


#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <unistd.h> 
#include <time.h> 
#include <pthread.h> 

#define WIDTH 20000 
pthread_mutex_t mylock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; 

struct split { // sizeof(split) = 24 
    int start; 
    int end; 
    int* matrix; 
    int i; 
    char padding[64 - 24]; //Padding the private sum variables  forces them into separate cache lines and removes false sharing. Assume cache line is 64 bytes 

int ran(){ 
    return rand() % 21; 
int* createBigMatrix(){ 
    int* a = malloc(sizeof(int)* WIDTH * WIDTH); 
    for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH * WIDTH; i ++){ 
     a[i] = ran(); // fill up the matrix with random numbers 
    return a; 
static int finalSum; 
void* partialSum(void* arg){ 
    struct split* a = arg; 
    int totalSum = 0; // create local variable 
    int i; 
    for (i = a->start; i <= a->end; i ++){ 
     totalSum += a->matrix[i]; 
    finalSum += totalSum; // critical section 

    return 0; 
int main(){ //-294925289 
    int useMultiThreads = 1; // there is no difference between using one thread or 4 therads 
    finalSum = 0; 
    pthread_t thread_ids[4]; 
    // i want a square matrix of npages width 
    int* c = createBigMatrix(); 

    printf("%lu\n", sizeof(struct split)); 
    if (useMultiThreads){ 
     // split the tasks evenly amoung 4 threads 
     // since there are 20,000x20,000, there must be 400,000,000 cells 
     int start[] = {0, 100000000, 200000000, 300000000}; 
     int end[] = {99999999, 199999999, 299999999, 399999999}; 
     // calculate sum 
     for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++){ 
      struct split* a = malloc(sizeof(struct split)); 
      a->start = start[i]; 
      a->end = end[i]; 
      a->matrix = c; 
      pthread_create(thread_ids + i, NULL, partialSum, a); 

     for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++){ // join em up 
      pthread_join(thread_ids[i], NULL); 
    else { // use single thread 
     for (int i = 0; i <= 399999999; i ++){ 
      finalSum += c[i]; 

    printf("total sum is %d\n", finalSum); 
    real 0m4.871s 
    user 0m4.844s 
    sys  0m0.392s 
    return 0; 

由于线程使用的矩阵索引不重叠,因此似乎没有太多的虚假共享空间,无论如何,填充参数结构都无济于事。你如何衡量所花费的时间?在我看来,这个过程的整体表现将会在求和开始之前通过创建和加载巨大的阵列而被主导? –


要小心你的索引,因为'int'肯定不是大矩阵的正确类型。还要考虑''for''循环中'a->'的使用。编译器无法知道'* a'是否可能在引擎盖下改变,所以他必须在每次迭代时重新加载。你可以将'a'改为'restrict'限定,但更简单的方法是将值(边界和矩阵)加载到局部变量中并在循环中使用它们。 –


您的担心是什么,缺少加速,这可能是由于您的代码完全受内存限制。也就是说,为了执行总和,数据必须通过存储器总线从存储器中取出。 (你的矩阵太大而不适合缓存。)也就是说,你的计算受到了你的内存总线的带宽限制,这是你的所有内核共享的。
