C++ - 是否有可能在单元测试中实现内存泄漏测试?


我试图为我的代码实现单元测试,而且我很难做到这一点。C++ - 是否有可能在单元测试中实现内存泄漏测试?

理想情况下,我想测试一些类不仅为了良好的功能,而且为了正确的内存分配/释放。我不知道这个检查是否可以使用单元测试框架完成。我正在使用Visual Assert顺便说一句。如果可能,我希望看到一些示例代码!

只要您的单元测试使用调试c运行时运行,您可以直接在dev studio中使用调试功能来执行泄漏检查。


#include <crtdbg.h> 
struct CrtCheckMemory 
    _CrtMemState state1; 
    _CrtMemState state2; 
    _CrtMemState state3; 
    // using google test you can just do this. 
    EXPECT_EQ(0,_CrtMemDifference(&state3, &state1, &state2)); 
    // else just do this to dump the leaked blocks to stdout. 
    if(_CrtMemDifference(&state3, &state1, &state2)) 


    CrtCheckMemory check; 

    // TODO: add the unit test here 


一些单元测试框架做出自己的分配 - 例如分配块谷歌的当单元测试失败时,任何因任何其他原因而出现故障的测试块总会出现误报“泄漏”。


这是一个非常“干净”的解决方案。我试了一下(在一个公认的简单情况下),它按预期工作。 +1 – sevaxx 2010-06-06 11:07:27


我会第二个。这是一个非常干净的解决方案。只是调用_CrtDumpMemoryLeaks函数不适用于谷歌测试,因为它错误地报告了框架中的一些泄漏,但是这个解决方案避免了上述问题。尽管如此,你必须记得在每个测试用例的顶部创建一个类的实例。 – tathagata 2010-07-29 11:30:37


我刚成功地将这个解决方案添加到了大量的数百个测试中。您可以将指针添加为类变量,并将其分配到TEST_METHOD_INITIALIZE中,并在TEST_METHOD_CLEANUP中将其删除。这样,它只是每TEST_CLASS – SecsAndCyber 2015-09-17 20:42:50



这是我想避免的...... – sevaxx 2010-06-05 15:32:09


那么,你将不得不提供一个跟踪分配的分配器的替代实现。这并不意味着你必须自己写... – 2010-06-05 15:33:58


没错。在线查看分配器库。 Nedalloc是我所知道的(食人魔使用它)。如果你不想使用类似的东西,那么你可以使用一个外部工具,但是这不会在你的单元测试中可用。在Visual Studio中,有一个基本的内存泄漏检查程序,但它只能检测到有一个,并不总是提供有关内存泄漏的信息...... – Klaim 2010-06-05 16:24:57



而且你问的示例代码,所以here it is


TCMalloc的可用链接:http://goog-perftools.sourceforge。 net/doc/tcmalloc.html – 2017-06-22 16:32:40



是相当明确的 - 检测泄漏,同时还有:

2.1)理想的情况下以精确的方式 - 表明有多少字节究竟是如何被分配YET不释放。

2.2)尽力而为 - 如果不完全,表明在“假阳性”的方式(告诉我们关于泄漏,即使它不一定是一个,并在同一时间,不要错过任何泄漏检测)。在这里对自己更加苛刻最好。

2.3)因为我在GTEST框架写我的单元测试 - 测试每个GTEST单元测试作为“原子实体”。 2.4)使用malloc/free也考虑“C-style”分配(释放)。

2.5)理想情况下 - 考虑C++“就地分配”。





3.1)运行“第一”GTest风格测试,以便了解在测试失败的情况下分配在堆上的“额外内存”的数量正如克里斯贝克在上面的答案的最后一句中提到的那样。 3.2)易于集成 - 简单地继承这个基类并编写你的单元测试“TEST_F风格”函数。

3.3.1)对于每个测试,我们可以决定是否声明否则执行内存泄漏检查或不。这是通过SetIgnoreMemoryLeakCheckForThisTest()metohd完成的。 注意:无需再次“重置”它 - 由于GTest单元测试的工作方式(它们在每次函数调用之前它们先调用Ctor),它会在下一次测试时自动发生。另外,如果你由于某种原因事先知道你的测试会“错过”一些内存释放,并且你知道这个数量 - 你可以利用这两个函数来把这个事实转化为一次执行内存检查时的考虑因素(顺便说一句,通过“简单地”从测试结束时减去测试开始时使用的内存量来执行)。


// memoryLeakDetector.h: 
#include "gtest/gtest.h" 
extern int g_numOfExtraBytesAllocatedByGtestUponTestFailure; 

// The fixture for testing class Foo. 
class MemoryLeakDetectorBase : public ::testing::Test 
// methods: 
// ------- 
    void SetIgnoreMemoryLeakCheckForThisTest() { m_ignoreMemoryLeakCheckForThisTest= true; } 
    void SetIsFirstCheckRun() { m_isFirstTestRun = true; } 


    // You can do set-up work for each test here. 

    // You can do clean-up work that doesn't throw exceptions here. 
    virtual ~MemoryLeakDetectorBase(); 

    // If the constructor and destructor are not enough for setting up 
    // and cleaning up each test, you can define the following methods: 

    // Code here will be called immediately after the constructor (right 
    // before each test). 
    virtual void SetUp(); 

    // Code here will be called immediately after each test (right 
    // before the destructor). 
    virtual void TearDown(); 

    void getSmartDiff(int naiveDiff); 
    // Add the extra memory check logic according to our 
    // settings for each test (this method is invoked right 
    // after the Dtor). 
    virtual void PerformMemoryCheckLogic(); 

// members: 
// ------- 
    bool m_ignoreMemoryLeakCheckForThisTest; 
    bool m_isFirstTestRun; 
    bool m_getSmartDiff; 
    size_t m_numOfBytesNotToConsiderAsMemoryLeakForThisTest; 
    int m_firstCheck; 
    int m_secondCheck; 


// memoryLeakDetectorBase.cpp 
#include <iostream> 
#include <malloc.h> 

#include "memoryLeakDetectorBase.h" 

int g_numOfExtraBytesAllocatedByGtestUponTestFailure = 0; 

static int display_mallinfo_and_return_uordblks() 
    struct mallinfo mi; 

    mi = mallinfo(); 
    std::cout << "========================================" << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "========================================" << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "Total non-mmapped bytes (arena):" << mi.arena << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "# of free chunks (ordblks):" << mi.ordblks << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "# of free fastbin blocks (smblks):" << mi.smblks << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "# of mapped regions (hblks):" << mi.hblks << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "Bytes in mapped regions (hblkhd):"<< mi.hblkhd << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "Max. total allocated space (usmblks):"<< mi.usmblks << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "Free bytes held in fastbins (fsmblks):"<< mi.fsmblks << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "Total allocated space (uordblks):"<< mi.uordblks << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "Total free space (fordblks):"<< mi.fordblks << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "Topmost releasable block (keepcost):" << mi.keepcost << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "========================================" << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "========================================" << std::endl; 
    std::cout << std::endl; 
    std::cout << std::endl; 

    return mi.uordblks; 

    : m_ignoreMemoryLeakCheckForThisTest(false) 
    , m_isFirstTestRun(false) 
    , m_getSmartDiff(false) 
    , m_numOfBytesNotToConsiderAsMemoryLeakForThisTest(0) 
    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorBase::MemoryLeakDetectorBase" << std::endl; 
    m_firstCheck = display_mallinfo_and_return_uordblks(); 

    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorBase::~MemoryLeakDetectorBase" << std::endl; 
    m_secondCheck = display_mallinfo_and_return_uordblks(); 

void MemoryLeakDetectorBase::PerformMemoryCheckLogic() 
    if (m_isFirstTestRun) { 
     std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorBase::PerformMemoryCheckLogic - after the first test" << std::endl; 
     int diff = m_secondCheck - m_firstCheck; 
     if (diff > 0) { 
      std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorBase::PerformMemoryCheckLogic - setting g_numOfExtraBytesAllocatedByGtestUponTestFailure to:" << diff << std::endl; 
      g_numOfExtraBytesAllocatedByGtestUponTestFailure = diff; 

    if (m_ignoreMemoryLeakCheckForThisTest) { 
    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorBase::PerformMemoryCheckLogic" << std::endl; 

    int naiveDiff = m_secondCheck - m_firstCheck; 

    // in case you wish for "more accurate" difference calculation call this method 
    if (m_getSmartDiff) { 

    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorBase::PerformMemoryCheckLogic - the difference is:" << naiveDiff << std::endl; 

void MemoryLeakDetectorBase::getSmartDiff(int naiveDiff) 
    // according to some invastigations and assumemptions, it seems like once there is at least one 
    // allocation which is not handled - GTest allocates 32 bytes on the heap, so in case the difference 
    // prior for any further substrcutions is less than 32 - we will assume that the test does not need to 
    // go over memory leak check... 
    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorBase::getMoreAccurateAmountOfBytesToSubstructFromSecondMemoryCheck - start" << std::endl; 
    if (naiveDiff <= 32) { 
     std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorBase::getSmartDiff - the naive diff <= 32 - ignoring..." << std::endl; 

    size_t numOfBytesToReduceFromTheSecondMemoryCheck = m_numOfBytesNotToConsiderAsMemoryLeakForThisTest + g_numOfExtraBytesAllocatedByGtestUponTestFailure; 
    m_secondCheck -= numOfBytesToReduceFromTheSecondMemoryCheck; 
    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorBase::getSmartDiff - substructing " << numOfBytesToReduceFromTheSecondMemoryCheck << std::endl; 

void MemoryLeakDetectorBase::SetUp() 
    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorBase::SetUp" << std::endl; 

void MemoryLeakDetectorBase::TearDown() 
    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorBase::TearDown" << std::endl; 

// The actual test of this module: 

TEST_F(MemoryLeakDetectorBase, getNumOfExtraBytesGTestAllocatesUponTestFailureTest) 
    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest::getNumOfExtraBytesGTestAllocatesUponTestFailureTest - START" << std::endl; 

    // Allocate some bytes on the heap and DO NOT delete them so we can find out the amount 
    // of extra bytes GTest framework allocates upon a failure of a test. 
    // This way, upon our legit test failure, we will be able to determine of many bytes were NOT 
    // deleted EXACTLY by our test. 

    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest::getNumOfExtraBytesGTestAllocatesUponTestFailureTest - size of char:" << sizeof(char) << std::endl; 
    char* pChar = new char('g'); 
    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest::getNumOfExtraBytesGTestAllocatesUponTestFailureTest - END" << std::endl; 


// memoryLeakDetectorPocTest.cpp 
#include "memoryLeakDetectorPocTest.h" 
#include <cstdlib> // for malloc 

class MyObject 

    MyObject(int a, int b) : m_a(a), m_b(b) { std::cout << "MyObject::MyObject" << std::endl; } 
    ~MyObject() { std::cout << "MyObject::~MyObject" << std::endl; } 
    int m_a; 
    int m_b; 

    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest::MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest" << std::endl; 

    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest::~MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest" << std::endl; 

void MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest::SetUp() 
    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest::SetUp" << std::endl; 

void MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest::TearDown() 
    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest::TearDown" << std::endl; 

TEST_F(MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest, verifyNewAllocationForNativeType) 

    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest::verifyNewAllocationForNativeType - START" << std::endl; 

    // allocate some bytes on the heap and intentially DONT release them... 
    const size_t numOfCharsOnHeap = 23; 
    std::cout << "size of char is:" << sizeof(char) << " bytes" << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "allocating " << sizeof(char) * numOfCharsOnHeap << " bytes on the heap using new []" << std::endl; 
    char* arr = new char[numOfCharsOnHeap]; 

    // DO NOT delete it on purpose... 
    //delete [] arr; 
    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest::verifyNewAllocationForNativeType - END" << std::endl; 

TEST_F(MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest, verifyNewAllocationForUserDefinedType) 
    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest::verifyNewAllocationForUserDefinedType - START" << std::endl; 

    std::cout << "size of MyObject is:" << sizeof(MyObject) << " bytes" << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "allocating MyObject on the heap using new" << std::endl; 
    MyObject* myObj1 = new MyObject(12, 17); 

    delete myObj1; 
    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest::verifyNewAllocationForUserDefinedType - END" << std::endl; 

TEST_F(MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest, verifyMallocAllocationForNativeType) 
    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest::verifyMallocAllocationForNativeType - START" << std::endl; 
    size_t numOfDoublesOnTheHeap = 3; 
    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest::verifyMallocAllocationForNativeType - sizeof double is " << sizeof(double) << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest::verifyMallocAllocationForNativeType - allocaitng " << sizeof(double) * numOfDoublesOnTheHeap << " bytes on the heap" << std::endl; 
    double* arr = static_cast<double*>(malloc(sizeof(double) * numOfDoublesOnTheHeap)); 

    // NOT free-ing them on purpose !! 
    // free(arr); 
    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest::verifyMallocAllocationForNativeType - END" << std::endl; 

TEST_F(MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest, verifyNewAllocationForNativeSTLVectorType) 
    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest::verifyNewAllocationForNativeSTLVectorType - START" << std::endl; 
    std::vector<int> vecInt; 

    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest::verifyNewAllocationForNativeSTLVectorType - END" << std::endl; 

TEST_F(MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest, verifyNewAllocationForUserDefinedSTLVectorType) 
    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest::verifyNewAllocationForUserDefinedSTLVectorType - START" << std::endl; 
    std::vector<MyObject*> vecMyObj; 
    vecMyObj.push_back(new MyObject(7,8)); 
    vecMyObj.push_back(new MyObject(9,10)); 

    size_t vecSize = vecMyObj.size(); 
    for (int i = 0; i < vecSize; ++i) { 
     delete vecMyObj[i]; 

    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest::verifyNewAllocationForUserDefinedSTLVectorType - END" << std::endl; 

TEST_F(MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest, verifyInPlaceAllocationAndDeAllocationForUserDefinedType) 
    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest::verifyInPlaceAllocationAndDeAllocationForUserDefinedType - START" << std::endl; 
    void* p1 = malloc(sizeof(MyObject)); 
    MyObject *p2 = new (p1) MyObject(12,13); 

    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest::verifyInPlaceAllocationAndDeAllocationForUserDefinedType - END" << std::endl; 

TEST_F(MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest, verifyInPlaceAllocationForUserDefinedType) 
    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest::verifyInPlaceAllocationForUserDefinedType - START" << std::endl; 
    void* p1 = malloc(sizeof(MyObject)); 
    MyObject *p2 = new (p1) MyObject(12,13); 

    // Dont delete the object on purpose !! 
    std::cout << "MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest::verifyInPlaceAllocationForUserDefinedType - END" << std::endl; 


// memoryLeakDetectorPocTest.h 
#include "gtest/gtest.h" 
#include "memoryLeakDetectorBase.h" 

// The fixture for testing class Foo. 
class MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest : public MemoryLeakDetectorBase 

    // You can do set-up work for each test here. 

    // You can do clean-up work that doesn't throw exceptions here. 
    virtual ~MemoryLeakDetectorPocTest(); 

    // Code here will be called immediately after the constructor (right 
    // before each test). 
    virtual void SetUp(); 

    // Code here will be called immediately after each test (right 
    // before the destructor). 
    virtual void TearDown(); 





堆栈溢出 - 甚至鼓励,可以问一个问题,然后自己回答它,这种情况下,我会推荐它,因为这个答案涵盖了不同于原始问题解决方案(和它的标签) – 2017-06-26 06:08:48