


$items = array(); 
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) 
//parent id 
$pkey = $row['parent_id']; 
//child id 
$ckey = $row['category_id']; 
//store this 
$items[$pkey]['children'][$ckey] = $row['categoryname']; 
//create our list 
$first = true; 
//create our list 
createList($items, $first); 

function createList($array, $first) 
//we need access to the original array 
global $items; 
//first is a flag on whether or not this is the first item in the array 
//we use this flag so that you don't need to initially call the function using createList($array[0]['children']) 
    $array = $array[0]['children']; 
echo "<ol>\n"; 
foreach($array as $key => $value){ 
    echo "<li>{$value}"; 
    //if this item does have children, display them 
    echo "\n"; 
    createList($items[$key]['children'], false); //set $first to false! 
    echo "</li>\n"; 
echo "</ol>\n"; 


在上述最后一行是一个3维阵列或哈希表?它看起来像一个哈希表的原因[$ pkey] ['children'] [$ ckey]正在窃听我..



在C#中,不会使用字典来编写相同的代码,而是使用强类型的数据结构。这意味着您将创建单独的类来表示这些数据结构,并使用成员变量而不是PHP代码中关联数组的键 - 值对。


感谢您的解释Konrad。你能帮我翻译C#吗?我不是专家,但我可以尝试给出的例子。 – user342944 2010-05-17 11:06:10


这样的事情? http://csharptutorial.com/blog/use-strongly-typed-generics-dictionary-data-structure-to-lookup-constants/ – user342944 2010-05-17 11:10:20

您可以使用Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>结构对此数据建模。代码的第一部分,填充结构会这样:

Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> items 
        = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>(); 
string pkey, ckey; 

foreach (Dictionary<string, string> row in fetch(query)) 
    //parent id 
    pkey = row["parent_id"]; 

    //child id 
    ckey = ""; 
    if (row.ContainsKey("category_id")) ckey = row["category_id"]; 

    //store this 
    Dictionary<string, string> children; 
    if (items.ContainsKey(pkey)) children = items[pkey]; 
    else children = new Dictionary<string, string>(); 

    if (ckey.Length != 0) children[ckey] = row["categoryname"]; 

    items[pkey] = children; 

因此,每个循环都填充每个项目的孩子? hummm – user342944 2010-05-17 12:44:14