


备注: 这是一个路径查找器项目。


我根本无法使用任何循环。 (如果可以的话,本来很容易。) 堆栈中的最后一个元素必须是Bird“end”。但是,如果代码工作正常,它应该递归地完成。


private static boolean recurse(Stack<Bird> path, Bird current, Bird end) 
    Bird bird = null; 
    if (current != null) { 
     bird = current.getNextBird(); 
     if (bird != null) { 
      recurse(path, bird, end); 
      return true; 
    return false; 

import java.util.Stack;

public class Solve2 
    public static void main(String [] args) 
    // create the maze to solve 
    Maze maze = new Maze(); 

    // create a Stack of Bird objects named path here 
    Stack<Bird> path = new Stack<Bird>(); 

    // call recursive method to solve the maze and print the path 
    recurse(path, maze.getStart(), maze.getEnd()); 

    private static boolean recurse(Stack<Bird> path, Bird current, Bird end) 
     Bird bird = null; 
     if (current != null) { 
      bird = current.getNextBird(); 
      if (bird != null) { 
       recurse(path, bird, end); 
       return true; 
      } else { 
       recurse(path, path.peek(), end); 
       return false; 
     return false; 

    private static void print(Stack<Bird> stack) 
    // write your code for recursively printing the stack here 




public class Bird 
    public static final int N = 0; 
    public static final int NE = 1; 
    public static final int E = 2; 
    public static final int SE = 3; 
    public static final int S = 4; 
    public static final int SW = 5; 
    public static final int W = 6; 
    public static final int NW = 7; 

    private static final String [] directions = {"N ", "NE", "E ", "SE", "S ", "SW", "W ", "NW"}; 

    private String name; 
    private int direction; 
    private Queue<Bird> queue; 

    public Bird(int row, int column, int direction) 
    this.name = "Row/Column [" + row + "][" + column + "]"; 
    this.direction = direction; 

    public void setBirdQueue(Queue<Bird> queue) 
    this.queue = queue; 

    public String toString() 
    return "Location: " + name + ", Direction: " + directions[direction]; 

    public int getDirection() 
    return this.direction; 
    public Bird getNextBird() 
    // write code to return the next Bird from the queue or null if no Birds left. 
     return queue.poll(); 

进口java.util.LinkedList中; import java.util.Queue;

public class Maze 
    private Bird start; 
    private Bird end; 

    public Maze() 
    // construct the diagrammed maze 
    int MAX_ROW = 5; 
    int MAX_COL = 7; 
    Bird [][] maze = new Bird[MAX_ROW][MAX_COL]; 

    // row 0 
    maze[0][0] = new Bird(0, 0, Bird.S); 
    maze[0][1] = new Bird(0, 1, Bird.SW); 
    maze[0][2] = new Bird(0, 2, Bird.S); 
    maze[0][3] = new Bird(0, 3, Bird.SE); 
    maze[0][4] = new Bird(0, 4, Bird.SW); 
    maze[0][5] = new Bird(0, 5, Bird.SW); 
    maze[0][6] = new Bird(0, 6, Bird.SW); 

    // row 1 
    maze[1][0] = new Bird(1, 0, Bird.S); 
    maze[1][1] = new Bird(1, 1, Bird.W); 
    maze[1][2] = new Bird(1, 2, Bird.SW); 
    maze[1][3] = new Bird(1, 3, Bird.S); 
    maze[1][4] = new Bird(1, 4, Bird.N); 
    maze[1][5] = new Bird(1, 5, Bird.S); 
    maze[1][6] = new Bird(1, 6, Bird.W); 

    // row 2 
    maze[2][0] = new Bird(2, 0, Bird.NE); 
    maze[2][1] = new Bird(2, 1, Bird.NW); 
    maze[2][2] = new Bird(2, 2, Bird.N); 
    maze[2][3] = new Bird(2, 3, Bird.W); 
    maze[2][4] = new Bird(2, 4, Bird.SE); 
    maze[2][5] = new Bird(2, 5, Bird.NE); 
    maze[2][6] = new Bird(2, 6, Bird.E); 

    // row 3 
    maze[3][0] = new Bird(3, 0, Bird.SE); 
    maze[3][1] = new Bird(3, 1, Bird.NE); 
    maze[3][2] = new Bird(3, 2, Bird.E); 
    maze[3][3] = new Bird(3, 3, Bird.NW); 
    maze[3][4] = new Bird(3, 4, Bird.NW); 
    maze[3][5] = new Bird(3, 5, Bird.E); 
    maze[3][6] = new Bird(3, 6, Bird.W); 

    // row 4 
    maze[4][0] = new Bird(4, 0, Bird.N); 
    maze[4][1] = new Bird(4, 1, Bird.NE); 
    maze[4][2] = new Bird(4, 2, Bird.N); 
    maze[4][3] = new Bird(4, 3, Bird.N); 
    maze[4][4] = new Bird(4, 4, Bird.NE); 
    maze[4][5] = new Bird(4, 5, Bird.W); 
    maze[4][6] = new Bird(4, 6, Bird.N); 

    start = maze[2][0]; 
    end = maze[2][6]; 

    // write your code here 
    /*snipped the logic for adding the birds in the queue, but I do know that this part is 100% functional on my end*/ 

    public Bird getStart() 
    return this.start; 

    public Bird getEnd() 
    return this.end; 


什么是禽流数据结构?以及你的输入数据是什么。也许你已经创建了某种循环,并且一次又一次地去同一只鸟?......如果你在中间添加System.out.println(鸟)会很有用。 – Rumoku


您能否提供堆栈跟踪和边界案例? –


@mst它不会一遍又一遍地循环同一只鸟。 –




  1. ,除非你需要它,让你有当您打印只弹出不要在压栈任何东西。你需要推入的第一只鸟是最后一只鸟匹配表达(current == end)
  2. 如果这只鸟没有返回前一只鸟的东西,表明路径被阻塞。现在为了与此匹配,在步骤1中,如果(current == end)返回了前一只鸟的某个物体,表明找到了最后一只鸟,并将其连同第一只鸟中的每只鸟都传给它。


recursive(stack, current, end) 
    if(current == end){ 
     stack.push(current); //push the final bird 
     return true; //indication that final is found 
    else if(current.getNext() != null){ 
     result = recurse(stack, current.getNext(), end); //recurse 
     if(result == true) 
      stack.push(current); // using indication from the chain 

     return result; 

    return false; 

这是真的,你是对的!但我的问题是我如何推进,并弹出堆栈。因为该方法中堆栈不应该变空,所以应该只删除不需要的鸟类物体。 –


是什么让鸟不需要? –


因此,如果鸟类队列中的下一只鸟(它位于每个鸟类物体内部,并且使用getNextBird调用),在没有达到最终鸟类的情况下变为null,则该特定鸟类物体将从堆栈中移除。此外,代码中使用的包装的键盘快捷键是什么? –