


$ sh ./action.sh "{\"b64\":\"`base64 input.txt`\" }" 

input.txt中有6个字: 猫狗 elephent狮 mooose错误


{ "result": "" } 


{ "result": "elephent mooose " } 

# This script expects one argument, a String representation of a JSON 
# object with a single attribute called b64. The script decodes 
# the b64 value to a file, and then pipes it to aspell to check spelling. 
# Finally it returns the result in a JSON object with an attribute called 
# result 

# Parse the JSON input ($1) to extract the value of the 'b64' attribute, 
# then decode it from base64 format, and dump the result to a file. 
echo $1 | sed -e 's/b64.://g' \ 
     | tr -d '"' | tr -d ' ' | tr -d '}' | tr -d '{' \ 
     | base64 --decode >&2 $FILE 

# Pipe the input file to aspell, and then format the result on one line with 
# spaces as delimiters 
RESULT=`cat $FILE | aspell list | tr '\n' ' ' ` 

# Return a JSON object with a single attribute 'result' 
echo "{ \"result\": \"$RESULT\" }" 

运行使用bash -x脚本。这将帮助您更好地跟踪对变量RESULT的更改。 –


当我与SH尝试-x它输出FILE = /家庭/侯赛因/ output.txt的 +回波{ “B64”: “Q2F0IGRvZyAKZWxlcGhhbnQgbGlvbgptb29zZSBidWcK”} + SED -es/B64://克 + TR -d“ + TR -d + TR -d} + TR -d { +的base64 --decode /home/huseyin/output.txt +猫/home/huseyin/output.txt +中的aspell列表 + TR \ n + RESULT = + echo {“result”:“”} {“result”:“”} –

I t这个问题是关于重定向的。我改变了>&2 $FILE> $FILE 2>&1 然后它工作。 (我不知道为什么第一个是不正常)


[email protected]:/tmp$ sh ./action.sh "{\"b64\":\"`base64 input.txt`\" }" 
{ "result": "elephent mooose " } 


# This script expects one argument, a String representation of a JSON 
# object with a single attribute called b64. The script decodes 
# the b64 value to a file, and then pipes it to aspell to check spelling. 
# Finally it returns the result in a JSON object with an attribute called 
# result 

# Parse the JSON input ($1) to extract the value of the 'b64' attribute, 
# then decode it from base64 format, and dump the result to a file. 
echo $1 | sed -e 's/b64.://g' \ 
     | tr -d '"' | tr -d ' ' | tr -d '}' | tr -d '{' \ 
     | base64 --decode > $FILE 2>&1 

# Pipe the input file to aspell, and then format the result on one line with 
# spaces as delimiters 
RESULT=`cat $FILE | aspell list | tr '\n' ' ' ` 

# Return a JSON object with a single attribute 'result' 
echo "{ \"result\": \"$RESULT\" }" 

是的谢谢你的答案,我认为这是阅读空输出文件,我想要的教程和一切都是错误的 –