 

template <class Type> 
bool LinkedListIterator<Type>::operator!=(const LinkedListIterator<Type> &right) const 
    return (currentNode != right.currentNode); 

#ifndef UnorderedLinkedList_h 
#define UnorderedLinkedList_h 

#include "LinkedList.h" 
#include "nodeType.h" 
#include <iostream> 

template <class Type> 
class UnorderedLinkedList: public LinkedList<Type> 
    bool search(const Type& searchItem) const; 
    // Function to determine whether or not the searchItem is in the list. 
    // Precondition: 
    // Postcondition: Returns true if searchItem is in the list, false otherwise. 

    void insertFirst(const Type& newItem); 
    // Function to insert newItem at the beginning of the list. 
    // Precondition: 
    // Postcondition: first points to the new list, newItem is inserted at the 
    //    beginning of the list, last points to the last node in the 
    //    list, and count is incremented by 1. 

    void insertLast(const Type& newItem); 
    // Function to insert newItem at the beginning of the list. 
    // Precondition: 
    // Postcondition: first points to the new list, newItem is inserted at the 
    //    end of the list, last points to the last node in the 
    //    list, and count is incremented by 1. 

    void deleteNode(const Type& deleteItem); 
    // Function to delete deleteItem from the list. 
    // Precondition: 
    // Postcondition: If found, the node containing deleteItem is deleted from 
    //    the list. first points to the first node, last points to the 
    //    last node of the updated list, and coint is decremented by 1. 

#endif /* UnorderedLinkedList_h */ 

#include <stdio.h> 
#include "UnorderedLinkedList.h" 

template <class Type> 
bool UnorderedLinkedList<Type>::search(const Type &searchItem) const 
    nodeType<Type> *currentNode;    // Pointer to traverse the list. 
    bool found = false; 

    currentNode = LinkedList<Type>::first;  // Set currentNode to point to the first node in the list. 

    while(currentNode != NULL && !found)  // Search the list. 
     if(currentNode->info == searchItem)  // If seachItem is found. 
      found = true; 
      currentNode = currentNode->link; // Makes current point to the next node. 

template <class Type> 
void UnorderedLinkedList<Type>::insertFirst(const Type &newItem) 
    nodeType<Type> *newNode;     // Pointer to create the new node. 

    newNode = new nodeType<Type>;    // Create the new node. 
    newNode->info = newItem;     // Store the new item in the node. 
    newNode->link = LinkedList<Type>::first;    // Insert newNode before first. 
    LinkedList<Type>::first = newNode;      // Make first point to the actual first node. 
    LinkedList<Type>::count++;        // Increment count. 

    if(LinkedList<Type>::last == NULL)      // If the list was empty, newNode is also the last node. 
     LinkedList<Type>::last = newNode; 

template <class Type> 
void UnorderedLinkedList<Type>::insertLast(const Type &newItem) 
    nodeType<Type> *newNode;     // Pointer to create the new node. 

    newNode = new nodeType<Type>;    // Create the new node. 
    newNode->info = newItem;     // Store the new item in the node. 
    newNode->link = NULL;      // Set the link of newNode to NULL. 

    if(LinkedList<Type>::first == NULL)      // If the list is empty, insert newNode after last. 
     LinkedList<Type>::first = newNode; 
     LinkedList<Type>::last = newNode; 
     LinkedList<Type>::count++;       // Increment count. 
     LinkedList<Type>::last->link = newNode;    // Insert newNode after last. 
     LinkedList<Type>::last = newNode;     // Make last point to the actual last node in the list. 
     LinkedList<Type>::count++;       // Increment count. 

template <class Type> 
void UnorderedLinkedList<Type>::deleteNode(const Type &deleteItem) 
    nodeType<Type> *currentNode;    // Pointer for traversing the list. 
    nodeType<Type> *trailCurrent;    // Pointer just before current. 
    bool found; 

    if(LinkedList<Type>::first == NULL) 
     std::cout << "Cannot delete from an empty list.\n"; 
     if(this->first->info == deleteItem) 
      currentNode = LinkedList<Type>::first; 
      LinkedList<Type>::first = LinkedList<Type>::first->link; 

      if(LinkedList<Type>::first == NULL) 
       LinkedList<Type>::last = NULL; 

      delete currentNode; 
     else         // Search the list for the node with the given info. 
      found = false; 
      trailCurrent = LinkedList<Type>::first;   // Set trailCurrent to point to the first node. 
      currentNode = LinkedList<Type>::first->link; // Set currentNode to point to the second node. 

      while(currentNode != NULL && !found) 
       if(currentNode->info != deleteItem) 
        trailCurrent = currentNode; 
        currentNode = currentNode->link; 
        found = true; 

     if(found)       // If found, delete the node. 
      trailCurrent->link = currentNode->link; 

      if(LinkedList<Type>::ast == currentNode) // Node to be deleted was the last node. 
       LinkedList<Type>::last = trailCurrent; // Update the value of last. 

      delete currentNode;    // Delete the node from the list. 
      std::cout << "The item to be deleted is not in the list.\n"; 

#include <iostream> 
#include "stdio.h" 
#include "UnorderedLinkedList.h" 

int main() 
UnorderedLinkedList<int> list1, list2; 
int num; 

for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) 
    std::cout << "Enter a number: "; 
    std::cin >> num; 
    std::cout << std::endl; 

    if(i == 0) 


return 0; 


Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: 
    "LinkedList<int>::LinkedList()", referenced from: 
     UnorderedLinkedList<int>::UnorderedLinkedList() in main.o 
    "LinkedList<int>::~LinkedList()", referenced from: 
     UnorderedLinkedList<int>::~UnorderedLinkedList() in main.o 
    "UnorderedLinkedList<int>::deleteNode(int const&)", referenced from: 
     vtable for UnorderedLinkedList<int> in main.o 
    "UnorderedLinkedList<int>::insertLast(int const&)", referenced from: 
     _main in main.o 
     vtable for UnorderedLinkedList<int> in main.o 
    "UnorderedLinkedList<int>::insertFirst(int const&)", referenced from: 
     _main in main.o 
     vtable for UnorderedLinkedList<int> in main.o 
    "LinkedList<int>::print() const", referenced from: 
     _main in main.o 
    "UnorderedLinkedList<int>::search(int const&) const", referenced from: 
     vtable for UnorderedLinkedList<int> in main.o 
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64 
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) 

