Pone 4.3 uid和gid没有找到


当用统一安装程序安装plone 4.3时,它说它找不到gid,即使该组存在。Pone 4.3 uid和gid没有找到

[email protected]:/home/Plone-4.3-UnifiedInstaller# ./install.sh --password=xxx --target=/home/Plone-4.3 --user=admin standalone 

Testing /usr/bin/python2.7 for Zope/Plone requirements.... 
/usr/bin/python2.7 looks OK. We'll try to use it. 

Root install method chosen. Will install for use by users: 
    ZEO & Client Daemons:  admin 
    Code Resources & buildout: plone_buildout 

Detailed installation log being written to /home/Plone-4.3-UnifiedInstaller/install.log 
Installing Plone 4.3 at /home/Plone-4.3 

Using useradd and groupadd to create users and groups. 
User 'admin' already exists. No need to create it. 
id for admin returned 
uid=5006(admin) gid=5007(admin) groups=5007(admin) 
Expected to find uid for admin and gid for plone_group but did not. 
Please use your system tools to create/edit users and groups, then try again. 


[email protected]:/home# groupadd plone_group 
groupadd: group 'plone_group' already exists 

'grep plone/etc/group'说什么?我怀疑安装程序可能会假设,如果您自己没有创建它,那么您提供的用户就已经属于该组了? – 2013-04-22 06:28:10


plone_group:x:5011: – 2013-04-24 03:26:01





已添加票。 https://dev.plone.org/ticket/13545没有我能找到的'组件'选项。 – 2013-04-24 03:54:31


我如何让它使用plone_daemon? – 2013-04-24 04:38:36


只需从install.sh命令行中删除“--user = admin”即可。在任何情况下,“admin”都是一个用于进程的错误ID。 – SteveM 2013-04-24 14:41:10