

下面的代码每60秒删除文件夹“Images”内的文件,它可以工作,但是当文件夹为空时,它会显示:Warning:为foreach提供的无效参数() 这是固定的一样,如果没有文件,说“文件夹为空,而不是该警告..为foreach提供的无效参数()



foreach (glob($tmpFolder . $fileTypes) as $Filename) { 

// Read file creation time 
$FileCreationTime = filectime($Filename); 

// Calculate file age in seconds 
$FileAge = time() - $FileCreationTime; 

// Is the file older than the given time span? 
if ($FileAge > ($expiretime * 60)){ 

// Now do something with the olders files... 

echo "The file $Filename is older than $expiretime minutes\r\n"; 

//delete files: 


由于水珠()可能无法可靠地返回一个空数组空匹配(See "note" in Return section of the docs),你只需要一个if声明保护您的循环,如下所示:

$files = glob($tmpFolder . $fileTypes); 
if (is_array($files) && count($files) > 0) { 
    foreach($files as $Filename) { 
     // Read file creation time 
     $FileCreationTime = filectime($Filename); 

     // Calculate file age in seconds 
     $FileAge = time() - $FileCreationTime; 

     // Is the file older than the given time span? 
     if ($FileAge > ($expiretime * 60)){ 

     // Now do something with the olders files... 

     echo "The file $Filename is older than $expiretime minutes\r\n"; 

     //delete files: 
} else { 
    echo 'Your error here...'; 

现在我越来越:语法错误,意外T_ELSE – user1508409 2012-07-07 20:10:27


检查你的大括号...只要把你有什么,并包裹在这个如果块。 – 2012-07-07 20:13:49


ctrahey请问您可以在我已发布的代码中插入exmaple以向我展示它应如何放置?我马上就会知道 – user1508409 2012-07-07 20:14:50