

import random 
import time 

print ('WELCOME TO MYSTREY MADNESS warning this is my first game their will be bugs') 
time.sleep (2) 
print ('you will be asked to pick a route and the game will pick a random outcome') 
time.sleep (2) 
print ('pick one of the two options that will appear in a moment type 1 or 2 next to the one that you wnat to pick') 
time.sleep (2) 
guess_1 = int(input('you are at the beach you are bored type 1 to go to the rock pools type 2 to go to the cave') 
    if guess_1 == 1 
     ("you went to the rock pools what do you do now?") 
    else guess_1 == 2, 
     print('you go to the cave and look into the darkness what do you do now?'), 



您的语法有很多基本错误。你可能想重新阅读你正在经历的教程。 –

正如Morgan所说,你的代码有一些语法错误。您应该关闭一些括号并在一些行的末尾删除昏迷。 此代码应该很好:

import random 
import time 

print ('WELCOME TO MYSTREY MADNESS warning this is my first game their will be bugs') 
time.sleep (2) 
print ('you will be asked to pick a route and the game will pick a random outcome') 
time.sleep (2) 
print ('pick one of the two options that will appear in a moment type 1 or 2 next to the one that you wnat to pick') 
time.sleep (2) 
guess_1 = int(input('you are at the beach you are bored type 1 to go to the rock pools type 2 to go to the cave')) 
if (guess_1 == 1): 
    print("you went to the rock pools what do you do now?") 
elif (guess_1 == 2): 
    print('you go to the cave and look into the darkness what do you do now?') 

请删除'if(guess_1 == 1):'中的圆括号。他们是多余的。 '如果guess_1 == 1:'就够了。 – Matthias