C语言权威指南和书单 - 中等级别


1. Object-oriented Programming with ANSI-C

C语言权威指南和书单 - 中等级别

2. C Interfaces and Implementations

C语言权威指南和书单 - 中等级别

3. 21st Century C: C Tips from the New School

C语言权威指南和书单 - 中等级别

4. Algorithms in C (Computer Science Series)

C语言权威指南和书单 - 中等级别

5. Pointers on C

C语言权威指南和书单 - 中等级别

Problem Solving and Program Design in C

C语言权威指南和书单 - 中等级别

Modern C


  • 资源搜索 | Maning


  • The Definitive C Book Guide and List