Ç - 隐窝() - 代码需要更长的时间,用5环或多于4个环,但使用相同的参数/散列


我正在称为CS50的EDX当然执行。也许你们有些人很熟悉它。Ç - 隐窝() - 代码需要更长的时间,用5环或多于4个环,但使用相同的参数/散列







#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 

#include <stdio.h> 
#include <unistd.h> 
#include <string.h> 

    Use this to compile 

    clang -ggdb3 -O0 -std=c11 -Wall -Werror -Wshadow crack4.c -lcrypt -lm -o crack4 


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    if (argc != 2) //Checks if number of command-line arguments is valid 
     printf ("usage: ./crack + hash \n"); 
     return 1; //Retuns 1 (error) 

    char *hash = argv[1]; //Gets hash passed as argument 

    char salt[3]; //Gets the salt 
    salt[0] = hash[0]; 
    salt[1] = hash[1]; 
    salt[2] = '\0'; 

    //All possible characters used in a DES-based hashed password (taken from gnu library) 
    const char *const seedchars = " ./ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; 

    char text[9] = "\0"; //Text that is gonna be tried with crypt() 

    for (int d = 0; d <= 64 ; d++) //To check for passwords of up to 4 characters 
     printf("d %d \n", d); 
     if(d > 0) 
      text[4] = '\0'; //Defining null-terminator at index 4  
      text[3] = seedchars[d]; //Iterates through the seedchars list at index 3 

     for (int c = 0; c <= 64 ; c++) //To check for passwords of up to 3 characters 
      if(c > 0) 
       if (d == 0) 
        text[3] = '\0'; //Defining null-terminator at index 3 
       text[2] = seedchars[c]; //Iterates through the seedchars list at index 2 

      for (int b = 0; b <= 64 ; b++) //To check for passwords of up to 2 characters 
       if(b > 0) 
        if (c == 0 && d == 0) 
         text[2] = '\0'; //Defining null-terminator at index 2 
        text[1] = seedchars[b]; //Iterates through the seedchars list at index 1 

       for (int a = 0; a <= 64 ; a++) //To check for passwords of up to 1 character 
        if(b == 0 && c == 0 && d == 0) 
         text[1] = '\0'; //Defining null-terminator at index 1 

        text[0] = seedchars[a]; //Iterates through the seedchars list at index 0 

        char *password = crypt(text, salt); //Hash var text and save it to var password 

        if (strcmp(hash, password) == 0) //Compares the hash passed as argv with created above 
         printf("%s\n", text); //prints the text that led to said hash 
         return 0; //Returns 0 (okay) 

    return 1; //Retuns 1 (error) 


#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 

#include <stdio.h> 
#include <unistd.h> 
#include <string.h> 

    Use this to compile 

    clang -ggdb3 -O0 -std=c11 -Wall -Werror -Wshadow crack.c -lcrypt -lm -o crack 


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    if (argc != 2) //Checks if number of command-line arguments is valid 
     printf ("usage: ./crack + hash \n"); 
     return 1; //Retuns 1 (error) 

    char *hash = argv[1]; //Gets hash passed as argument 

    char salt[3]; //Gets the salt 
    salt[0] = hash[0]; 
    salt[1] = hash[1]; 
    salt[2] = '\0'; 

    //All possible characters used in a DES-based hashed password (taken from gnu library) 
    const char *const seedchars = "./ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; 

    char text[9] = "\0"; //Text that is gonna be tried with crypt() 

    for (int h = 0; h <= 64 ; h++) //To check for passwords of up to 8 characters 
     if(h > 0) 
      text[8] = '\0'; //Defining null-terminator at index 8  
      text[7] = seedchars[h]; //Iterates through the seedchars list at index 7 

     for (int g = 0; g <= 64 ; g++) //To check for passwords of up to 7 characters 
      if(g > 0) 
       if (h == 0) 
        text[7] = '\0'; //Defining null-terminator at index 7  
       text[6] = seedchars[g]; //Iterates through the seedchars list at index 6 

      for (int f = 0; f <= 64 ; f++) //To check for passwords of up to 6 characters 
       if(f > 0) 
        if (g == 0 && h == 0) 
         text[6] = '\0'; //Defining null-terminator at index 6  
        text[5] = seedchars[f]; //Iterates through the seedchars list at index 5 

       for (int e = 0; e <= 64 ; e++) //To check for passwords of up to 5 characters 
        if(e > 0) 
         if (f == 0 && g == 0 && h == 0) 
          text[5] = '\0'; //Defining null-terminator at index 5  
         text[4] = seedchars[e]; //Iterates through the seedchars list at index 4 

         for (int d = 0; d <= 64 ; d++) //To check for passwords of up to 4 characters 
          printf("d %d \n", d); 
          if(d > 0) 
           if (e == 0 && f == 0 && g == 0 && h == 0) 
            text[4] = '\0'; //Defining null-terminator at index 4  
           text[3] = seedchars[d]; //Iterates through the seedchars list at index 3 

          for (int c = 0; c <= 64 ; c++) //To check for passwords of up to 3 characters 
           if(c > 0) 
            if (d == 0 && e == 0 && f == 0 && g == 0 && h == 0) 
             text[3] = '\0'; //Defining null-terminator at index 3 
            text[2] = seedchars[c]; //Iterates through the seedchars list at index 2 

           for (int b = 0; b <= 64 ; b++) //To check for passwords of up to 2 characters 
            if(b > 0) 
             if (c == 0 && d == 0 && e == 0 && f == 0 && g == 0 && h == 0) 
              text[2] = '\0'; //Defining null-terminator at index 2 
             text[1] = seedchars[b]; //Iterates through the seedchars list at index 1 

            for (int a = 0; a <= 64 ; a++) //To check for passwords of up to 1 character 
             if(b == 0 && c == 0 && d == 0 && e == 0 && f == 0 && g == 0 && h == 0) 
              text[1] = '\0'; //Defining null-terminator at index 1 

             text[0] = seedchars[a]; //Iterates through the seedchars list at index 0 

             char *password = crypt(text, salt); //Hash var text and save it to var password 

             if (strcmp(hash, password) == 0) //Compares the hash passed as argv with created above 
              printf("%s\n", text); //prints the text that led to said hash 
              return 0; //Returns 0 (okay) 
    return 1; //Retuns 1 (error) 


hash - 50fkUxYHbnXGw 
text - rofl 









对不起,但“不工作”不是一个有用的问题描述。它也不适合像SO这样的问答网站。 – StoryTeller


“它不起作用。为什么它不工作”....“它实际上是在工作”......可能应该编辑你的问题,只是说出问题是什么,而不是混淆。 – kaylum


修复你的标题:你的代码有效,所以你真正的问题是为什么它需要这么长时间。法比奥回答如下。 – TheGreatContini

在第一种情况下,对于4个字符,您有4个嵌套循环。哪个“for”将执行多达64次。所以你的代码可能运行64^4 = 1600万次。

在第二种情况下,对于8个字符,您有8个嵌套循环。这使得64^8 = 281万亿次。




我得到它应该需要更长的时间来执行,因为它是8个嵌套循环而不是4个。 但问题是,就像我张贴的图片中所示,在第一个代码中,d(第四个循环)上升到50,然后它会破解密码。而在第二个代码中,e(第5个循环)上升到64,这意味着之前的循环运行64^2 = 128次。 编辑:添加信息。 –


为了使它更清楚,你可以在内部循环(for(int a ...))内部添加“printf”波纹管,以输出每一步。 a)(a)(b)(b)(a)d) ;” 如果这需要太长时间才能运行,请添加一个简单的计数器(如“total ++;”)并在最后打印一次。将“total”声明为** long ** int。 –


我已经做到了。但是,只能分别在d循环和8循环代码中打印d和e。这就是那张照片来自哪里,我知道如何解决相同的散列需要更长的时间。 –



crack08 50fkUxYHbnXGw 
e 1 
d 0 
d 1 
d 2 
d 3 
d 4 
d 5 
d 6 
d 7 
d 8 
d 9 
d 10 
d 11 
d 12 
d 13 
d 14 
d 15 
d 16 
d 17 
d 18 
d 19 
d 20 
d 21 
d 22 
d 23 
d 63 
d 64 
e 2 
d 0 
d 1 
d 2 

你会看到我们会在e的第一个值跳过,因为^ h - f为0

查找然后将4个字符的匹配推迟到e = 64(第65个索引'\ 0'字符串终止符)。


摆脱额外过程包括重新组织所用字符的“*”,添加'\ 0'字符作为第一个字符,将其作为第一个字符串的字符串终止符并跳过它以供后续传递:

#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 

#include <stdio.h> 
#include <unistd.h> 
#include <string.h> 

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    if (argc != 2) { 
     printf ("usage: ./crack hash\n"); 
     return 1; //Retuns 1 (error) 
    char *hash = argv[1]; 
    char salt[3]; 
    salt[0] = hash[0]; 
    salt[1] = hash[1]; 
    salt[2] = '\0'; 

# define WHEEL_SIZE 65 // all possible password characters 
         // plus null character for shorter strings 

    char seedchars[WHEEL_SIZE] = 
    char text[9]; // Text that is gonna be tried with crypt() 
    text[8] = '\0'; // for h > 0 
    seedchars[0] = '\0'; // test for short strings first 
    int a_first = 0; 
    int b_first = 0; 
    int c_first = 0; 
    int d_first = 0; 
    int e_first = 0; 
    int f_first = 0; 
    int g_first = 0; 

    for (int h = 0; h <= WHEEL_SIZE - 1 ; h++) { 
     text[7] = seedchars[h]; 

     for (int g = g_first ; g <= WHEEL_SIZE - 1; g++) { 
      text[6] = seedchars[g]; 

      for (int f = f_first; f <= WHEEL_SIZE -1; f++) { 
       text[5] = seedchars[f]; 

       for (int e = e_first; e <= WHEEL_SIZE - 1; e++) { 
        printf("e %2d\n", e); 
        text[4] = seedchars[e]; 

         for (int d = d_first; d <= WHEEL_SIZE - 1; d++) { 
          printf("d %2d\n", d); 
          text[3] = seedchars[d]; 

          for (int c = c_first; c <= WHEEL_SIZE - 1; c++) { 
           if (c > 0) 
            b_first = 1; 
           text[2] = seedchars[c]; 
           for (int b = b_first; b <= WHEEL_SIZE - 1; b++) { 
             text[1] = seedchars[b]; 
            for (int a = a_first; a <= WHEEL_SIZE - 1; a++) { 
             text[0] = seedchars[a]; 

             char *password = crypt(text, salt); 
             if (strcmp(hash, password) == 0) { 
              printf("%s\n", text); 
              return 0; 
            b_first = 1; 
           c_first = 1; 
          c_first = 1; 
         d_first = 1; 
        e_first = 1; 
       f_first = 1; 
      g_first = 1; 
    return 1; 


crack 50fkUxYHbnXGw 
e 0 
d 0 
d 1 
d 2 
d 3 
d 4 
d 5 
d 6 
d 7 
d 8 
d 9 
d 10 
d 11 
d 12 
d 13 
d 14 
d 15 
d 16 
d 17 
d 18 
d 19 
d 20 
d 21 
d 22 
d 23 
d 24 
d 25 
d 26 
d 27 
d 28 
d 29 
d 30 
d 31 
d 32 
d 33 
d 34 
d 35 
d 36 
d 37 
d 38 
d 39 
d 40 
d 41 
d 42 
d 43 
d 44 
d 45 
d 46 
d 47 
d 48 
d 49 
d 50 
