

Techies-- 此代码适用于具有单个通道或具有均匀分割的情况。它差不多的作品,当我有余数...因为它会创建下一个通道,它会拉入物品,但然后超出范围。这些线是麻烦的心脏:超出范围的二维数组

items_per_batch = batchcount/(int)channels; // 
    subsets = batch.Split(items_per_batch); 


int idx2 = subset.GetLength(1) 


static void channelassign() 
     int THRESHOLD = 2; 
     string[] batch = new string[] 
     { "item1", "item2", "item3", "item4","item5","item6","item7" }; 
     int batchcount = batch.Count(); 
     int items_per_batch; 
     string[][] subsets; 
     int idx1; 
     int idx2; 

     if (THRESHOLD != 0) //avoid accidental division by 0. 

      float channels = batchcount/THRESHOLD; 
      if (channels < 1) 
       channels = 1; // only 1 channel is needed 
       items_per_batch = batchcount; // process all items 
       idx1 = 1; // fix value to a single channel 
       idx2 = (batchcount - 1); // true start of array is 0 
       subsets = batch.Split(batchcount); //splits correctly 
       // decide how many items will be included per batch 
       channels = (int)Math.Round(channels, 
        MidpointRounding.ToEven); //determines channel number 
       items_per_batch = batchcount/(int)channels; // 
       subsets = batch.Split(items_per_batch); 
       idx1 = subsets.GetLength(0); // gets channel# assigned by split 
       // idx2 = subsets.GetLength(1); // gets items back from splits 


      //distribute contents of batch amongst channels 

      for (int channel = 0; channel < idx1; channel++) 
       for (int i = 0; i < items_per_batch; i++) 
        Console.WriteLine(" Channel:" + channel.ToString() + " 
         ItemName: {0} ", subsets[channel][i]); 

      Console.WriteLine("Threshold value set to zero. This 
       is an invalid value. Please set THRESHOLD."); 

我在代码中看到不少于*三个不同的变量命名约定。说实话有点儿精神分裂症。 – 2012-07-31 18:03:09


不知道正在使用Split扩展方法,或者您为其提供源代码;你还没有提供任何东西给任何人去... – 2012-07-31 18:07:59

该科int s的执行

float channels = batchcount/THRESHOLD; 

,所以你float channels总是有一个整数值,等于



for (int channel = 0; channel < idx1; channel++) 
    for (int i = 0; i < items_per_batch; i++) 



真的够了 - 我想我可以控制内部循环:idx2的值从第二维返回,但这并不奏效。你有什么建议控制第二个循环? – plditallo 2012-07-31 18:12:12


'for(int i = 0; i 2012-07-31 18:13:29


我已经失去了主意!这是一个锯齿状的dd阵列。 idx2永远不会解决这个问题!是的,就是这样! – plditallo 2012-07-31 18:38:06