天气地下API - 帮助推算未来 - 的Javascript


我试图用这个来从天气地下API 3天的天气预报:天气地下API - 帮助推算未来 - 的Javascript

var Forcast = parsed_json['forecast']['txt_forecast']['period'][0]['fcttext_metric']; 


"forecast": { 
"txt_forecast": { 
"date": "2:00 PM PDT", 
"forecastday": [{ 
"period": 0, 
"icon": "partlycloudy", 
"icon_url": "http://icons-ak.wxug.com/i/c/k/partlycloudy.gif", 
"title": "Tuesday", 
"fcttext": "Partly cloudy in the morning, then clear. High of 68F. Breezy. Winds from the West at 10 to 25 mph.", 
"fcttext_metric": "Partly cloudy in the morning, then clear. High of 20C. Windy. Winds from the West at 20 to 35 km/h.", 
"pop": "0" 
}, { 



你看到什么问题? – ThinkingStiff


如果我使用我说我试过的代码..我什么也没得到:如果我只是使用这个 'var Forcast = parsed_json ['forecast'] ['fcttext_metric'];' 然后其他命令工作,但我没有得到任何预测的信息 – ChristopherStrydom


jQuery('#GetWeather').click(function() { 
var PostCode=" "; 
$.ajax({ url : "http://api.wunderground.com/api/2508132ae0c7601a/geolookup/forecast/q/UK/"+PostCode +".json", 
dataType : "jsonp", 
success : function(parsed_json) { 

var Forcast = parsed_json['forecast']['simpleforecast']['forecastday']; 

for (index in Forcast) { 
var imageurl = "http://....."; 
/* Weather Box 0 Day 1, 1st period */ 
$('#GetWeatherTempHigh').html('High of '+Forcast[0]['high']['celsius']+'&#8451'); 
$('#GetWeatherTempLow').html('Low of '+Forcast[0]['low']['celsius']+'&#8451'); 
$('#GetWeatherMaxWind').html('Max Wind '+Forcast[0]['maxwind']['mph']+' Mph'); 
$('#GetWeatherAveWind').html('Average Wind '+Forcast[0]['avewind']['mph']+' Mph'); 
$('#GetWeatherWindDir').html('Wind Direction '+Forcast[0]['avewind']['dir']); 
$('#GetWeatherHumidityA').html('Average '+Forcast[0]['avehumidity']+'%');