


<div class="dashboard"> 
    <div class="panel"> 
    <!-- these first three should always be visible --> 
    <div class="item"> 
    <div class="item"> 
    <div class="item"> 
    <!-- these last two should be hidden --> 
    <div class="item"> 
    <div class="item"> 
    <!-- this button should toggle display of the last two --> 
    <span class="button toggle"></span> 

    <div class="panel"> 
    <!-- this should be untouched because there are only three items --> 
    <div class="item"> 
    <div class="item"> 
    <div class="item"> 
    <!-- as there are only three items in this panel, this button does not need to display --> 
    <span class="button toggle"></span> 

我想在我的青菜用:nth-child(-n+3),只显示前3个项目,其中的工作,但想不出如何使用jQuery这个配对打开和关闭切换其余的div 。



@SilverSurfer还有什么不明白吗?这很清楚。 –





    // *** INITIALIZE THE ITEMS *** 
    // Loop through the panels... 
    $(".panel").each(function(index, pan){ 
    // Then through the items in each panel... 
    var $items = $(".item", pan); 
    $items.each(function(idx, item){ 
     // If the item is 4th or more, add the hide class, otherwise remove it. 
     idx > 2 ? $(item).addClass("hide") : $(item).removeClass("hide"); 
    // If there are more than 3 items, show the toggle button, otherwise hide it. 
    $items.length > 3 ? $(".toggleButton", pan).removeClass("hide") : $(".toggleButton", pan).addClass("hide"); 
    // ***************************** 

    // Set all toggle buttons to have a common click event handler 
    $(".toggleButton").on("click", function() { 
    // Call the toggle function and pass a reference to the 
    // parent panel so that only the right child items will be toggled 

    function toggleItems(panel) { 
    // Toggle the use of the "hide" class on all the .hide members 
    // that are in the referenced panel. 
    $(".hide", panel).toggle("hide"); 
/* Anytime something needs to be hidden, just give it this class */ 
.hide { 
    display: none; 

/* Just for fun. Not needed for solution: */ 
.dashboard { 

.panel { 
    width:calc(50% - 10px); 
    border:1px solid grey; 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<div class="dashboard"> 
    <div class="panel"> 
     <div class="item">o item 1</div> 
     <div class="item">o item 2</div> 
     <div class="item">o item 3</div> 
     <div class="item">o item 4</div> 
     <div class="item">o item 5</div> 
     <button class="toggleButton">button</button> 
    <div class="panel"> 
     <div class="item">o item 1</div> 
     <div class="item">o item 2</div> 
     <div class="item">o item 3</div> 
     <div class="item">o item 4</div> 
     <div class="item">o item 5</div> 
     <button class="toggleButton">button</button> 
    <div class="panel"> 
     <div class="item">o item 1</div> 
     <div class="item">o item 2</div> 
     <div class="item">o item 3</div> 
     <button class="toggleButton">button</button> 


谢谢@ scott-marcus - 这似乎完美地完成了这项工作。我唯一要补充的是项目在DOM中不固定,它们是从数据库中引入的。这意味着我不知道每个面板中会有多少个,因此不能手动分配“隐藏”类。如何动态添加,如果面板中只有三个项目,切换按钮将如何隐藏? – Toby


@Toby看到我更新的答案。尽管如此,请尽可能在您的原始问题中尽可能明确,以便我们能够给您准确的答案。 –

 // Set the number of items to show 
    var nrToShow = 3; 
    var children,nrChildren,nrToShowInThisPanel ; 
    // get an array of the panels 
    $(".dashboard .panel").each(function() { 
    \t // loop on each panel to do the job 
    \t nrToShowInThisPanel = nrToShow; 
    \t // Get an array of items in the panel 
    \t children = $(this).children(".item"); 
    \t nrChildren = children.length; 
    \t if (nrChildren > nrToShowInThisPanel) { 
    \t \t // Hide everybody 
    \t \t \t $(children).hide(); 
    \t \t // Show the first children 
    \t \t for(var i = 0; i < nrToShowInThisPanel;i++){ 
    \t \t \t $(children[i]).show(); 
    \t \t } 
    \t \t $(this).children(".toggle").hide(); 
    \t } 
    \t // on click event : 
    \t var nrToShowInThisPanel = nrToShow; 
    \t // figure where we are 
    \t var panel = $(this).parent(); 
    \t // Get an array of items in the panel 
    \t children = $(panel).children(".item"); 
    \t nrChildren = children.length; 
    \t for(var i = nrToShowInThisPanel-1; i < nrChildren;i++){ 
    \t \t $(children[i]).toggle(); 
    \t } 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<div class="dashboard"> 
     <div class="panel"> 
    \t \t <div class="item">one</div> 
    \t \t <div class="item">two</div> 
    \t \t <div class="item">three</div> 
    \t \t <div class="item">four</div> 
    \t \t <div class="item">five</div> 
    \t \t <div class="item">six</div> 
    \t \t <div class="item">seven</div> 
    \t \t <div class="item">height</div> 
    \t \t <div class="item">nine</div> 
      <button class="toggle">button</button>  
     <div class="panel"> 
    \t \t <div class="item">one</div> 
    \t \t <div class="item">two</div> 
    \t \t <div class="item">three</div> 
    \t \t <div class="item">four</div> 
    \t \t <div class="item">five</div> 
    \t \t <div class="item">six</div> 
    \t \t <div class="item">seven</div> 
    \t \t <div class="item">height</div> 
    \t \t <div class="item">nine</div> 
    \t \t <button class="toggle">button</button>  
    \t </div> 
    \t <div class="panel"> 
    \t \t <div class="item">one</div> 
    \t \t <div class="item">two</div> 
    \t \t <button class="toggle">button</button>  
    \t </div> 


你的回答不使用OP的DOM,没有解释,也没有做OP所要求的。 –


OP的要求如何:*“还值得一提的是,切换只能在自己的面板中显示/隐藏项目,而不是所有的面板。”*以及事实上,你没有解释任何你是在做什么?请参阅[“我如何写出一个好的答案?”](https://*.com/help/how-to-answer) –


有史以来第一个答案。我会在下次尝试满足要求。无论如何,希望它是有用的 – PhilMaGeo