

我在Spring 3.1中使用了Hibernate 4,并且从这个映射中生成的外键约束有问题。休眠多对一的外键注释映射

@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS) 
public abstract class O { 
    private String oid; 

    @GeneratedValue(generator = "OidGenerator") 
    @GenericGenerator(name = "OidGenerator", strategy = "com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.sql.OidGenerator") 
    @Column(unique = true, nullable = false, updatable = false, length = 36) 
    public String getOid() { 
     return oid; 
    ...other getters and setters 

public class Role extends O { 
    private Set<Assignment> assignments; 

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "owner") 
    public Set<Assignment> getAssignments() { 
     return assignments; 
    ...other getters and setters 

public class User extends O { 
    private Set<Assignment> assignments; 

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "owner") 
    public Set<Assignment> getAssignments() { 
     return assignments; 
    ...other getters and setters 

public class Assignment extends IdentifiableContainer { 
    private O owner; 
    private Long id; 

    public O getOwner() { 
     return owner; 

    @GeneratedValue(generator = "ContainerIdGenerator") 
    @GenericGenerator(name = "ContainerIdGenerator", strategy = "com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.sql.ContainerIdGenerator") 
    @Column(nullable = true, updatable = true) 
    public Long getId() { 
     return id; 
...other getters and setters 


create table Assignment (
    id bigint not null, 
    owner_oid varchar(36) not null,  
    primary key (owner_oid, id) 
create table Role (
    oid varchar(36) not null unique, 
    primary key (oid) 
create table User (
    oid varchar(36) not null unique, 
    primary key (oid) 
alter table Assignment 
    add constraint FKB3FD62ED72781986 
    foreign key (owner_oid) 
    references User; 
alter table Assignment 
    add constraint FKB3FD62ED7276AE31 
    foreign key (owner_oid) 
    references Role; 


create table Role_Assignment (
    role_oid varchar(36) ... 
    assignment_oid varchar(36) ... 
    assignment_id bigint ... 
    primary key (....) 



public Set<Assignment> getAssignments() { 
    return assignments; 


为了回答你的问题 - 做完这些之后,你可以将你的InheritanceType改为JOINED(或SINGLE_TABLE,但你说你有很多其他的子类,因此它不合适) - 那么你将只有一个拥有owner_oid列的表应该从转让中引用。


我无法移动getAssignments()方法。但正如你所说,我会将InheritanceType更改为JOINED,并在getAssignments()方法中使用'@ForeignKey(“none”)'注释来禁用用户和角色的FK约束。因此,hibernate只会生成一个引用O的FK约束,这对我来说确实很好。 – viliam 2012-03-05 15:30:41


为什么你不能移动getAssignments()?也许你可以为用户和角色创建超类? – 2012-03-05 17:11:06


类的层次结构是固定的,我不能改变它会破坏其他的东西。我只需要坚持下去...不知何故:)但我修复了由休眠生成的FK。感谢您的想法。 – viliam 2012-03-06 17:40:58