

有没有我可以使用的詹金斯哈希的JavaScript实现 - 而不是自己实现它?Jenkins哈希的Javascript实现?


更新:(我曾尝试转换 更新2:此代码为您提供了相同的哈希值作为hashlittle2在lookup3.c

var Jenkins = { 
rot: function(x,k) { 
    return (x<<k) | (x>>>(32-k)); 

mix: function(a,b,c) { 
    a = (a - c) | 0; a ^= Jenkins.rot(c, 4); c = (c + b) | 0; 
    b = (b - a) | 0; b ^= Jenkins.rot(a, 6); a = (a + c) | 0; 
    c = (c - b) | 0; c ^= Jenkins.rot(b, 8); b = (b + a) | 0; 
    a = (a - c) | 0; a ^= Jenkins.rot(c,16); c = (c + b) | 0; 
    b = (b - a) | 0; b ^= Jenkins.rot(a,19); a = (a + c) | 0; 
    c = (c - b) | 0; c ^= Jenkins.rot(b, 4); b = (b + a) | 0; 
    return {a : a, b : b, c : c}; 

final: function(a,b,c) { 
    c ^= b; c -= Jenkins.rot(b,14) | 0; 
    a ^= c; a -= Jenkins.rot(c,11) | 0; 
    b ^= a; b -= Jenkins.rot(a,25) | 0; 
    c ^= b; c -= Jenkins.rot(b,16) | 0; 
    a ^= c; a -= Jenkins.rot(c,4) | 0; 
    b ^= a; b -= Jenkins.rot(a,14) | 0; 
    c ^= b; c -= Jenkins.rot(b,24) | 0; 
    return {a : a, b : b, c : c}; 

hashlittle2: function(k, initval, initval2) { 
    var length = k.length; 
    a = b = c = 0xdeadbeef + length + initval; 
    c += initval2; 

    offset = 0; 
    while (length > 12) { 
     a += (k.charCodeAt(offset+0) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+1)<<8) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+2)<<16) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+3)<<24)); a = a>>>0; 
     b += (k.charCodeAt(offset+4) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+5)<<8) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+6)<<16) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+7)<<24)); b = b>>>0; 
     c += (k.charCodeAt(offset+8) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+9)<<8) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+10)<<16) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+11)<<24)); c = c>>>0; 
     o = Jenkins.mix(a,b,c); 
     a = o.a; b = o.b; c = o.c; 
     length -= 12; 
     offset += 12; 

    switch(length) { 
     case 12: c += (k.charCodeAt(offset+8) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+9)<<8) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+10)<<16) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+11)<<24)); b += (k.charCodeAt(offset+4) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+5)<<8) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+6)<<16) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+7)<<24)); a += (k.charCodeAt(offset+0) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+1)<<8) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+2)<<16) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+3)<<24)); break; 
     case 11: c += (k.charCodeAt(offset+8) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+9)<<8) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+10)<<16)); b += (k.charCodeAt(offset+4) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+5)<<8) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+6)<<16) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+7)<<24)); a += (k.charCodeAt(offset+0) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+1)<<8) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+2)<<16) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+3)<<24)); break; 
     case 10: c += (k.charCodeAt(offset+8) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+9)<<8)); b += (k.charCodeAt(offset+4) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+5)<<8) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+6)<<16) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+7)<<24)); a += (k.charCodeAt(offset+0) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+1)<<8) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+2)<<16) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+3)<<24)); break; 
     case 9: c += (k.charCodeAt(offset+8)); b += (k.charCodeAt(offset+4) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+5)<<8) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+6)<<16) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+7)<<24)); a += (k.charCodeAt(offset+0) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+1)<<8) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+2)<<16) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+3)<<24)); break; 
     case 8: b += (k.charCodeAt(offset+4) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+5)<<8) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+6)<<16) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+7)<<24)); a += (k.charCodeAt(offset+0) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+1)<<8) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+2)<<16) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+3)<<24)); break; 
     case 7: b += (k.charCodeAt(offset+4) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+5)<<8) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+6)<<16)); a += (k.charCodeAt(offset+0) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+1)<<8) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+2)<<16) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+3)<<24)); break; 
     case 6: b += ((k.charCodeAt(offset+5)<<8) + k.charCodeAt(offset+4)); a += (k.charCodeAt(offset+0) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+1)<<8) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+2)<<16) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+3)<<24)); break; 
     case 5: b += (k.charCodeAt(offset+4)); a += (k.charCodeAt(offset+0) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+1)<<8) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+2)<<16) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+3)<<24)); break; 
     case 4: a += (k.charCodeAt(offset+0) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+1)<<8) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+2)<<16) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+3)<<24)); break; 
     case 3: a += (k.charCodeAt(offset+0) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+1)<<8) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+2)<<16)); break; 
     case 2: a += (k.charCodeAt(offset+0) + (k.charCodeAt(offset+1)<<8)); break; 
     case 1: a += (k.charCodeAt(offset+0)); break; 
     case 0: return {b : b, c : c}; 

    o =,b,c); 
    a = o.a; b = o.b; c = o.c; 

    return {b : b>>>0, c : c>>>0}; 



来吧,它会很有趣。此外,如果您有测试有效数据的现有来源...:p – 2010-11-20 19:21:25

这里有一个JavaScript端口,我做了lookup3.c个人项目,在JavaScript中实现了Bloom filter。我不能确定它是否会对C代码产生相同的结果。


如果您希望输出如同整数未经签名,则可以使用returnValue >>> 0

var BloomFilter = { 
    // Convert a JavaScript string into an array of 32-bit words. 
    // This preserves the UTF-16 encoding, padding with the null character if necessary. 
    stringToWords: function(s) { 
     var b = []; 
     if(s.length & 1) { 
      s += "\u0000"; 
     for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i += 2) { 
      b.push((s.charCodeAt(i) << 16) | (s.charCodeAt(i + 1))); 
     return b; 

    // Hash an array of multiple 32-bit words to a single word. 
    // Adapted from "lookup3.c, by Bob Jenkins, May 2006, Public Domain." 
    // as retrieved 2010-07-03 from 

    hashWord: function(k, initval) { 
     // definition of bitwise rotate function 
     function rot(x, k) { 
      return (x << k) | (x >>> (32 - k)); 

     // initialization 
     var a, b, c, length = k.length, offset = 0; 
     a = b = c = (0xdeadbeef + (length << 2) + initval) | 0; 

     // handle most of the key 
     while(length > 3) { 
      a = (a + k[offset]) | 0; 
      b = (b + k[offset + 1]) | 0; 
      c = (c + k[offset + 2]) | 0; 

      // mixing function 
      a = (a - c) | 0; a ^= rot(c, 4); c = (c + b) | 0; 
      b = (b - a) | 0; b ^= rot(a, 6); a = (a + c) | 0; 
      c = (c - b) | 0; c ^= rot(b, 8); b = (b + a) | 0; 
      a = (a - c) | 0; a ^= rot(c,16); c = (c + b) | 0; 
      b = (b - a) | 0; b ^= rot(a,19); a = (a + c) | 0; 
      c = (c - b) | 0; c ^= rot(b, 4); b = (b + a) | 0; 

      length -= 3; 
      offset += 3; 

     // handle the final words if left over; fall-through is intended 
     switch(length) { 
      case 3: c = (c + k[offset + 2]) | 0; 
      case 2: b = (b + k[offset + 1]) | 0; 
      case 1: a = (a + k[offset]) | 0; 

      // final mixing 
      c ^= b; c = (c - rot(b,14)) | 0; 
      a ^= c; a = (a - rot(c,11)) | 0; 
      b ^= a; b = (b - rot(a,25)) | 0; 
      c ^= b; c = (c - rot(b,16)) | 0; 
      a ^= c; a = (a - rot(c, 4)) | 0; 
      b ^= a; b = (b - rot(a,14)) | 0; 
      c ^= b; c = (c - rot(b,24)) | 0; 

      case 0: break; // nothing left to do 

     // return the result 
     return c; 

    // Hash a string by converting to UTF-16 before using the lookup3 algorithm. 
    hashString: function(s) { 
     return BloomFilter.hashWord(BloomFilter.stringToWords(s), 0); 

看起来有不同的输出比lookup3.c,但它比其他两个版本更快_much_很慢(包括OP),出了什么问题? – bryc 2018-02-10 03:51:54

只需几修改,C code on Wikipedia将在JavaScript中完美工作。只是摆脱数据类型,并使用key.length,而不是必须通过的长度。


但是,这是与“我的哈希”詹金的礼物:http://www.burtleburtle不同的*(并且更简单)。 net/bob/hash/doobs.html,其中包含混合阶段和其他区别。 (一次一个散列只是上述链接中的讨论散列之一。) – 2010-11-20 19:32:55


@pst:那么,这仍然只是一堆轮班和其他算术运算符,所以大部分将在JavaScript中保持不变。 – casablanca 2010-11-20 19:35:36


@casablanca只要指出:-)然而,我认为差异可能在于如何处理溢出 - 这必须手动*添加到JavaScript逻辑中。 “我的哈希”假定一个无符号的4字节,我相信一个2的补码。 – 2010-11-20 19:36:08