


import random 

rolled = [] 
rolledtimes = 0; 
biggest = [] 

freq = int(input('How many times would you like to roll the dice? ')) 

def roll(): 
    rand = random.randrange(1,7) 
    return rand 
def probability(): 
    for i in range(0,6): 
     print('Calculation of probability:') 
     percentage = "{:.2f}".format((count[i]/freq)*100) 
     percent = str(percentage) + '%' 
     print(' ', i + 1, ':', percent) 
def theoretical(): 
    result = "{:.2f}".format((1/6)*freq) 
    denominator = "{:.2f}".format(((1/6)*freq)*6) 
    print('\nIn theory, each dice should roll {} out of {} times'.format(result,denominator)) 
def findBiggest(): 
    for i in range(1,7): 
    print('\n', 'The most times a dice is rolled is', max(biggest), 'times') 
def findSmallest(): 
    for i in range(1,7): 
    print('\n', 'The least times a dice is rolled is', min(biggest), 'times') 

for i in range(1,freq + 1): 
    number = roll() 
count = [rolled.count(1),rolled.count(2),rolled.count(3),rolled.count(4),rolled.count(5),rolled.count(6)] 
print('After being rolled {} times:\n\n1 is rolled {} times\n2 is rolled {} times\n3 is rolled {} times\n4 is rolled {} times\n5 is rolled {} times\n6 is rolled {} times\n'.format(rolledtimes,count[0],count[1],count[2],count[3],count[4],count[5])) 



How many times would you like to roll the dice? 1000 
After being rolled 1000 times: 

1 is rolled 161 times 
2 is rolled 155 times 
3 is rolled 188 times 
4 is rolled 155 times 
5 is rolled 173 times 
6 is rolled 168 times 

Calculation of probability: 
    1 : 16.10% 
Calculation of probability: 
    2 : 15.50% 
Calculation of probability: 
    3 : 18.80% 
Calculation of probability: 
    4 : 15.50% 
Calculation of probability: 
    5 : 17.30% 
Calculation of probability: 
    6 : 16.80% 

The most times a dice is rolled is 188 times 

The least times a dice is rolled is 155 times 

In theory, each dice should roll 166.67 out of 1000.00 times 

Process finished with exit code 0 


How many times would you like to roll the dice? 1000 
After being rolled 1000 times: 

1 is rolled 182 times 
2 is rolled 180 times 
3 is rolled 156 times 
4 is rolled 167 times 
5 is rolled 163 times 
6 is rolled 152 times 

Calculation of probability: 
(' ', 1, ':', '0.00%') 
Calculation of probability: 
(' ', 2, ':', '0.00%') 
Calculation of probability: 
(' ', 3, ':', '0.00%') 
Calculation of probability: 
(' ', 4, ':', '0.00%') 
Calculation of probability: 
(' ', 5, ':', '0.00%') 
Calculation of probability: 
(' ', 6, ':', '0.00%') 
('\n', 'The most times a dice is rolled is', 182, 'times') 
('\n', 'The least times a dice is rolled is', 152, 'times') 

In theory, each dice should roll 0.00 out of 0.00 times 
Exit status: 0 
Saving session... 
...copying shared history... 
...saving history...truncating history files... 

[Process completed] 



使用在Python 3.x的IDLE –


我得到了NameError:名称'滚动'没有定义,什么是滚动? – MishaVacic


请确保您使用的是相同的Python版本(即,如果python3作为pycharm解释器,然后闲置python3) – Gahan

Pycharm正在运行python 3和idle python 2,如打印和除法操作的差异所示。


from __future__ import (print_function, division) 

在Python 2打印是一个命令,而在python 3是一个函数,以便:

print(1, 2) - >1 2PY3(1, 2)PY2

和python 2整数除法总是导致的整数所以 3/6 - >0.5PY30PY2


这解决了它,谢谢! –


@ravenrogue然后请标记为答案。 –