


架构文件:Download Schema Files Link


svcutil.exe thewsdl.wsdl /language:c# /out:ITheInterface.cs 

svcutil Order.wsdl /out:IOrder.cs 

svcutil Order.wsdl Order.xsd ..\ws-addressing\ws-addr.xsd /out:IOrder.cs 

svcutil Order.wsdl Order.xsd ws-addr.xsd /out:IOrder.cs 


Microsoft (R) Service Model Metadata Tool 
[Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Communication Foundation, Version 4.0.30319.1] 
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Error: Cannot read ws-addr.xsd. 

    Cannot load file D:\Documents\DEV\SARPilot\Docs\eoschema\schema\OrderSchema\ws-addr.xsd as an Assembly. Check the FusionLogs f 
or more Information. 

    Could not load file or assembly 'file:///D:\Documents\DEV\SARPilot\Docs\eoschema\schema\OrderSchema\ws-addr.xsd' or one of its 
dependencies. The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest. 

好了,我已经得到过去的这个错误。 (我现在得到更多,但那些是另一个问题)。


Warning 105 The XML editor tried to convert this DTD to XSD so it can provide validation and intellisense while you type, but it could not create a valid XSD schema. Perhaps this DTD uses constructs that do not map to XSD. You may be able to get more information about the problem by using the Create Schema command. D:\Documents\DEV\SARPilot\Docs\eoschema\schema\ws-addressing\ws-addr.xsd 3 11 D:...\schema\

