

我有一个名为“customer.cs”的窗体,其中我有一个名为“phonetxt”的文本框,我在名为myclass.cs的模型中有一个类,我在“customer.cs”中有一行代码 ,如何转换字符串来控制“名称”数据类型?

private void customerphone_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) 
     if (customerphone.Text != "Enter Phone Number" && customerphone.Text == "") 
      this.customerphone.Text = "Enter Phone Number"; 
      this.customerphone.ForeColor = Color.DarkGray; 
      errorcustomerphone.Icon = Properties.Resources.err; 
      errorcustomerphone.SetError(customerphone, "Enter Phone Number"); 

      errorcustomerphone.Icon = Properties.Resources.ok; 
      errorcustomerphone.SetError(customerphone, "Enter Phone Number"); 



methodfortext("customerphone","errorcustomerphone","Enter PhoneNumber"); 
//that will send these parameters to myclass.cs 
methodfortext(string controlname, string errorname , string name) 
    //i want 
    controlname.Text = name; 
    errorname.Icon = Properties.Resources.err; 



using System.Windows.Forms; 

public static class ErrorHelper 
    public static void SetError(Form form, string controlName, string errorProviderName, string errorMessage) 
     var textBox = GetControl<TextBox>(form, controlName); 
     if (textBox != null) 
      textBox.Text = errorMessage; 

     // If you create an ErrorProvider control by code 
     // do not forget to add it to the form controls collection 
     // by calling this.Controls.Add(errorProvider); in the form class 
     // otherwise, it will not be found this way. 
     var errorProvider = GetControl<ErrorProvider>(form, controlName); 
     if (errorProvider != null) 
      errorProvider.Icon = Properties.Resources.err; 

    private static T GetControl<T>(Form form, string controlName) where T : Control 
     foreach (object control in form.Controls) 
      var ctl = control as Control; 

      if (ctl != null && String.Equals(ctl.Name, controlName)) 
       return ctl as T; 