


var x = from p in CurrentBranchList 
     where p.ScheduledForDeletion == false 
     from c in p.Addresses 
     where c.ScheduledForDeletion == false && c.AddressTypeId == 3 
     select new 
      BranchId = p.BranchId, 
      Name = p.Name, 
      Address = (c == null) ? "" : c.Address1 + " " + c.Address2, 
      City = (c == null) ? "" : c.City, 
      State = (c == null) ? 0 : c.StateId 


任何人都可以帮助我解决这个问题...我相信这是一件非常容易的事情。谢谢。 PS。我知道这与(Linq query to return a flatened list of parent child)非常相似,但在那个孩子总是存在。

编辑 - 工作液 以下是这似乎为我工作的代码。我不能针对源数据库,因为CurrentBranchList中包含的对象在内存中编辑,而持久性是在单个操作中执行的。

var x = from p in CurrentBranchList 
     join c in CurrentBranchList.SelectMany(b => b.Addresses) 
      on p.EntityId equals c.EntityId into ur 
     where p.ScheduledForDeletion == false  
     from u in ur.DefaultIfEmpty() 
     select new 
      BranchId = p.BranchId, 
      Name = p.Name, 
      Address = (u == null) ? "" : u.Address1 + " " + u.Address2, 
      City = (u == null) ? "" : u.City, 
      State = (u == null) ? 0 : u.StateId 


我也试过丹尼尔布鲁克纳的解决方案,看起来更优雅,需要更少的打字。 :-)似乎在我尝试过的情景中工作。


var xx = CurrentBranchList.SelectMany(b => b.Addresses.DefaultIfEmpty().Select(a => new 
      BranchId = b.BranchId, 
      Name = b.Name, 
      Address = (a == null) ? "" : a.Address1 + " " + a.Address2, 
      City = (a == null) ? "" : a.City, 
      State = (a == null) ? 0 : a.StateId 

IQueryable<Branch> branches = GetBranches(); 

var result = braches. 
    SelectMany(b => b.Addresses. 
     Select(a => new { Branch = b, Address = a })); 

您需要一个左外连接而不是内连接。 Here's how

查看this post,其中显示了如何使用DefaultIfEmtpy构造执行LEFT JOIN。


对不起,可能是我很晚 - 但我遇到了类似的问题,但没有找到这个帖子甚至5.5年后一个具体的答案。我的解决方案(未优化 - 但工作):

public class YearDayBill 
    public string Name; 
    public int YearDay; 

public class EatOutDaysOfYear 
    public string Name; 
    public List<int> YearDays; 

public static class Program 
    static void Main() 
     var eatouts = new List<EatOutDaysOfYear> 
      new EatOutDaysOfYear {Name = "amit", YearDays = new List<int>() {59, 37, 31, 17, 29}}, 
      new EatOutDaysOfYear {Name = "prakash", YearDays = new List<int>() {6, 18, 13}}, 
      new EatOutDaysOfYear {Name = "sarvo", YearDays = new List<int>() {9, 7, 47, 56, 82, 96}}, 
      new EatOutDaysOfYear {Name = "akshay", YearDays = new List<int>() {8, 5, 2, 4}} 

     // query to get properties of parent ('Name') and single child element 
     var bills = eatouts 
      .SelectMany(a => a.YearDays 
       .Select(b => new YearDayBill {Name = a.Name, YearDay = b})) 
      .OrderBy(d => d.Name)  // optional 
      .ThenBy(e => e.YearDay) // optional 

     bills.ForEach(a => Console.WriteLine(string.Concat(a.Name, " | ", a.YearDay))); 