




Sub btnAddZero() 
    Dim srcRange As Range 
    Dim intOffset As Integer 

    'select the starting row for counting the hours 
    Set srcRange = Sheets("Raw Data").Range("A4") 
    'Set the beginning offset to 4 to account for empty 4 rows 
    intOffset = 4 

    'number of days in the month 
    For j = 0 To 30 
     'number of hours in a day 
     ' rows 

     Dim i As Integer 

     For i = 0 To 23 

       'if the first cell is not 1 more than the cell below it 
       If srcRange.Cells(intOffset, 4) <> srcRange.Cells(intOffset + i, 4) Then 
        'shift everything below this line down 
        srcRange.Rows(intOffset + i).Insert shift:=xlShiftDown 
        'set everything in this row to be 0 
        srcRange.Cells(intOffset + i, 1).Value = 0 
        srcRange.Cells(intOffset + i, 2).Value = 0 
        'set the value to be the same value as the cell above 
        srcRange.Cells(intOffset + i, 3).Value = srcRange.Cells(Row - 1, 3).Value 
        srcRange.Cells(intOffset + i, 4).Value = 0 
        srcRange.Cells(intOffset + i, 5).Value = 0 
       End If 

     Next i 
     intOffset = intOffset + i 
     'off set the range for next 24 hours 
     Set srcRange = srcRange.offset(intOffset) 
    Next j 

End Sub 





9292 12377 2017年1月30日12 2471

11195 15028 2017年1月30日13 1392

5393 6335行后添加一行0的2017- 01-30 14 374

1911年1959年2017年1月30日16 8

11995 13181 2017年1月30日17 181


第4列中的什么类型的值(可能是时间戳)?这是一个日期还是时间?它会永远在一个小时吗? – PeterT


这是一个整数,从0-23这取决于一天中的小时 – Sarah


Option Explicit 

Sub MissingHourCheck() 
    Dim wb As Workbook 
    Dim ws As Worksheet 
    Set wb = ThisWorkbook 
    Set ws = wb.Sheets("Raw Data") 

    Dim timeSlot As Range 
    Dim nextTimeSlot As Range 
    Set timeSlot = ws.Range("D5") 
    Set nextTimeSlot = timeSlot.Offset(1, 0) 

    Dim expectedHour As Long 
    expectedHour = 0 

    Do While Not IsEmpty(nextTimeSlot.Value) 
     If expectedHour <> timeSlot.Value Then 
      '--- oops, we're missing at least one hour. 
      ' how many hours (rows) do we need to insert? 
      Dim missingHours As Long 
      If timeSlot.Value > expectedHour Then 
       '--- it's the middle of the day, our math is easy 
       missingHours = timeSlot.Value - expectedHour 
       missingHours = 23 - expectedHour + 1 
      End If 
      timeSlot.Resize(missingHours).EntireRow.Insert Shift:=xlShiftDown 
      expectedHour = expectedHour + missingHours 
      Set timeSlot = timeSlot.Offset(1, 0) 
      Set nextTimeSlot = timeSlot.Offset(1, 0) 
      expectedHour = expectedHour + 1 
     End If 
     If expectedHour >= 24 Then 
      expectedHour = 0 
     End If 
End Sub 

这非常接近我所需要的!再次感谢你的帮助! – Sarah