


  首先到IBM官网下载 https://www-01.ibm.com/marketing/iwm/iwm/web/reg/download.do?source=swg-beta-iibob&S_PKG=dl&lang=en_US&cp=UTF-8&dlmethod=http, 下载“iibi3002_QuickStart_Single_VMware.7z”,用VMware Workstation打开,开机后如下界面,可以看到是基于SUSE的。











双击桌面的Start Biginsights,启动BigInsight服务,或者使用脚本启动

biadmin@bivm:~> /opt/ibm/biginsights/bin/start-all.sh            
[INFO] DeployCmdline - [ IBM InfoSphere BigInsights Quickstart Edition ]            
[INFO] Progress - Start hdm            
[INFO] @bivm.ibm.com - hdm started, pid 4363            
[INFO] Progress - 8%            
[INFO] Progress - Start zookeeper            
[INFO] HdmUtil - Install configuration has changed in the system, reloading...            
[INFO] @bivm.ibm.com - zookeeper started, pid 4618            
[INFO] Deployer - zookeeper service started            
[INFO] Progress - 17%            
[INFO] Progress - Start hadoop            
[INFO] @bivm.ibm.com - namenode started, pid 4829            
[INFO] @bivm.ibm.com - secondarynamenode started, pid 5363            
[INFO] @bivm.ibm.com - datanode started, pid 5713            
[INFO] Progress - 19%            
[INFO] Deployer - Waiting for Namenode to exit safe mode...            
[INFO] Deployer - Waiting another 5 seconds for namenode to exit safemode.  Check the namenode log for details.            
[INFO] Deployer - HDFS cluster started successfully            
[INFO] Progress - 20%            
[INFO] Progress - 21%            
[INFO] @bivm.ibm.com - jobtracker started, pid 6468            
[INFO] @bivm.ibm.com - tasktracker started, pid 6888            
[INFO] Progress - 25%            
[INFO] Deployer - MapReduce cluster started successfully            
[INFO] Progress - Start catalog            
[INFO] DB2Operator - Starting DB2 Instance db2inst1 on node bivm.ibm.com. Database to be activated BIDB            
[INFO] DB2Operator - DB2 node bivm.ibm.com is started with process ID 7672            
[INFO] DB2Operator - Database BIDB has been activated            
[INFO] Progress - 33%            
[INFO] Progress - Start hbase            
[INFO] Deployer - check zookeeper services, make sure zookeeper service is started before start hbase service            
[INFO] @bivm.ibm.com - hbase-master(active) started            
[INFO] @bivm.ibm.com - hbase-regionserver started            
[INFO] Deployer - hbase service started            
[INFO] Progress - 42%            
[INFO] Progress - Start hive            
[INFO] DB2Operator - Starting DB2 Instance db2inst1 on node bivm.ibm.com. Database to be activated BIDB            
[INFO] DB2Operator - DB2 Instance db2inst1 is already running on node bivm.ibm.com with process ID 7672            
[INFO] DB2Operator - Database BIDB has already been activated            
[INFO] @bivm.ibm.com - hive-web-interface started, pid 10001            
[INFO] @bivm.ibm.com - hive-server2 started, pid 10587            
[INFO] Progress - 49%            
[INFO] Progress - 50%            
[INFO] Progress - Start bigsql            
[INFO] Deployer - Starting Big SQL Scheduler     : OK            
Starting Big SQL               : OK            
Starting Big SQL v1            : OK (pid 17836)

[INFO] @bivm.ibm.com - scheduler started          
[INFO] @bivm.ibm.com - bigsql-server started            
[INFO] @bivm.ibm.com - bigsql-server-v1 started, pid 17836            
[INFO] Deployer - FMP pids file written            
[INFO] Progress - 58%            
[INFO] Progress - Start oozie            
[INFO] Deployer - Run oozie command as:oozie            
[INFO] @bivm.ibm.com - oozie started, pid 19082            
[INFO] Progress - 67%            
[INFO] Progress - Start console            
[INFO] Deployer - starting pigserver, logging to /var/ibm/biginsights/sheets/logs/bigsheets-console-pigserver.out            
[INFO] Deployer - Server waslp-server is not running.            
[INFO] Deployer - Starting server waslp-server.            
[INFO] Deployer - Server waslp-server started with process ID 19488.            
[INFO] Deployer - BigInsights Management Console started, pid 19488            
[INFO] Progress - 75%            
[INFO] Progress - Start httpfs            
[INFO] @bivm.ibm.com - httpfs-server started, pid 19975            
[INFO] Deployer - httpfs service started            
[INFO] Progress - 83%            
[INFO] Progress - Start monitoring            
[INFO] Deployer - Start monitoring...            
[INFO] Deployer - Starting monitoring agent on bivm.ibm.com as user monitoring            
[INFO] @bivm.ibm.com - monitoring started, pid 21613            
[INFO] Deployer - monitoring service started            
[INFO] Progress - 92%            
[INFO] Progress - Start alert            
[INFO] Deployer - start alert management service...            
[INFO] Deployer - Server waslp-server is not running.            
[INFO] Deployer - Starting server waslp-server.            
[INFO] Deployer - Server waslp-server start failed. Check server logs for details.            
[INFO] Progress - 100%            
[INFO] DeployManager - Start; SUCCEEDED components: [hdm, zookeeper, hadoop, catalog, hbase, hive, bigsql, oozie, console, httpfs, monitoring, alert]; Consumes : 2148290ms


biadmin@bivm:~> /opt/ibm/biginsights/bin/status.sh

另外,桌面上还有BigInsight Shell,


比如双击桌面的HBase Shell,就可以直接进入shell


用浏览器打开BigInsight Web界面,



