

我在16G RAM的Linux机器上使用Neo4j 3.2.1。 我试图从11M行的csv文件加载图形,节点的最大数量约为150K节点。 它需要永久加载,我试图增加堆大小,使用从10000到100000的定期提交,但仍然没有任何改变,现在挂了大约2个小时。 我抬头互联网和发现它根本不应该参加那么多的时间 这里是配置文件Neo4j永久加载

# Neo4j configuration 
# For more details and a complete list of settings, please see 

# The name of the database to mount 

# Paths of directories in the installation. 

# This setting constrains all `LOAD CSV` import files to be under the `import` directory. Remove or comment it out to 
# allow files to be loaded from anywhere in the filesystem; this introduces possible security problems. See the 
# `LOAD CSV` section of the manual for details. 

# Whether requests to Neo4j are authenticated. 
# To disable authentication, uncomment this line 

# Enable this to be able to upgrade a store from an older version. 

# Java Heap Size: by default the Java heap size is dynamically 
# calculated based on available system resources. 
# Uncomment these lines to set specific initial and maximum 
# heap size. 

# The amount of memory to use for mapping the store files, in bytes (or 
# kilobytes with the 'k' suffix, megabytes with 'm' and gigabytes with 'g'). 
# If Neo4j is running on a dedicated server, then it is generally recommended 
# to leave about 2-4 gigabytes for the operating system, give the JVM enough 
# heap to hold all your transaction state and query context, and then leave the 
# rest for the page cache. 
# The default page cache memory assumes the machine is dedicated to running 
# Neo4j, and is heuristically set to 50% of RAM minus the max Java heap size. 

# Network connector configuration 

# With default configuration Neo4j only accepts local connections. 
# To accept non-local connections, uncomment this line: 

# You can also choose a specific network interface, and configure a non-default 
# port for each connector, by setting their individual listen_address. 

# The address at which this server can be reached by its clients. This may be the server's IP address or DNS name, or 
# it may be the address of a reverse proxy which sits in front of the server. This setting may be overridden for 
# individual connectors below. 

# You can also choose a specific advertised hostname or IP address, and 
# configure an advertised port for each connector, by setting their 
# individual advertised_address. 

# Bolt connector 

# HTTP Connector. There must be exactly one HTTP connector. 

# HTTPS Connector. There can be zero or one HTTPS connectors. 

# Number of Neo4j worker threads. 

# Logging configuration 

# To enable HTTP logging, uncomment this line 

# Number of HTTP logs to keep. 

# Size of each HTTP log that is kept. 

# To enable GC Logging, uncomment this line 

# GC Logging Options 
# see for more information. 
#dbms.logs.gc.options=-XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime -XX:+PrintPromotionFailure -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution 

# Number of GC logs to keep. 

# Size of each GC log that is kept. 

# Size threshold for rotation of the debug log. If set to zero then no rotation will occur. Accepts a binary suffix "k", 
# "m" or "g". 

# Maximum number of history files for the internal log. 

# Miscellaneous configuration 

# Enable this to specify a parser other than the default one. 

# Determines if Cypher will allow using file URLs when loading data using 
# `LOAD CSV`. Setting this value to `false` will cause Neo4j to fail `LOAD CSV` 
# clauses that load data from the file system. 

# Retention policy for transaction logs needed to perform recovery and backups. 
dbms.tx_log.rotation.retention_policy=1 days 

# Enable a remote shell server which Neo4j Shell clients can log in to. 
# The network interface IP the shell will listen on (use for all interfaces). 
# The port the shell will listen on, default is 1337. 

# Only allow read operations from this Neo4j instance. This mode still requires 
# write access to the directory for lock purposes. 

# Comma separated list of JAX-RS packages containing JAX-RS resources, one 
# package name for each mountpoint. The listed package names will be loaded 
# under the mountpoints specified. Uncomment this line to mount the 
# from 
# neo4j-server-examples under /examples/unmanaged, resulting in a final URL of 
# http://localhost:7474/examples/unmanaged/helloworld/{nodeId} 

# JVM Parameters 

# G1GC generally strikes a good balance between throughput and tail 
# latency, without too much tuning. 

# Have common exceptions keep producing stack traces, so they can be 
# debugged regardless of how often logs are rotated. 

# Make sure that `initmemory` is not only allocated, but committed to 
# the process, before starting the database. This reduces memory 
# fragmentation, increasing the effectiveness of transparent huge 
# pages. It also reduces the possibility of seeing performance drop 
# due to heap-growing GC events, where a decrease in available page 
# cache leads to an increase in mean IO response time. 
# Try reducing the heap memory, if this flag degrades performance. 

# Trust that non-static final fields are really final. 
# This allows more optimizations and improves overall performance. 
# NOTE: Disable this if you use embedded mode, or have extensions or dependencies that may use reflection or 
# serialization to change the value of final fields! 

# Disable explicit garbage collection, which is occasionally invoked by the JDK itself. 

# Remote JMX monitoring, uncomment and adjust the following lines as needed. Absolute paths to jmx.access and 
# jmx.password files are required. 
# Also make sure to update the jmx.access and jmx.password files with appropriate permission roles and passwords, 
# the shipped configuration contains only a read only role called 'monitor' with password 'Neo4j'. 
# For more details, see: 
# On Unix based systems the jmx.password file needs to be owned by the user that will run the server, 
# and have permissions set to 0600. 
# For details on setting these file permissions on Windows see: 

# Some systems cannot discover host name automatically, and need this line configured: 

# Expand Diffie Hellman (DH) key size from default 1024 to 2048 for DH-RSA cipher suites used in server TLS handshakes. 
# This is to protect the server from any potential passive eavesdropping. 

# Wrapper Windows NT/2000/XP Service Properties 
# WARNING - Do not modify any of these properties when an application 
# using this configuration file has been installed as a service. 
# Please uninstall the service before modifying this section. The 
# service can then be reinstalled. 

# Name of the service 

# Other Neo4j system properties 


Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: INFO: os::commit_memory(0x000000072c000000, 497025024, 0) failed; error='Ne peut allouer de l      a mémoire' (errno=12) 
# There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue. 
# Native memory allocation (mmap) failed to map 497025024 bytes for committing reserved memory. 




LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///file.csv' 
AS line 

MERGE (n1:Node {NodeID: line.p1}) 
MERGE (n2:Node {NodeID: line.p2}) 
MERGE (n1)-[:ACTING_WITH_L {Score: TOFLOAT(line.score)}]->(n2); 

你能提供你的索引/约束和你的LOAD CSV查询吗? – InverseFalcon


@InverseFalcon当我遇到此问题时,我已将查询添加到帖子 –

当我跑了解释你的查询,我注意到有一个热心的操作。当EAGER是使用LOAD CSV的计划的一部分时,它会回到处理不使用PERIODIC COMMIT的方式,并且会遇到内存问题。

这是一个blog post关于这个,包括解决方案:确保节点合并到图中作为一个单独的操作,并且当你确定节点被加载时,分别处理关系匹配到节点而不是使用MERGE。

而不是MERGE ... MERGE ... MERGE模式合并在两个节点,然后关系,使用MATCH ... MATCH ... MERGE。另外,如果您确定图中没有关系,您可能需要在关系上使用CREATE而不是MERGE来加速关系。




谢谢,它工作 –


@JeromeB你说我应该做节点的每一边的合并和创建一个关系? –