


def print_users(): 
    v = open("users.txt","r").read().strip() 
    # also tried: 
    # v = open("users.txt","r").read().strip().split('\n') 
    return render_template('web.html', v=v) 
{{ v|safe}} 

使用'readlines()'获取行列表 –


但是如何分别打印每行?任何代码示例? – chahra


把一个for循环放在你的html中 –


v = open("users.txt","r").readlines() 
v = [line.strip() for line in v] 


<form action="/print_users" method="post" >  
        <div class="form-inline"> 

        {% for line in v %} 
         <div>{{ line|safe}}</div> 
        {% endfor %} 

    <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="submit" > 


这个工程!谢谢! – chahra

而其他的答案给予伟大的技术和当前接受的解决方案的作品,我需要做一个类似的任务(呈现一个文本电子邮件模板),但需要延长t他在文件中保留宏的处理,这使我创建了我认为最简单和最优雅的解决方案 - 使用render_template_string。

def show_text_template(template_name): 
    Render a text template to screen. 
    Replace newlines with <br> since rendering a template to html will lose the line breaks 
    :param template_name: the text email template to show 
    :return: the text email, rendered as a template 
    from flask import render_template_string 

    txt_template = open(
     '{}/emails/{}{}'.format(app.config.root_path + '/' + app.template_folder, template_name, '.txt'), 

    return render_template_string('<br>'.join(txt_template))