SQLSTATE [23000]:完整性约束违规:1048'duedate'列不能为空


我在哪里做错了。我得到这个错误:SQLSTATE [23000]:完整性约束违规:1048'duedate'列不能为空

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'duedate' cannot be null


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<script type = "text/javascript"> 
var pCount = 2; 
function appendChildtoParent(){ 
    var idValname = "fileToUpload"+pCount; 

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    fileUploadAct.value = "Upload file(s)"; 

    if(fileUploadAct.disabled = "true"){ 
     fileUploadAct.disabled = false; 

    pCount = pCount + 1; 

function postHomework(){ 
    var description = tinyMCE.activeEditor.getContent({format : 'html'});  
    description = encodeURIComponent(description); 
    var categories = document.getElementById("categories").value; 
    categories = encodeURIComponent(categories); 
    var question = document.getElementById("questionItself").value; 
    question = encodeURIComponent(question); 
    var memberID = document.getElementById("memberID").value; 
    memberID = encodeURIComponent(memberID); 
    var amount = document.getElementById("amountText").value; 
    amount = encodeURIComponent(amount); 


    if(question == ""){ 
     alert("Enter your question"); 
    else if(description == ""){ 
     alert("Enter a description"); 
    else if(categories == ""){ 
     alert("Choose category"); 
    else if(amount == ""){ 
     alert("Enter amount you are willing to pay"); 
     var tutorial = document.getElementById("checkboxIns"); 
      var tutorialType = "tutorial"; 
      var tutorialType = "question"; 

     var emailVal = document.getElementById("emailcheck"); 
      var notificatinSend = "1"; 
     } else{ 
      var notificatinSend = "2"; 

     var hr; 
     if (window.XMLHttpRequest){ 
      hr = new XMLHttpRequest(); 
      hr = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); 

     var url = "posthomeworkAJAX.php"; 

     var vars = "description="+description+"& categories="+categories+"&question="+question+"&memberID="+memberID+"&amount="+amount+"&tutorialType="+tutorialType+"&notificatinSend="+notificatinSend; 

     //var vars = "description="+description; 

     hr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); 
     hr.onreadystatechange = function(){ 
     if(hr.readyState == 4 && hr.status == 200){ 
      var return_data = hr.responseText; 
      //alert("Saved succeessfully"); 
      //window.location = "my-homework"; 
      document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML = return_data; 

    document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = "Processing..."; 

function checkboxIns(){ 
    var chckIns = document.getElementById("checkboxIns"); 
     document.getElementById("tutorialCheck").innerHTML = "Check this box only if you are a teacher"; 
     document.getElementById("questionNotification").innerHTML = ""; 
     document.getElementById("tutorialCheck").innerHTML = ""; 
     document.getElementById("questionNotification").innerHTML = "Do not post private information in a question (e.g. real name, credentials) . Send it directly to the teacher doing your homework later on"; 

function tempSave(attID){ 
    var attVal = document.getElementById(attID).value; 
    if(attVal != ""){ 
     document.getElementById("uploadButton"+attID).value = "Click Submit to upload"; 
     document.getElementById("uploadButton"+attID).disabled = "true"; 
     document.getElementById(attID).visible = "false"; 

     if(pCount > 2){ 
      var i = pCount - 1; 
      document.getElementById("textCount").value = i; 
<div style="background-color:#eaeef0; width:98%; margin-left:5%; padding: 5% 5%;"> 
<div class = "text-center" id = "msg"></div> 
<p style="background-color:#b7d3e1; width:100%; height:50px; padding:5px 5px; text-align:center;font-size:25px;">Create question or Tutorial</p> </br> 
    <label><input type="checkbox" id = "checkboxIns" value="tutorial" onclick = "checkboxIns();" >Tutorial</label> <div id = "tutorialCheck" style = "color: red;"></div> 

    <input type = "hidden" id = "memberID" value = "<?php echo $studentSessionDetails['id'];?>"> 
    <label><h3>Due:</h3></label> </br> 
      <input type = "datetime-local" name= "duedate" > </br> 
    <label><h3>Title:</h3></label> </br> 
    <textarea id = "questionItself" class="form-control" rows="1" id="comment"></textarea> 
    <div id = "questionNotification" style = "color: red;"> 
    Do not post private information in a question (e.g. real name, credentials) . Send it directly to the teacher doing your homework later on 

    <textarea name = "homework" id='TypeHere' required = "required"></textarea> 

    <label><input type="checkbox" id = "emailcheck" value="emailnotification" >Yes</label> <div>Would you like to receive notifications by email when writers post answers to your question?</div> 

    <div class = "form-inline"> 
    <form method="post" action = "fileUploadhomeWork.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" class = "form-inline" target = "iframe"> 
    <div id = "parentImageDiv"> 
     Select file to upload 
      <div class = "form-group"> 
       <input type="file" name="fileToUpload1" id="1"> 
      </div><div class = "form-group"><input type="submit" value="Upload File(s)" name="submit" class = "btn btn-primary" id = "uploadButton1" onClick = "tempSave('1')"> 
    <input type = "hidden" name = "textCount" id = "textCount" value = "1"> 
    <input type = "hidden" name = "fileUploadFolder" value = "homeworkpost"> 
    <input type = "button" value = "Add Another" onClick = "appendChildtoParent();"/> 

    <label>Homework Field of study</label></br> 
    $query = "SELECT categoryname FROM categories"; 
    $statement = $db->_conn->prepare($query); 
    <select id = "categories" class = "form-control" name = "categories"> 
    <option value="">--- Please select ---</option> 
      while($r = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)){ 
       <option value="<?php echo $r->categoryname;?>"><?php echo $r->categoryname;?></option> 
      <option value="">--- No available category ---</option> 
    catch(PDOException $e){ 
     echo $e->getMessage(); 

    <label>I am willing to pay</label> 
    <input type="text" class="form-control" id="amountText"> 
    <input style = "visibility: hidden;" type = "submit" name = "filesUploadBTN" id = "filesUploadBTN" style = "visible: hidden;"/></br> 
    <input class = "btn btn-default" type = "button" id = "BTNPostHomework" name = "BTNPostHomework" value = "Submit" onClick = "postHomework();"/> 
    <input class = "btn btn-default" type = "submit" id = "BTNPreviewHomework" name = "BTNPreviewHomework" value = "Preview"/> 
    <iframe style = "visibility: hidden;" name = "iframe"></iframe> 
    <!-- </form> --> 
    <!-- </div> --> 

您在'var vars'中没有'duedate'。 – Barmar




即使我复制duedate输入并将其设置在其他输入下方的任何位置,也会发生相同的错误。然后,当我完全删除它时,数据被插入到数据库中。只有duedate有问题。 – GuruCoder


他使用AJAX提交表单,而不是正常的表单提交。 – Barmar


'postHomework()'似乎根本不处理'duedate'。据我可以告诉它是从传递给AJAX的查询字符串中丢失... – Bananaapple

任何外部输入表格标记将不会被提交,并且您不会在控制器/ Php端获得该输入值。再次

检查你的代码,这样你会得到你有这么多输入字段形式 元。该输入值不会在您的情况下提交。



但除了duedate之外的其他字段正被插入到数据库中....您看到下面的表单是用于上传在提交所有数据之前临时文件。 – GuruCoder


他使用AJAX提交表单,所以输入字段的位置并不重要。 – Barmar



<input type = "datetime-local" name= "duedate" id="duedate"> 


var duedate = document.getElementById("duedate").value; 
amount = encodeURIComponent(duedate); 


var vars = "description="+description+"& categories="+categories+"&question="+question+"&memberID="+memberID+"&amount="+amount+"&tutorialType="+tutorialType+"&notificatinSend="+notificatinSend+"&duedate="+duedate;