消费在Excel Web服务和部署作为一个文件


我想一些数据读取到来自web服务我的Excel电子表格(Excel 2007中),但我想部署电子表格作为一个文件只(FE spreadsheet.xlsx - 仅此而已)。消费在Excel Web服务和部署作为一个文件

如果没有这个限制,我会用Visual Studio的插件,它在C#写的,但它会给我一些额外的DLL和VSTO文件。


工作是否有任何解决方案在那里?我听说过有关Microsoft Office Soap Type library 3.0的一些信息,但我不知道如何开始使用它。


我了解如何与Web服务与MS Office SOAP类型库在VBA连接 - 所以没有多余的文件,只是XLS(X)。在这一点上,我知道如何获得简单的数据类型结果(如字符串)。但我希望,我能够获得并使用更复杂的类型。


Dim webservice As SoapClient30 
Dim results As String 

' Point the SOAP API to the web service that we want to call... 
Set webservice = New SoapClient30 
Call webservice.mssoapinit(par_WSDLFile:="{url to wsdl}") 

' Call the web service 
results = webservice.{method name}() 
Set webservice = Nothing 

这是必须加贴“的Microsoft Office SOAP类型库3.0”到工作表的引用。


烨......正如我所说,这个解决方案给我留下的install.exe,一堆DLL和VSTO扩展文件。我想只有一个xlsx文件。但感谢您的期待。 – mlusiak 2010-12-22 14:12:19




它的工作在Excel 2010中(很可能是2007年)非常棒,但由于缺少XMLHTTP库,无法在Mac上使用Excel。我找到了与Salesforce,Trello,大本营,谷歌地图的工作,它应该与几乎所有的REST Web服务的工作。


Function GetDirections(Origin As String, Destination As String) As String 
    ' Create a RestClient for executing requests 
    ' and set a base url that all requests will be appended to 
    Dim MapsClient As New RestClient 
    MapsClient.BaseUrl = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/" 

    ' Create a RestRequest for getting directions 
    Dim DirectionsRequest As New RestRequest 
    DirectionsRequest.Resource = "directions/{format}" 
    DirectionsRequest.Method = httpGET 

    ' Set the request format -> Sets {format} segment, content-types, and parses the response 
    DirectionsRequest.Format = json 

    ' (Alternatively, replace {format} segment directly) 
    DirectionsRequest.AddUrlSegment "format", "json" 

    ' Add parameters to the request (as querystring for GET calls and body otherwise) 
    DirectionsRequest.AddParameter "origin", Origin 
    DirectionsRequest.AddParameter "destination", Destination 

    ' Force parameter as querystring for all requests 
    DirectionsRequest.AddQuerystringParam "sensor", "false" 

    ' => GET https://maps.../api/directions/json?origin=...&destination=...&sensor=false 

    ' Execute the request and work with the response 
    Dim Response As RestResponse 
    Set Response = MapsClient.Execute(DirectionsRequest) 

    If Response.StatusCode = 200 Then 
     ' Work directly with parsed json data 
     Dim Route As Object 
     Set Route = Response.Data("routes")(1)("legs")(1) 

     GetDirections = "It will take " & Route("duration")("text") & _ 
      " to travel " & Route("distance")("text") & _ 
      " from " & Route("start_address") & _ 
      " to " & Route("end_address") 
     GetDirections = "Error: " & Response.Content 
    End If 
End Function