


private delegate IsomeEntity DisplayDelegate(IsomeEntity display); 

public IsomeEntity Display<T>() 
    DisplayDelegate _del = null; 
    IsomeEntity display = factory.CreateObject(typeof(T).Name); 

    if (display.GetType() == typeof(ADisplayEntity)) 
     _del = ADisplayEntity; 

    if (display.GetType() == typeof(BDisplayEntity)) 
     _del = BDisplayEntity; 

    if (display.GetType() == typeof(CDisplayEntity)) 
     _del = CDisplayEntity; 

    return _del(display); 

public ADisplayEntity ADisplayEntity(IsomeEntity display) 
    ADisplayEntity ade = display as ADisplayEntity; 

     ADisplay o = new ADisplay(); 
     ADisplayEntity response = o.ADisplay(ade); 
     return response; 
    catch (Exception ex) 
     Exception newEx; 
     if (someExceptionHandler.HandleException(ex, this, out newEx)) 
      throw newEx; 

    return null; 

public BDisplayEntity BDisplayEntity(IsomeEntity display) 
    BDisplayEntity dde = display as BDisplayEntity; 

     BDisplay o = new BDisplay(); 
     BDisplayEntity response = o.BDisplay(bde); 
     return response; 
    catch (Exception ex) 
     Exception newEx; 
     if (someExceptionHandler.HandleException(ex, this, out newEx)) 
      throw newEx; 

    return null; 


public ISomeEntity Display<T>(Func<T, ISomeEntity> conversion) 
    IsomeEntity display = factory.CreateObject(typeof(T).Name); 
    return conversion(display); 


var myNewEntity = Display( 
    x => ADisplay.GetADisplay(x as ADisplayEntity)); 


我不完全确定你要做什么 - 所以我的代码可能不太对,但它应该给你和想法,你怎么可以传递lambdas左右。



我认为他想的显示方法的代码,使他不必指定它的每一个他想要的ISomeEntity – Randolpho 2009-08-07 15:42:45





public static ISomeEntity DisplayEntity(ISomeEntity display) 

     ISomeEntity result; 
      if (entity is ADisplayEntity) 
       ADisplay disp = new ADisplay(); 
       result = disp.ADisplayFunc(); 
      if(entity is BDisplayEntity) 
       BDisplay disp = new BDisplay(); 
       result = disp.BDisplayFunc(); 

    return result; 



public interface IDisplay 
    public ISomeEntity Display(ISomeEntity entity); 

public class AWrappedDisplay: IDisplay 
    public ISomeEntity Display(ISomeEntity entity) 
     ADisplay disp = new ADisplay(); 
     return disp.ADisplayFunc(entity); 


public class BWrappedDisplay : IDisplay 
    public ISomeEntity Display(ISomeEntity entity) 
     BDisplay disp = new BDisplay(); 
     return disp.BDisplayFunc(entity); 


public static IDisplay Factory(Type t) 
      IDisplay disp = null; 
      if (t == typeof(ADisplayEntity)) 
       disp = new AWrappedDisplay(); 

      if (t == typeof(BDisplayEntity)) 
       disp = new BWrappedDisplay(); 

      return disp; 


public static ISomeEntity DisplayEntity(ISomeEntity display) 
     IDisplay disp = Factory(display.GetType()); 
     ISomeEntity newDisplayEntity = disp.Display(display); 

     return newDisplayEntity; 


private delegate IsomeEntity DisplayDelegate<T>(IsomeEntity display); 

    public IsomeEntity DisplayMethod<T>() where T : IsomeEntity 
     DisplayDelegate<T> _del = new DisplayDelegate<T>(DoDisplay<T>); 
     IsomeEntity entity = factory.CreateObject(typeof(T).Name); 

     return _del(entity); 

    public IsomeEntity DoDisplay<T>(IsomeEntity entity) 
      Display<T> o = new Display<T>(); 
      Entity<T> response = o.Display(entity); 
      return response; 
     catch (Exception ex) 
      if (someExceptionHandler.HandleException(ex, this, out newEx)) 
       throw newEx; 


public IsomeEntity DisplayMethod<T>() where T : IsomeEntity 
     IsomeEntity entity = factory.CreateObject(typeof(T).Name); 

     return DoDisplay<T>(entity); 

    public IsomeEntity DoDisplay<T>(IsomeEntity entity) 
      Display<T> o = new Display<T>(); 
      Entity<T> response = o.Display(entity); 
      return response; 
     catch (Exception ex) 
      if (someExceptionHandler.HandleException(ex, this, out newEx)) 
       throw newEx; 

当我看到你在做什么,在这里,但你的例子难道不编译,什么类型究竟是* o *,* o *如何具有* o.Display(实体)* – 2009-08-07 16:07:43


我基于OP上的示例,OP具有“ADisplay”和“BDisplay”。因为它是通用的,我只是将它重命名为“Display”。 这个例子是针对语法和设计的,它没有包含实际编译,构建和运行所需的所有东西。实施细节留给用户。 – 2009-08-07 17:17:33


然后,我会创建一个IDictionary,它将存储为具有该主Display方法(我将称之为Displayer)的类中的字段。该字典将存储每种类型使用的IDisplay(即typeof(ADisplayEntity) - > new ADisplay())。




public interface ISomeEntity 


public class EntityFactory 
    public ISomeEntity CreateObject(string name) 
     //Do factory stuff here 
     return null; 

public class ADisplayEntity : ISomeEntity 

public class BDisplayEntity : ISomeEntity 

public interface IDisplay 
    ISomeEntity Display(ISomeEntity entity); 

public class ADisplay : IDisplay 
    public ISomeEntity Display(ISomeEntity entity) 
     ADisplayEntity aEntity = entity as ADisplayEntity; 
     if (aEntity == null) 
      throw new ArgumentException("Wrong type"); 

     //Do whatever happens when you convert parameter entity into a 
     //"response" ADisplayEntity. I'm just returning a new 
     //ADisplayEntity to make it compile for me 
     return new ADisplayEntity(); 

public class BDisplay : IDisplay 
    public ISomeEntity Display(ISomeEntity entity) 
     BDisplayEntity bEntity = entity as BDisplayEntity; 
     if (bEntity == null) 
      throw new ArgumentException("Wrong type"); 

     //Do whatever happens when you convert parameter entity into a 
     //"response" BDisplayEntity. I'm just returning a new 
     //BDisplayEntity to make it compile for me 
     return new BDisplayEntity(); 

public class Displayer 
    private IDictionary<Type, IDisplay> displayers; 
    private EntityFactory factory; 

    public Displayer() 
     factory = new EntityFactory(); 
     displayers = new Dictionary<Type, IDisplay> 
          { typeof(ADisplayEntity), new ADisplay() }, 
          { typeof(BDisplayEntity), new BDisplay() } 

    public T Display<T>() where T : class, ISomeEntity 
     T entity = factory.CreateObject((typeof(T).Name)) as T; //Type-safe because of the factory 
     IDisplay displayer = displayers[typeof(T)]; 
     return displayer.Display(entity) as T; //Typesafe thanks to each IDisplay returning the correct type 