



    cat1 cat2 


我通常使用graphviz的点程序。它有一个简单的online demo。这样你就不必担心间距或字体宽度。

cat1 cat2 


  • 根节点
  • 左子树
  • 一个右子树




* creates an ASCII-drawing of a binary tree. 
* @param node the root node of the tree in question 
* @return a String[] of the individual lines of the drawing. 
* The first line contains the representation of the root node, 
* the last line only leaf nodes, interim lines may contain 
* line drawing characters or interior nodes. 
* All the contained strings have the same length (are padded 
* with spaces, where necessary). 
String[] drawTree(Node node) { 


for(String line : drawTree(root)) { 


  • 它会对叶节点(即无子节点)做什么?
  • 如果我们有一个非叶节点,那么如何将两个这样的调用(对于左右子树)的结果(即指定的两个字符串数组)结合到另一个字符串数组中,如上所述? (首先看看两个阵列具有相同长度的简单情况,即树木具有相同的深度。)




import java.awt.*; 
import javax.swing.*; 
import javax.swing.tree.*; 
import javax.swing.JTree; 

    (c) GPLv3 2010-09-24 
class MNode { 

    MNode l; // left 
    MNode r; // right 
    int t; // value 

    public MNode (int t, MNode l, MNode r) { 
     this.l = l; 
     this.r = r; 
     this.t = t; 

    public void add (MNode mn) { 
     if (l == null && t > mn.t) 
      l = mn; 
     else if (t > mn.t) 
      l.add (mn); 
     else if (r == null) 
      r = mn; 
     else r.add (mn);  

abstract class NodePrinter { 

    abstract void nodeprint (MNode root); 
    int max (int a, int b) { return (a > b) ? a : b; } 
    int depth (MNode n) 
     if (n.l == null && n.r == null) return 1; 
     if (n.l == null) return 1 + depth (n.r); 
     if (n.r == null) return 1 + depth (n.l); 
     return 1 + max (depth (n.l), depth (n.r)); 

class SwingPrinter extends NodePrinter { 

    void nodeprint (MNode root) { 
     JFrame jf = new JFrame ("Mein Freund, der Baum, ist tot"); 
     jf.setSize (380, 380); 
     jf.setLocationRelativeTo (null); 
     JTree jt = new JTree (translate2SwingTree (root)); 
     jf.add (jt); 
     openSubnodes (0, jt); 
     jf.setDefaultCloseOperation (WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); 
     jf.setVisible (true); 

     Open current branch. 
     We need TreePath AND row. 
     Open the MNode, iterierate with the row one step, and check there, 
     whether the Branch is a part of the new branch. 
     @param row the row of the starting MNode. 
    void openSubnodes (int row, JTree jt) { 
     TreePath tp = jt.getPathForRow (row); 
     jt.expandRow (row); 
     if (tp.isDescendant (jt.getPathForRow (row + 1))) 
      openSubnodes (row + 1, jt); 

    DefaultMutableTreeNode translate2SwingTree (MNode ast) 
     DefaultMutableTreeNode dmtn = new DefaultMutableTreeNode ("" + ast.t); 
     if (ast.l != null) 
      dmtn.add (translate2SwingTree (ast.l)); 
     if (ast.r != null) 
      dmtn.add (translate2SwingTree (ast.r)); 
     return dmtn; 

class TreeCanvas extends JPanel { 

    private MNode root; 
    private NodePrinter np; 

    public TreeCanvas (MNode root, NodePrinter np) { 
     this.root = root; 
     this.np = np; 
     d = np.depth (root); 
     rows = (2 * d); // - 1 
     cols = 2 << d; 

    private int d; 
    private int rows; 
    private int cols; 

    // @override 
    public void paint (Graphics g) { 
     Dimension dim = getSize(); 
     int xf = dim.width/cols; 
     int yf = dim.height/rows; 
     int fontsize = (xf + yf)/2; 
     g.setFont (g.getFont().deriveFont (fontsize* 1.5f)); 
     xyPrint (root, dim.width/2, dim.width/2, 1, xf, yf, g); 

     ___50 60 70__________________ 
     10 |  x0 x0-x1: (50,30) - (60, 10) 
     20 | /\ x0-x2: (60,10) - (70, 30) 
     30 | x1 x2 
    void xyPrint (MNode n, int x, int dx, int y, int xf, int yf, Graphics g) { 
     Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; 
     g2d.setStroke (new BasicStroke (3.0f)); 

     g.drawString ("" + n.t, x - xf, (y+1) * yf); 
     g.setColor (Color.BLACK); 
     if (n.l != null) { 
      g.drawLine (x - (dx/2) + xf, (y+2) * yf, x, (y+1) * yf); // line:Up 
      xyPrint (n.l, x - dx/2, dx/2, y + 2, xf, yf, g); 
     if (n.r != null) { 
      g.drawLine (x + xf, (y+1) * yf, x + (dx/2), (y+2) * yf); // line down 
      xyPrint (n.r, x + dx/2, dx/2, y + 2, xf, yf, g); 

class ColorSwingPrinter extends NodePrinter { 

    void nodeprint (MNode root) { 
     JFrame jf = new JFrame ("Rootnode"); 
     jf.setSize (650, 520); 
     jf.setLocationRelativeTo (null); 
     jf.add (new TreeCanvas (root, this)); 
     jf.setDefaultCloseOperation (WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); 
     jf.setVisible (true); 

class RootNode extends MNode { 

    public RootNode (String s) 
     super (Integer.parseInt ("" + s.charAt (0)), null, null); 
     for (String elem: s.substring (2).split (" ")) 
      int i = Integer.parseInt (elem); 
      MNode mn = new MNode (i, null, null); 
      super.add (mn); 

public class NodePrinterTest { 

    public static void main (String [] args) 
     String param = "6 7 4 3 8 2 9 5"; 
     /*    6 
        4  7 
       3  5  8 
      2      9 
     RootNode root = new RootNode (param); 
     ColorSwingPrinter printer = new ColorSwingPrinter(); 
     printer.nodeprint (root); 
     SwingPrinter printer2 = new SwingPrinter(); 
     printer2.nodeprint (root); 

打印,当然你的树需要一些适应,因为你的节点很可能将没有公共的属性L,R和T,但你应该可以翻译它们向左()或setLeft()/ getLeft( ) 等等。

我不记得ColorSwingPrinter从哪里得到它的名字 - 它应该被命名为ResizingCanvasPrinter或类似的东西。对不起。

下面是这两种实现的截图: enter image description here
