Visual Studio 2010 SP1安装项目不会安装Visual C++ 2010运行时库的SP1


我使用的是VS 2010 SP1,并且我已经创建了一个VS安装项目来安装我的应用程序。我的应用程序使用用C++编写的DLL,因此我需要包含VC++ 2010运行时库。Visual Studio 2010 SP1安装项目不会安装Visual C++ 2010运行时库的SP1

我的一位用户报告说,在运行我的安装程序时出现错误,我将其追溯到事实上该用户已安装SP1版本的VC++ 2010运行时库。我的安装程序尝试安装非SP1版本,然后在看到已安装的新版本(SP1版本)时退出。 screenshot of errorscreenshot of error




如果它是有帮助的,这里的安装日志从用户谁打这个错误:在Visual Studio安装项目

The following properties have been set: 
Property: [AdminUser] = true {boolean} 
Property: [InstallMode] = HomeSite {string} 
Property: [ProcessorArchitecture] = AMD64 {string} 
Property: [VersionNT] = 6.1.1 {version} 
Running checks for package 'Windows Installer 3.1', phase BuildList 
The following properties have been set for package 'Windows Installer 3.1': 
Running checks for command 'WindowsInstaller3_1\WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe' 
Result of running operator 'VersionGreaterThanOrEqualTo' on property 'VersionMsi' and value '3.1': true 
Result of checks for command 'WindowsInstaller3_1\WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe' is 'Bypass' 
'Windows Installer 3.1' RunCheck result: No Install Needed 
Running checks for package 'Visual C++ 2010 Runtime Libraries (x86)', phase BuildList 
Running MsiProductCheck with ProductCode '{196BB40D-1578-3D01-B289-BEFC77A11A1E}' 
MsiQueryProductState returned '-1' 
Setting value '-1 {int}' for property 'VCRedistInstalled' 
The following properties have been set for package 'Visual C++ 2010 Runtime Libraries (x86)': 
Property: [VCRedistInstalled] = -1 {int} 
Running checks for command 'vcredist_x86\vcredist_x86.exe' 
Result of running operator 'ValueGreaterThanEqualTo' on property 'VCRedistInstalled' and value '3': false 
Result of running operator 'ValueEqualTo' on property 'AdminUser' and value 'false': false 
Skipping FailIf because Property 'Version9X' was not defined 
Result of running operator 'VersionLessThan' on property 'VersionNT' and value '5.00': false 
Result of checks for command 'vcredist_x86\vcredist_x86.exe' is 'Install' 
'Visual C++ 2010 Runtime Libraries (x86)' RunCheck result: Install Needed 
Running checks for package 'Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile (x86 and x64)', phase BuildList 
Reading value 'Version' of registry key 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client' 
Read string value '4.0.30319' 
Setting value '4.0.30319 {string}' for property 'DotNet40Client_TargetVersion' 
The following properties have been set for package 'Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile (x86 and x64)': 
Property: [DotNet40Client_TargetVersion] = 4.0.30319 {string} 
Running checks for command 'DotNetFX40Client\dotNetFx40_Client_x86_x64.exe' 
Result of running operator 'ValueEqualTo' on property 'InstallMode' and value 'HomeSite': true 
Result of checks for command 'DotNetFX40Client\dotNetFx40_Client_x86_x64.exe' is 'Bypass' 
Running checks for command 'DotNetFX40Client\dotNetFx40_Client_setup.exe' 
Result of running operator 'ValueNotEqualTo' on property 'InstallMode' and value 'HomeSite': false 
Result of running operator 'VersionGreaterThanOrEqualTo' on property 'DotNet40Client_TargetVersion' and value '4.0.30129': true 
Result of checks for command 'DotNetFX40Client\dotNetFx40_Client_setup.exe' is 'Bypass' 
'Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile (x86 and x64)' RunCheck result: No Install Needed 
Installation of components 'Visual C++ 2010 Runtime Libraries (x86)' was accepted. 
Copying files to temporary directory "C:\Users\JAGDISH\AppData\Local\Temp\VSD653B.tmp\" 
Downloading files to "C:\Users\JAGDISH\AppData\Local\Temp\VSD653B.tmp\" 
(14-12-2011 14:03:32) Downloading 'vcredist_x86\vcredist_x86.exe' from '' to 'C:\Users\JAGDISH\AppData\Local\Temp\VSD653B.tmp\' 
Download completed at 14-12-2011 14:05:00 
Verifying file integrity of C:\Users\JAGDISH\AppData\Local\Temp\VSD653B.tmp\vcredist_x86\vcredist_x86.exe 
WinVerifyTrust returned 0 
File trusted 
Running checks for package 'Visual C++ 2010 Runtime Libraries (x86)', phase BeforePackage 
Running MsiProductCheck with ProductCode '{196BB40D-1578-3D01-B289-BEFC77A11A1E}' 
MsiQueryProductState returned '-1' 
Setting value '-1 {int}' for property 'VCRedistInstalled' 
The following properties have been set for package 'Visual C++ 2010 Runtime Libraries (x86)': 
Property: [VCRedistInstalled] = -1 {int} 
Running checks for command 'vcredist_x86\vcredist_x86.exe' 
Result of running operator 'ValueGreaterThanEqualTo' on property 'VCRedistInstalled' and value '3': false 
Result of running operator 'ValueEqualTo' on property 'AdminUser' and value 'false': false 
Skipping FailIf because Property 'Version9X' was not defined 
Result of running operator 'VersionLessThan' on property 'VersionNT' and value '5.00': false 
Result of checks for command 'vcredist_x86\vcredist_x86.exe' is 'Install' 
'Visual C++ 2010 Runtime Libraries (x86)' RunCheck result: Install Needed 
Verifying file integrity of C:\Users\JAGDISH\AppData\Local\Temp\VSD653B.tmp\vcredist_x86\vcredist_x86.exe 
WinVerifyTrust returned 0 
File trusted 
Installing using command 'C:\Users\JAGDISH\AppData\Local\Temp\VSD653B.tmp\vcredist_x86\vcredist_x86.exe' and parameters ' /q:a ' 
Process exited with code 5100 
Status of package 'Visual C++ 2010 Runtime Libraries (x86)' after install is 'InstallFailed' 


所以最好的解决方案是创建自己的自定义先决条件。 Visual Studio安装项目不支持自定义先决条件创建。但是,可以通过手动生成required manifests来完成。

这些清单可以通过Bootstrapper Manifest Generator tool自动生成。

生成软件包清单后,您可以在一个单独的文件夹添加所有这些文件(包括包装)在Visual Studio的先决条件文件夹,例如:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bootstrapper\Packages 




'检测标准'恰恰不起作用。有人的安装程序首先到达该机器,并将msvcr100.dll复制到c:\ windows \ system32。因为那很容易。 – 2011-12-15 09:29:54

我可以通过将我的C++ DLL的目标输出添加到安装项目中来解决这个问题。一旦我这样做了,安装项目会自动将适当的C++ dll与我的安装程序捆绑在一起,现在一切正常。


@Cosmin Pirvu - 您的解决方案可能有效,但这是我最终做的。