

http://localhost/joomla/administrator/网页浏览器返回一个错误,说明我完成安装并删除了该文件夹后该页面不存在。我不得不使用apache2。我也使用最新版本的Apache,MySQL。我使用PHP 5.2.13 VC6 x86线程安全。安装后的Joomla崩溃


Tutorial 1




LoadModule php5_module "c:/datafiles/php/php5apache2_2.dll" 
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml .inc .php3 
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps 
PHPIniDir "c:/datafiles/php" 

我也改变ServerName localhost:80由于在日志中的错误。


[Fri Jul 09 07:05:21 2010] [notice] Parent: Received shutdown signal -- Shutting down the server. 
[Fri Jul 09 07:05:21 2010] [notice] Child 4108: Exit event signaled. Child process is ending. 
[Fri Jul 09 07:05:22 2010] [notice] Child 4108: Released the start mutex 
[Fri Jul 09 07:05:23 2010] [notice] Child 4108: All worker threads have exited. 
[Fri Jul 09 07:05:23 2010] [notice] Child 4108: Child process is exiting 
[Fri Jul 09 07:05:23 2010] [notice] Parent: Child process exited successfully. 
[Fri Jul 09 07:06:23 2010] [notice] Apache/2.2.15 (Win32) PHP/5.2.13 configured -- resuming normal operations 
[Fri Jul 09 07:06:23 2010] [notice] Server built: Mar 4 2010 11:27:46 
[Fri Jul 09 07:06:23 2010] [notice] Parent: Created child process 3520 
[Fri Jul 09 07:06:23 2010] [notice] Child 3520: Child process is running 
[Fri Jul 09 07:06:23 2010] [notice] Child 3520: Acquired the start mutex. 
[Fri Jul 09 07:06:23 2010] [notice] Child 3520: Starting 64 worker threads. 
[Fri Jul 09 07:06:23 2010] [notice] Child 3520: Starting thread to listen on port 80. 
[Fri Jul 09 07:08:00 2010] [notice] Parent: child process exited with status 255 -- Restarting. 
[Fri Jul 09 07:08:00 2010] [notice] Apache/2.2.15 (Win32) PHP/5.2.13 configured -- resuming normal operations 
[Fri Jul 09 07:08:00 2010] [notice] Server built: Mar 4 2010 11:27:46 
[Fri Jul 09 07:08:00 2010] [notice] Parent: Created child process 6584 
[Fri Jul 09 07:08:00 2010] [notice] Child 6584: Child process is running 
[Fri Jul 09 07:08:00 2010] [notice] Child 6584: Acquired the start mutex. 
[Fri Jul 09 07:08:00 2010] [notice] Child 6584: Starting 64 worker threads. 
[Fri Jul 09 07:08:00 2010] [notice] Child 6584: Starting thread to listen on port 80. 
[Fri Jul 09 07:08:01 2010] [notice] Parent: child process exited with status 255 -- Restarting. 
[Fri Jul 09 07:08:01 2010] [notice] Apache/2.2.15 (Win32) PHP/5.2.13 configured -- resuming normal operations 
[Fri Jul 09 07:08:01 2010] [notice] Server built: Mar 4 2010 11:27:46 
[Fri Jul 09 07:08:01 2010] [notice] Parent: Created child process 5780 
[Fri Jul 09 07:08:01 2010] [notice] Child 5780: Child process is running 
[Fri Jul 09 07:08:02 2010] [notice] Child 5780: Acquired the start mutex. 
[Fri Jul 09 07:08:02 2010] [notice] Child 5780: Starting 64 worker threads. 
[Fri Jul 09 07:08:02 2010] [notice] Child 5780: Starting thread to listen on port 80. 






这可能是我的设置的问题,但我找到了一个更全面的教程,它现在的作品! – 2010-09-02 15:44:34