为SoapServer EndPoint创建WSDL文件PHP文件

为SoapServer EndPoint创建WSDL文件PHP文件


我想为我的php端点创建wsdl文件。 这是一个有两个功能我的PHP终点类:为SoapServer EndPoint创建WSDL文件PHP文件

class server{ 
private $UserIdSender; 
private $UserIdReciver; 
private $Title; 
private $Body; 
private $BoardId; 
private $obj_ticket; 
private $obj_ticket_owner; 
private $ticket_id; 
public function __construct() { 
    require_once "../../diba-modules/conf.php"; 
    require_once "../../diba-modules/functions.php"; 
    require_once "../../diba-include/entities/ticket.php"; 
    require_once "../../diba-include/entities/ticket_owner.php"; 
    $this->obj_ticket = new \entities\ticket(TRUE); 
    $this->obj_ticket_owner = new \entities\ticket_owner(TRUE); 
                      /*public board = 17*/ 
public function SaveTicketFromPortal($Token,$NationalCodeSender , $NationalCodeReciver , $Title , $Body = "" , $BoardId = 17 ){ 
    $this->UserIdSender = get_id_from_national_code($NationalCodeSender); 
    $this->UserIdReciver = get_id_from_national_code($NationalCodeReciver); 
    $this->Title = trim(filter_var($Title,FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING)); 
    $this->Body = trim(filter_var($Body,FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING)); 
    $this->BoardId = filter_var($BoardId,FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); 

    if($this->UserIdSender <= 0){ 
     return array("Success" => "-1" , "Message" => "Sender NationalCode Not Found !"); 
    }elseif($this->UserIdReciver <= 0){ 
     return array("Success" => "-1" , "Message" => "Reciver NationalCode Not Found !"); 
    } elseif(mb_strlen($this->Title)>500){ 
     return array("Success" => "-1" , "Message" => "OverFlow in Ticket Title Variable! Type Of Variable Is String(500) "); 
     return array("Success" => "-1" , "Message" => "OverFlow in Ticket Body Variable! Type Of Variable Is String(3000) "); 
     return array("Success" => "-1" , "Message" => "BoardId Should Be Number!"); 
     $this->ticket_id = $this->obj_ticket->save(NULL, $this->Title, $this->Body, $this->UserIdSender , date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "" , 3 , 0 , $this->BoardId); 
     $this->obj_ticket_owner->save(NULL, $this->ticket_id, $this->UserIdReciver, date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 3, 0, 1); 
     if($this->obj_ticket->flage && $this->obj_ticket_owner->flage){ 
      $boardname = get_board_name($this->BoardId); 
      $robot_msg = "\xF0\x9F\x93\xA2 Your Ticket Has Been Successfuly Refrenced From Portal. \n\x23\xE2\x83\xA3 $this->ticket_id \n\xF0\x9F\x93\x8B Board $boardname"; 
      send_with_telegram($this->UserIdReciver, $robot_msg,$this->UserIdSender); 
      return array("Success" => "1" , "Message" => "Your Ticket Has Been Successfuly Refrenced."); 
      return array("Success" => "-1" , "Message" => "Error In Ticket Referrals!"); 
public function SaveTicketFromPortalResponse($Token){ 

$server = new SoapServer(NULL,$params); 

当我使用地址“?server.php WSDL”从asp.net打电话给我香皂功能我recive一个错误这样的: WSDL一代没有支持。 请帮忙。 其紧急情况。 非常感谢。

我发现它=> wsdl.php

$functions = array();  
$serviceName = "My Webservice For Recive Data From Portal"; 
$functions[] = array("funcName" => "SaveTicketFromPortal", 
"doc" => "My Webservice For Recive Data From Portal", 
"inputParams" => array(array("name" => "Token", "type" => "string"), 
array("name" => "NationalCodeSender", "type" => "string"), 
array("name" => "NationalCodeReciver", "type" => "string"), 
array("name" => "Title", "type" => "string"), 
array("name" => "Body", "type" => "string") 
"outputParams" => array(array("name" => "Success", "type" => "string"), 
array("name" => "Message" ,"type" => "string")), 
"soapAddress" => "" 

$functions[] = array("funcName" => "SetState", 
"doc" => "To Change Ticket State From Todo To Doing And Done", 
"inputParams" => array(array("name" => "Token", "type" => "string"), 
array("name" => "TicketId", "type" => "string"), 
array("name" => "NationalCode", "type" => "string"), 
array("name" => "StateId", "type" => "string")), 
"outputParams" => array(array("name" => "Success", "type" => "string"), 
array("name" => "Message" ,"type" => "string")), 
"soapAddress" => "" 

if (stristr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "wsdl")) { 
    // WSDL request - output raw XML 
    header("Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8"); 
    echo DisplayXML(); 
    } else { 
    // Page accessed normally - output documentation 
    $cp = substr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], strrpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], "/") + 1); // Current page 
    echo '<!-- Attention: To access via a SOAP client use ' . $cp . '?WSDL -->'; 
    echo '<html>'; 
    echo '<head><title>' . $serviceName . '</title></head>'; 
    echo '<body>'; 
    echo '<h1>' . $serviceName . '</h1>'; 
    echo '<p style="margin-left:20px;">To access via a SOAP client use <code>' . $cp . '?WSDL</code></p>'; 

    // Document each function 
    echo '<h2>Available Functions:</h2>'; 
    echo '<div style="margin-left:20px;">'; 
    for ($i=0;$i<count($functions);$i++) { 
     echo '<h3>Function: ' . $functions[$i]['funcName'] . '</h3>'; 
     echo '<div style="margin-left:20px;">'; 
     echo '<p>'; 
     echo $functions[$i]['doc']; 
     echo '<ul>'; 
     if (array_key_exists("inputParams", $functions[$i])) { 
      echo '<li>Input Parameters:<ul>'; 
      for ($j=0;$j<count($functions[$i]['inputParams']);$j++) { 
       echo '<li>' . $functions[$i]['inputParams'][$j]['name']; 
       echo ' (' . $functions[$i]['inputParams'][$j]['type']; 
      echo ')</li>'; 
      echo '</ul></li>'; 
      if (array_key_exists("outputParams", $functions[$i])) { 
      echo '<li>Output Parameters:<ul>'; 
      for ($j=0;$j<count($functions[$i]['outputParams']);$j++) { 
      echo '<li>' . $functions[$i]['outputParams'][$j]['name']; 
      echo ' (' . $functions[$i]['outputParams'][$j]['type']; 
      echo ')</li>'; 
      echo '</ul></li>'; 
      echo '</ul>'; 
      echo '</p>'; 
      echo '</div>'; 
      echo '</div>'; 

      echo '<h2>WSDL output:</h2>'; 
      echo '<pre style="margin-left:20px;width:800px;overflow-x:scroll;border:1px solid black;padding:10px;background-color:#D3D3D3;">'; 
      echo DisplayXML(false); 
      echo '</pre>'; 
      echo '</body></html>'; 


      * Create WSDL XML 
      * @PARAM xmlformat=true - Display output in HTML friendly format if set false 
      function DisplayXML($xmlformat=true) { 
      global $functions;   // Functions that this web service supports 
      global $serviceName;  // Web Service ID 
      $i = 0;     // For traversing functions array 
      $j = 0;     // For traversing parameters arrays 
      $str = '';     // XML String to output 

      // Tab spacings 
      $t1 = ' '; 
      if (!$xmlformat) $t1 = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'; 
      $t2 = $t1 . $t1; 
      $t3 = $t2 . $t1; 
      $t4 = $t3 . $t1; 
      $t5 = $t4 . $t1; 

      $serviceID = str_replace(" ", "", $serviceName); 

      // Declare XML format 
      $str .= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>' . "\n\n"; 

      // Declare definitions/namespaces 
      $str .= '<wsdl:definitions ' . "\n"; 
      $str .= $t1 . 'xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" ' . "\n"; 
      $str .= $t1 . 'xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" ' . "\n"; 
      $str .= $t1 . 'xmlns:s="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" ' . "\n"; 
      $str .= $t1 . 'targetNamespace="http://www.darkerwhite.com/" ' . "\n"; 
      $str .= $t1 . 'xmlns:tns="http://www.darkerwhite.com/" ' . "\n"; 
      $str .= $t1 . 'name="' . $serviceID . '" ' . "\n"; 
      $str .= '>' . "\n\n"; 

      // Declare Types/Schema 
      $str .= '<wsdl:types>' . "\n"; 
      $str .= $t1 . '<s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://www.darkerwhite.com/">' . "\n"; 
      for ($i=0;$i<count($functions);$i++) { 
      // Define Request Types 
      if (array_key_exists("inputParams", $functions[$i])) { 
      $str .= $t2 . '<s:element name="' . $functions[$i]['funcName'] . 'Request">' . "\n"; 
      $str .= $t3 . '<s:complexType><s:sequence>' . "\n"; 
      for ($j=0;$j<count($functions[$i]['inputParams']);$j++) { 
      $str .= $t4 . '<s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" '; 
      $str .= 'name="' . $functions[$i]['inputParams'][$j]['name'] . '" '; 
      $str .= 'type="s:' . $functions[$i]['inputParams'][$j]['type'] . '" />' . "\n"; 
      $str .= $t3 . '</s:sequence></s:complexType>' . "\n"; 
      $str .= $t2 . '</s:element>' . "\n"; 
      // Define Response Types 
      if (array_key_exists("outputParams", $functions[$i])) { 
      $str .= $t2 . '<s:element name="' . $functions[$i]['funcName'] . 'Response">' . "\n"; 
      $str .= $t3 . '<s:complexType><s:sequence>' . "\n"; 
      for ($j=0;$j<count($functions[$i]['outputParams']);$j++) { 
      $str .= $t4 . '<s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" '; 
      $str .= 'name="' . $functions[$i]['outputParams'][$j]['name'] . '" '; 
      $str .= 'type="s:' . $functions[$i]['outputParams'][$j]['type'] . '" />' . "\n";  
      $str .= $t3 . '</s:sequence></s:complexType>' . "\n"; 
      $str .= $t2 . '</s:element>' . "\n"; 
      $str .= $t1 . '</s:schema>' . "\n"; 
      $str .= '</wsdl:types>' . "\n\n"; 

      // Declare Messages 
      for ($i=0;$i<count($functions);$i++) { 
      // Define Request Messages 
      if (array_key_exists("inputParams", $functions[$i])) { 
      $str .= '<wsdl:message name="' . $functions[$i]['funcName'] . 'Request">' . "\n"; 
      $str .= $t1 . '<wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:' . $functions[$i]['funcName'] . 'Request" />' . "\n"; 
      $str .= '</wsdl:message>' . "\n"; 
      // Define Response Messages 
      if (array_key_exists("outputParams", $functions[$i])) { 
      $str .= '<wsdl:message name="' . $functions[$i]['funcName'] . 'Response">' . "\n"; 
      $str .= $t1 . '<wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:' . $functions[$i]['funcName'] . 'Response" />' . "\n"; 
      $str .= '</wsdl:message>' . "\n\n"; 

      // Declare Port Types 
      for ($i=0;$i<count($functions);$i++) { 
      $str .= '<wsdl:portType name="' . $functions[$i]['funcName'] . 'PortType">' . "\n"; 
      $str .= $t1 . '<wsdl:operation name="' . $functions[$i]['funcName'] . '">' . "\n"; 
      if (array_key_exists("inputParams", $functions[$i])) 
      $str .= $t2 . '<wsdl:input message="tns:' . $functions[$i]['funcName'] . 'Request" />' . "\n"; 
      if (array_key_exists("outputParams", $functions[$i])) 
      $str .= $t2 . '<wsdl:output message="tns:' . $functions[$i]['funcName'] . 'Response" />' . "\n"; 
      $str .= $t1 . '</wsdl:operation>' . "\n"; 
      $str .= '</wsdl:portType>' . "\n\n"; 

      // Declare Bindings 
      for ($i=0;$i<count($functions);$i++) { 
      $str .= '<wsdl:binding name="' . $functions[$i]['funcName'] . 'Binding" type="tns:' . $functions[$i]['funcName'] . 'PortType">' . "\n"; 
      $str .= $t1 . '<soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" />' . "\n"; 
      $str .= $t1 . '<wsdl:operation name="' . $functions[$i]['funcName'] . '">' . "\n"; 
      $str .= $t2 . '<soap:operation soapAction="' . $functions[$i]['soapAddress'] . '#' . $functions[$i]['funcName'] . '" style="document" />' . "\n"; 
      if (array_key_exists("inputParams", $functions[$i])) 
      $str .= $t2 . '<wsdl:input><soap:body use="literal" /></wsdl:input>' . "\n"; 
      if (array_key_exists("outputParams", $functions[$i])) 
      $str .= $t2 . '<wsdl:output><soap:body use="literal" /></wsdl:output>' . "\n"; 
      $str .= $t2 . '<wsdl:documentation>' . $functions[$i]['doc'] . '</wsdl:documentation>' . "\n"; 
      $str .= $t1 . '</wsdl:operation>' . "\n"; 
      $str .= '</wsdl:binding>' . "\n\n"; 

      // Declare Service 
      $str .= '<wsdl:service name="' . $serviceID . '">' . "\n"; 
      for ($i=0;$i<count($functions);$i++) { 
      $str .= $t1 . '<wsdl:port name="' . $functions[$i]['funcName'] . 'Port" binding="tns:' . $functions[$i]['funcName'] . 'Binding">' . "\n"; 
      $str .= $t2 . '<soap:address location="' . $functions[$i]['soapAddress'] . '" />' . "\n"; 
      $str .= $t1 . '</wsdl:port>' . "\n"; 
      $str .= '</wsdl:service>' . "\n\n"; 

      // End Document 
      $str .= '</wsdl:definitions>' . "\n"; 

      if (!$xmlformat) $str = str_replace("<", "&lt;", $str); 
      if (!$xmlformat) $str = str_replace(">", "&gt;", $str); 
      if (!$xmlformat) $str = str_replace("\n", "<br />", $str); 
      return $str; 
