aws cli dynamo db(ValidationException)错误


我正在寻找使用python的boto3模块批量写入dynamodb的项目,我收到了这个。这是我第一次与aws cli或boto3合作过。该文档说,当有空值和可能不正确的数据类型时会出现验证异常错误,但是我已经玩过所有这些,但似乎没有工作。aws cli dynamo db(ValidationException)错误



client = boto3.client('dynamodb') 
response = client.batch_write_item(RequestItems=batch_dict) 


{'scraper_exact_urls': [{'PutRequest': {'Item': {'Sku': {'S': 'T104P3'}, 
'pps_id': {'N': '427285976'}, 
'scraper_class_name': {'S': 'scraper_class_name'}, 
'store_id': {'N': '1197386754'}, 
'updated_by': {'S': 'user'}, 
'updated_on': {'N': '1480714223'}, 
'updated_url': {'S': ''}}}}, 
{'PutRequest': {'Item': {'Sku': {'S': 'T104P3'}, 
'pps_id': {'N': '427285976'}, 
'scraper_class_name': {'S': 'scraper_class_name'}, 
'store_id': {'N': '1197386754'}, 
'updated_by': {'S': 'user'}, 
'updated_on': {'N': '1480714223'}, 
'updated_url': {'S': ''}}}},.... 


属性: “PPS_ID”=> \ AWS \ DynamoDb \枚举\型号:: NUMBER , “sku”=> \ Aws \ DynamoDb \ Enum \ Type :: STRING, “scraper_class_name”=> \ Aws \ DynamoDb \ Enum \ Type :: STRING, “store_id”=> \ Aws \ DynamoDb \ Enum \ Type :: NUMBER, “updated_url”=> \ Aws \ DynamoDb \ Enum \ Type :: STRING, “updated_by”=> \ Aws \ DynamoDb \ Enum \ :STRING, “updated_on”=> \ AWS \ DynamoDb \枚举\类型:: NUMBER, 字段: “PPS_ID”, “scraper_class_name”,


ClientError: An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the BatchWriteItem operation: 1 validation error detected: Value .... Map value must satisfy constraint: [Member must have length less than or equal to 25, Member must have length greater than or equal to 1] 

想我找到了答案在这里[链接](http://*.com/questions/31065900/how-to -write-more-than-25-items-rows-into-table-for-dynamodb) –


[如何为DynamoDB写入超过25个项目/行到表中](http://*.com/问题/ 31065900 /如何到写更比25项,行,成表换dynamodb) – LuFFy

的BatchWriteItem API一次处理25个项目。你可以使用下面的代码,改编自non-copying batching question,调用BatchWriteItem 25个块

def batch(iterable, n=1): 
    l = len(iterable) 
    for ndx in range(0, l, n): 
     yield iterable[ndx:min(ndx + n, l)] 

client = boto3.client('dynamodb') 

for x in batch(batch_dict['scraper_exact_urls'], 25): 
    subbatch_dict = {'scraper_exact_urls': x} 
    response = client.batch_write_item(RequestItems=subbatch_dict)