无法成功启动Raspberry Pi 3上的Kivy应用程序,3.5英寸触摸屏


我遵循了关于将Kivy安装到Raspberry Pi的每个指南。无法成功启动Raspberry Pi 3上的Kivy应用程序,3.5英寸触摸屏



例如,运行示例/演示/图片 '蟒蛇main.py'/给我:

[INFO ] [Logger  ] Record log in /home/pi/.kivy/logs/kivy_16-04-25_12.txt 
[INFO ] [Kivy  ] v1.9.2-dev0 
[INFO ] [Python  ] v2.7.9 (default, Mar 8 2015, 00:52:26) 
[GCC 4.9.2] 
[INFO ] [Factory  ] 193 symbols loaded 
[INFO ] [Image  ] Providers: img_tex, img_dds, img_gif, img_pygame, img_pil (img_ffpyplayer ignored) 
[INFO ] [Window  ] Provider: egl_rpi 
[INFO ] [GL   ] OpenGL version <OpenGL ES 2.0> 
[INFO ] [GL   ] OpenGL vendor <Broadcom> 
[INFO ] [GL   ] OpenGL renderer <VideoCore IV HW> 
[INFO ] [GL   ] OpenGL parsed version: 2, 0 
[INFO ] [GL   ] Shading version <OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.00> 
[INFO ] [GL   ] Texture max size <2048> 
[INFO ] [GL   ] Texture max units <8> 
[INFO ] [Shader  ] fragment shader: <Compiled> 
[INFO ] [Shader  ] vertex shader: <Compiled> 
[INFO ] [Window  ] virtual keyboard not allowed, single mode, not docked 
[INFO ] [GL   ] NPOT texture support is available 
[INFO ] [Text  ] Provider: pygame 
[INFO ] [OSC   ] using <multiprocessing> for socket 
[INFO ] [ProbeSysfs ] device match: /dev/input/event0 
[INFO ] [MTD   ] Read event from </dev/input/event0> 
[INFO ] [ProbeSysfs ] device match: /dev/input/event0 
[INFO ] [HIDInput ] Read event from </dev/input/event0> 
[INFO ] [Base  ] Start application main loop 
[INFO ] [MTD   ] </dev/input/event0> range position X is 0 - 4095 
[INFO ] [MTD   ] </dev/input/event0> range position Y is 0 - 4095 
[INFO ] [MTD   ] </dev/input/event0> range touch major is 0 - 0 
[INFO ] [MTD   ] </dev/input/event0> range touch minor is 0 - 0 
[INFO ] [MTD   ] </dev/input/event0> range pressure is 0 - 255 
[INFO ] [MTD   ] </dev/input/event0> axes invertion: X is 0, Y is 0 
[INFO ] [MTD   ] </dev/input/event0> rotation set to 0 
[INFO ] [HIDMotionEvent] using <ADS7846 Touchscreen> 
[INFO ] [HIDMotionEvent] <ADS7846 Touchscreen> range ABS X position is 0 -  4095 
[INFO ] [HIDMotionEvent] <ADS7846 Touchscreen> range ABS Y position is 0 - 4095 
[INFO ] [HIDMotionEvent] <ADS7846 Touchscreen> range ABS pressure is 0 - 65535 



更新: 没有好消息,但一些更多的细节。与裸机应用(https://kivy.org/docs/guide/basic.html#quickstart)用键盘中断运行:

[INFO ] [Logger  ] Record log in /home/pi/.kivy/logs/kivy_16-04-26_17.txt 
[INFO ] [Kivy  ] v1.9.2-dev0 
[INFO ] [Python  ] v2.7.9 (default, Mar 8 2015, 00:52:26) 
[GCC 4.9.2] 
[INFO ] [Factory  ] 193 symbols loaded 
[DEBUG ] [Cache  ] register <kv.lang> with limit=None, timeout=None 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] load file /home/pi/kivy/kivy/data/style.kv 
[TRACE ] [Parser  ] parsing 1271 lines 
[TRACE ] [Parser  ] got directive <kivy 1.0> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <Label> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <-Button,-ToggleButton> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <BubbleContent> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <BubbleButton> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <Slider> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <ProgressBar> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <SplitterStrip> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <Scatter> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <RelativeLayout> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <Image,AsyncImage> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <EffectWidget> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <TabbedPanelContent> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <TabbedPanelStrip> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <StripLayout> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <TabbedPanelHeader> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <Selector> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <TextInput> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <TextInputCutCopyPaste> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <CodeInput> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <TreeViewNode> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <TreeViewLabel> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <StencilView> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <FileChooserListLayout> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <FileChooserListView> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build template for [[email protected]+TreeViewNode] 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <FileChooserIconLayout> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <FileChooserIconView> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build template for [[email protected]] 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <FileChooserProgress> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <Switch> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <ModalView> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <Popup> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <SpinnerOption> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <Spinner> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <ActionBar> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <ActionView> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <ActionSeparator> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <ActionButton,ActionToggleButton> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <ActionLabel> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <ActionGroup> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <ActionCheck> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <[email protected]> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <[email protected]> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <ActionPrevious> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <ActionGroup> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <ActionOverflow> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <ActionDropDown> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build template for [[email protected]] 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <AccordionItem> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <SettingSpacer> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <SettingItem> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <SettingBoolean> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <SettingString> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <SettingPath> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <SettingOptions> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <SettingTitle> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <SettingSidebarLabel> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <SettingsPanel> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <Settings> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <InterfaceWithSidebar> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <InterfaceWithSpinner> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <MenuSpinner> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <MenuSidebar> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <ContentPanel> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <InterfaceWithTabbedPanel> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <ScrollView> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <VideoPlayerPreview> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <VideoPlayerAnnotation> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <VideoPlayer> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <CheckBox> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <ScreenManager> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <[email protected]> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <[email protected]> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <[email protected]> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <ColorWheel> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] build rule for <ColorPicker> 
[DEBUG ] [Cache  ] register <kv.image> with limit=None, timeout=60 
[DEBUG ] [Cache  ] register <kv.atlas> with limit=None, timeout=None 
[TRACE ] [Image  ] Unable to use <gif> as loader! 
Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "/home/pi/kivy/kivy/core/__init__.py", line 129, in core_register_libs 
    File "/home/pi/kivy/kivy/core/image/img_ffpyplayer.py", line 7, in <module> 
    import ffpyplayer 
ImportError: No module named ffpyplayer 
[INFO ] [Image  ] Providers: img_tex, img_dds, img_gif, img_pygame, img_pil (img_ffpyplayer ignored) 
[DEBUG ] [Cache  ] register <kv.texture> with limit=1000, timeout=60 
[DEBUG ] [Cache  ] register <kv.shader> with limit=1000, timeout=3600 
[INFO ] [Text  ] Provider: pygame 
[DEBUG ] [App   ] Loading kv <./my.kv> 
[DEBUG ] [App   ] kv <./my.kv> not found 
[INFO ] [Window  ] Provider: egl_rpi 
[DEBUG ] [Window  ] Actual display size: 720x480 
[INFO ] [GL   ] OpenGL version <OpenGL ES 2.0> 
[INFO ] [GL   ] OpenGL vendor <Broadcom> 
[INFO ] [GL   ] OpenGL renderer <VideoCore IV HW> 
[INFO ] [GL   ] OpenGL parsed version: 2, 0 
[INFO ] [GL   ] Shading version <OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.00> 
[INFO ] [GL   ] Texture max size <2048> 
[INFO ] [GL   ] Texture max units <8> 
[INFO ] [Shader  ] fragment shader: <Compiled> 
[DEBUG ] [Shader  ] Fragment compiled successfully 
[INFO ] [Shader  ] vertex shader: <Compiled> 
[DEBUG ] [Shader  ] Vertex compiled successfully 
[DEBUG ] [ImagePygame ] Load </home/pi/kivy/kivy/data/glsl/default.png> 
[TRACE ] [Image  ] '/home/pi/kivy/kivy/data/glsl/default.png', populate to textures (1) 
[INFO ] [Window  ] virtual keyboard not allowed, single mode, not docked 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] Found 1 rules for <kivy.uix.label.Label object at 0x74333458> 
[DEBUG ] [Resource ] add </usr/share/fonts/truetype> in path list 
[DEBUG ] [Resource ] add </usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont> in path list 
[DEBUG ] [Resource ] add </usr/share/fonts/truetype/roboto> in path list 
[DEBUG ] [Resource ] add </usr/share/fonts/truetype/openoffice> in path list 
[DEBUG ] [Resource ] add </usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu> in path list 
[DEBUG ] [Resource ] add </usr/share/fonts/truetype/gentium-basic> in path list 
[DEBUG ] [Resource ] add </usr/local/share/fonts> in path list 
[DEBUG ] [Resource ] add </home/pi/kivy/kivy/data/fonts> in path list 
[INFO ] [OSC   ] using <multiprocessing> for socket 
[DEBUG ] [Base  ] Create provider from mouse 
[INFO ] [Base  ] Start application main loop 
[INFO ] [GL   ] NPOT texture support is available 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] call_fn <kivy.graphics.vertex_instructions.Rectangle object at 0x74317650>, key=size, value=<code object <module> at 0x76553890, file "/home/pi/kivy/kivy/data/style.kv", line 9>, 'self.texture_size' 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] call_fn => value=[79, 18] 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] call_fn <kivy.graphics.vertex_instructions.Rectangle object at 0x74317650>, key=texture, value=<code object <module> at 0x76553608, file "/home/pi/kivy/kivy/data/style.kv", line 8>, 'self.texture' 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] call_fn => value=<Texture hash=1945546224 id=0 size=(79, 18) colorfmt='rgba' bufferfmt='ubyte' source=None observers=1> 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] call_fn <kivy.graphics.vertex_instructions.Rectangle object at 0x74317650>, key=pos, value=<code object <module> at 0x765538d8, file "/home/pi/kivy/kivy/data/style.kv", line 10>, 'int(self.center_x - self.texture_size[0]/2.), int(self.center_y - self.texture_size[1]/2.)' 
[TRACE ] [Builder  ] call_fn => value=(320, 231) 
^C[INFO ] [Base  ] Leaving application in progress... 
Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "main.py", line 11, in <module> 
    File "/home/pi/kivy/kivy/app.py", line 828, in run 
    File "/home/pi/kivy/kivy/base.py", line 487, in runTouchApp 
    File "/home/pi/kivy/kivy/core/window/window_egl_rpi.py", line 89, in mainloop 
    File "/home/pi/kivy/kivy/core/window/window_egl_rpi.py", line 84, in _mainloop 
    File "/home/pi/kivy/kivy/base.py", line 327, in idle 
    File "/home/pi/kivy/kivy/clock.py", line 499, in tick 
    usleep(1000000 * (sleeptime - sleep_undershoot)) 
    File "/home/pi/kivy/kivy/clock.py", line 292, in usleep 


更新2: 那么,我重新在我的Windows Kivy基本应用程序比较日志(应用程序成功启动在我的Windows基维)。 ffplayer错误仍然存​​在,导致我相信这是某种EGL问题。


mouse = mouse 
mtdev_%(name)s = probesysfs,provider=mtdev 
hid_%(name)s = probesysfs,provider=hidinput 

我确切地说。虽然这个特定的配置部分似乎与输入接口有关。我甚至无法成功启动应用程序。 –


嗯......你说得对。你至少应该得到一个错误信息... – salomonderossi

我目前与Eleduino 10.1英寸电容式触摸屏面临同样的问题。我设法解决配置文件的问题:〜/ .kivy/config.ini 转到[input]部分并评论一切。然后,添加以下行:

test = mtdev,/dev/input/event3 
    ntrig = mtdev,/dev/input/event1