




private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 

       //Reconnect to Database 
       System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder cb; 
       cb = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder(dataAdapter); 
       // cb.DataAdapter.Update(ds.Tables["Impi"]); 

       //Create a new row 
       DataRow dr = ds.Tables["tblImpi"].NewRow(); 

       //save the record to first column 
       dr[0] = txtSerial.Text; 

       //Check data entry if its no empt 
       if (txtName.Text != "") 

        dr[1] = txtName.Text; 


       //Check if combox has values and assign one the values to it 
       if (cbModel.Text == "MKI" || cbModel.Text == "MKII") 
        dr[2] = cbModel.Text; 

       if (cbStatus.Text == "Serviceble" || cbStatus.Text == "Unserviceble") 
        dr[3] = cbStatus.Text; 

       if (cbDeprtmnt.Text == "AIR" || cbDeprtmnt.Text == "LAND" || cbDeprtmnt.Text == "NAVY" || cbDeprtmnt.Text == "SPECIAL FORCE") 

        dr[4] = cbDeprtmnt.Text; 

       if (cmbVesrion.Text == "10" || cmbVesrion.Text == "11" || cmbVesrion.Text == "12") 
        dr[5] = cmbVesrion.Text; 

       if (txtGsm.Text.Length != 0) 
        dr[6] = txtGsm.Text; 

       if (txtImei.Text.Length != 0) 
        dr[7] = txtImei.Text; 
       //Check if serial number value is not zero 
       if ((txtSerial.Text.Length != 0) || (txtGsm.Text.Length!=0) || (txtImei.Text.Length!=0)) 
        //Create a search Method to search before you save the serial number 
        bool search = SearchRecBeforeSave(txtSerial.Text, txtName.Text,txtGsm.Text,txtImei.Text); 
        //bool search = SearchSerialNumberBeforeSave(txtSerial.Text); 
        if (search == false) 
         // DialogResult dr2 = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to save this serial number", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); 
         if (txtGsm.Text == "") 
          txtGsm.Text = ""; 
          txtGsm.ForeColor = Color.Red; 
          tootip.SetToolTip(txtGsm, txtGsm.Text); 


         if (txtImei.Text == "") 
          txtImei.Text = " "; 
          txtImei.ForeColor = Color.Red; 
          tootip.SetToolTip(txtImei, txtImei.Text); 


         if (txtName.Text.Length == 0) 

          txtName.Text = ""; 
          txtName.ForeColor = Color.Red; 
          tootip.SetToolTip(txtName, txtName.Text); 

         else if (txtGsm.Text != "" && txtImei.Text != "" && txtName.Text.Length != 0) 

          DialogResult dr2 = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to save this serial number", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); 
          if (dr2 == DialogResult.Yes) 
           System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder cb1; 
           cb1 = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder(dataAdapter); 
           // dataAdapter.Update(ds,"Impi"); 
           // maxRow = maxRow + 1; 
           // inc = maxRow - 1; 

           MessageBox.Show("Serial Number Added Successful"); 

          //Fix this part 
          MessageBox.Show("This Serial Number Exist and will create the duplicate.\nSerial Number not Saved"); 
          MessageBox.Show("Data Entry was not saved", "Sorry", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); 
         MessageBox.Show("The information that you have enterd already exist\nPlease Enter a Correct Entries ", "Data Entry"); 
         txtSerial.Text = "Please Enter Impi Serial Number"; 
         txtSerial.ForeColor = Color.Red; 
         tootip.SetToolTip(txtSerial, txtSerial.Text); 

         txtName.Text = "Please Enter the Track Number"; 
          txtName.ForeColor = Color.Red; 
          tootip.SetToolTip(txtName, txtName.Text); 

         txtGsm.Text = "Please Enter the GSM Sim Number"; 
          txtGsm.ForeColor = Color.Red; 
          tootip.SetToolTip(txtGsm, txtGsm.Text); 

         txtImei.Text = "Please Enter the IMEI Number "; 
          txtImei.ForeColor = Color.Red; 

          tootip.SetToolTip(txtImei, txtImei.Text); 


      catch (SqlException ex) 
       //MessageBox.Show("Incorrect Data Entry", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore, MessageBoxIcon.Error); 




#region Save the Records to the DataBase 

     private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 

       //Reconnect to Database 
       System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder cb; 
       cb = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder(dataAdapter); 

       //Create a new row 
       DataRow dr = ds.Tables["tblImpi"].NewRow(); 

       //save the record to first column 
       dr[0] = txtSerial.Text; 

       //Check data entry if its not empty 
       if (txtcallSign.Text != "") 

        dr[1] = txtcallSign.Text; 


       //Check if ip textbox is empty 
       if (txtIp.Text != "") 
        dr[2] = txtIp.Text; 

       //Check if port is empty 
       if (txtPort.Text != "") 
        dr[3] = txtPort.Text; 

       //check if gsm txtbox is empty 
       if (txtGsm.Text != "") 

        dr[4] = txtGsm.Text; 

       //check iriduim txtbox 
       if (txtiriduim.Text != "") 
        dr[5] = txtiriduim.Text; 

       //check software version 
       if (txtSoftVersion.Text != "") 
        dr[6] = txtSoftVersion.Text; 

       //Check if serial number,gsm sim,iriduim value is not zero 
       if ((txtSerial.Text.Length != 0) || (txtGsm.Text.Length != 0) || (txtiriduim.Text.Length != 0)) 
        //Create a search Method to search before you save the serial number 
        bool search = SearchRecBeforeSave(txtSerial.Text, txtGsm.Text, txtiriduim.Text); 
        //bool search = SearchSerialNumberBeforeSave(txtSerial.Text); 
        if (search == false) 

         DialogResult dr2 = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to save", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); 
         if (dr2 == DialogResult.Yes) 
          System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder cb1; 
          cb1 = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder(dataAdapter); 

          MessageBox.Show("Data Saved","Save"); 

         // DialogResult dr2 = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to save this serial number", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); 
         else if (txtGsm.Text == "") 
          txtGsm.Text = ""; 
          txtGsm.ForeColor = Color.Red; 
          tootip.SetToolTip(txtGsm, txtGsm.Text); 


         else if (txtiriduim.Text == "") 
          txtiriduim.Text = " "; 
          txtiriduim.ForeColor = Color.Red; 
          tootip.SetToolTip(txtiriduim, txtiriduim.Text); 


         else if (txtcallSign.Text.Length == 0) 

          txtcallSign.Text = ""; 
          txtcallSign.ForeColor = Color.Red; 
          tootip.SetToolTip(txtcallSign, txtcallSign.Text); 


         MessageBox.Show("The information that you have enterd already exist\nPlease Enter a Correct Entries ", "Data Entry"); 
         txtSerial.Text = "Please Enter Impi Serial Number"; 
         txtSerial.ForeColor = Color.Red; 
         tootip.SetToolTip(txtSerial, txtSerial.Text); 

         txtcallSign.Text = "Please Enter Call Sign"; 
         txtcallSign.ForeColor = Color.Red; 
         tootip.SetToolTip(txtcallSign, txtcallSign.Text); 

         txtIp.Text = "Please Enter Ip Adress"; 
         txtIp.ForeColor = Color.Red; 
         tootip.SetToolTip(txtIp, txtIp.Text); 

         txtPort.Text = "Please Enter Port Number"; 
         txtPort.ForeColor = Color.Red; 
         tootip.SetToolTip(txtPort, txtPort.Text); 

         txtGsm.Text = "Please Enter the GSM Sim Number"; 
         txtGsm.ForeColor = Color.Red; 
         tootip.SetToolTip(txtGsm, txtGsm.Text); 

         txtiriduim.Text = "Please Enter the IMEI Number "; 
         txtiriduim.ForeColor = Color.Red; 

         tootip.SetToolTip(txtiriduim, txtiriduim.Text); 

       else if ((txtSerial.Text == "") && (txtIp.Text == "") && (txtPort.Text == "") && (txtiriduim.Text == "") && txtGsm.Text == "") 
        MessageBox.Show("Please Enter a data", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); 


      catch (SqlException ex) 
       //MessageBox.Show("Incorrect Data Entry", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore, MessageBoxIcon.Error); 

