



也http://*.com/questions/3420651 – trashgod 2011-02-19 03:29:51



* Warning - this class is UNSYNCHRONIZED! 
public class RotatableImage { 
    Image image; 
    float currentDegrees; 

    public RotateableImage(Image image) { 
     this.image = image; 
     this.currentDegrees = 0.0f; 
     this.remainingDegrees = 0.0f; 

    public void paintOn(Graphics g) { 
     //put your code to rotate the image once in here, using current degrees as your rotation 

    public void spin(float additionalDegrees) { 
     setSpin(currentDegrees + additionalDegrees); 

    public void setSpin(float newDegrees) { 
     currentDegrees += additionalDegrees; 
     while(currentDegrees < 0f) currentDegrees += 360f; 
     while(currentDegrees >= 360f) currentDegrees -= 360f; 


public class ImageSpinner implements Runnable { 
    RotateableImage image; 
    final float totalDegrees; 
    float degrees; 
    float speed; // in degrees per second 
    public ImageSpinner(RotatableImage image, float degrees, float speed) { 
     this.image = image; 
     this.degrees = degrees; 
     this.totalDegrees = degrees; 
     this.speed = speed; 

    public void run() { 
     // assume about 40 frames per second, and that the it doesn't matter if it isn't exact 
     int fps = 40; 
     while(Math.abs(degrees) > Math.abs(speed/fps)) { // how close is the degrees to 0? 
      float degreesToRotate = speed/fps; 
      degrees -= degreesToRotate; 
      /* sleep will always wait at least 1000/fps before recalcing 
       but you have no guarantee that it won't take forever! If you absolutely 
       require better timing, this isn't the solution for you */ 
      try { Thread.sleep(1000/fps); } catch(InterruptedException e) { /* swallow */ } 
     image.setSpin(totalDegrees); // this might need to be 360 - totalDegrees, not sure 


这看起来真棒,我曾经在SO得到最好的答案之一见。我只是有点困惑这部分实现以及如何,以及你的意思是旋转一次图像? – 2011-02-19 06:16:45