Spring REST重用嵌套的请求映射

Spring REST重用嵌套的请求映射


我们有一个REST API,用于一些评论。目前,最有趣的URI是:Spring REST重用嵌套的请求映射

GET /products/1/comments    // get all comments of product 1 
GET /products/1/comments/5   // get the 5th comment of product 1 
GET /products/1/comments/5/user  // get the user of the 5th comment 
GET /products/1/comments/latest  // get the latest comment of product 1 
GET /products/1/comments/latest/user // get the user of the latest comment 


GET /comments/987     // get the comment with id 987 
GET /comments/987/user    // get the user of comment with id 987 


public class ProductsCommentsResource { 

    @GetMapping(value = "/comments") 
    public ResponseEntity<?> getComments(@PathVariable Long productId){ 
     // get all products... 

    @GetMapping(value = "/comments/{commentNr}") 
    public ResponseEntity<?> getComment(@PathVariable Long productId, @PathVaraible Long commentNr){ 
     // get comment with number commentNr of product productId 

    @GetMapping(value = "/comments/{commentNr}/user") 
    public ResponseEntity<?> getCommentUser(@PathVariable Long productId, @PathVaraible Long commentNr){ 
     // get the user of comment with commentNr of productId 

    @GetMapping(value = "/comments/latest") 
    public ResponseEntity<?> getLatestComment(@PathVariable Long productId){ 
     // get latest commentNr and call getComment(productId, commentNr) 

    @GetMapping(value = "/comments/latest/user") 
    public ResponseEntity<?> getLatestCommentUser(@PathVariable Long productId){ 
     // get latest commentNr and call getCommentUser(productId, commentNr) 

public class CommentsResource { 
    @GetMapping(value = "/{commentId}") 
    public ResponseEntity<?> getComment(@PathVaraible Long commentId){ 
     // get comment id commentId 

    @GetMapping(value = "/{commentId}/user") 
    public ResponseEntity<?> getCommentUser(@PathVaraible Long commendId){ 
     // get the user of comment with id commentId 


这只是一个摘录,除了用户,评论还有大约30个子和子子资源(包括POST,DELETE等方法)。 因此,我们有三次或多或少的一切。

因此,很明显,我们需要改进这一点,删除重复的代码等。 这个想法是“封装”评论资源,并使用类注解的@RequestMapping来重复使用。


  • /products/1/comments/latest/user
  • 呼叫被截获和产品1的“最新”解析为commentId
  • 呼叫将被重定向到```/评论/ {} commendId /用户

因此,我们需要有一些重定向 - /products/1/comments/latest[what ever]/comments/{commentId}[what ever] - /products/1/comments/5[what ever]也为/comments/{commentId}[what ever]

和/ comments/{commentId}将是唯一的实现。



@RequestMapping(value = { "/products/{productId}", "/" }) 






@GetMapping(value = "/comments/{commentNr}") 
    public ResponseEntity<?> getComment(@PathVariable Long productId, @PathVaraible Long commentNr){ 
     // get comment with number commentNr of product productId 

明显的问题是productId路径变量。如果您使用的是Java 8,那么使用Optional即可很容易解决:

@GetMapping(value = "/comments/{commentNr}") 
public ResponseEntity<?> getComment(@PathVariable Optional<Long> productId, @PathVaraible Long commentNr){ 
    // get comment with number commentNr of product productId 
    // Check whether productId exists 

谢谢。始终认为路径变量不能是可选的。我会试一下 – Indivon