

我读的是CYK algorithm,有一部分伪代码我看不懂。整个伪代码:无法理解CYK算法伪代码

let the input be a string S consisting of n characters: a1 ... an. 
let the grammar contain r nonterminal symbols R1 ... Rr. 
This grammar contains the subset Rs which is the set of start symbols. 
let P[n,n,r] be an array of booleans. Initialize all elements of P to false. 
for each i = 1 to n 
    for each unit production Rj -> ai 
    set P[i,1,j] = true 
for each i = 2 to n -- Length of span 
    for each j = 1 to n-i+1 -- Start of span 
    for each k = 1 to i-1 -- Partition of span 
     for each production RA -> RB RC 
     if P[j,k,B] and P[j+k,i-k,C] then set P[j,i,A] = true 
if any of P[1,n,x] is true (x is iterated over the set s, where s are all the indices for Rs) then 
    S is member of language 
    S is not member of language 


for each production RA -> RB RC 
     if P[j,k,B] and P[j+k,i-k,C] then set P[j,i,A] = true 



@ syb0rg:我故意留下缩进,以便更容易从大块代码中找到更小的代码片段。 – nhahtdh


@nhahtdh固定(格式化习惯,抱歉)。 – syb0rg


@ syb0rg:较小代码片段的缩进有点偏离(您可以从原始代码复制并粘贴)。 – nhahtdh


对于每个生产ř → - [R - [R Ç

如果P [J,K,B]和P [J + K,IK ,C]然后设置P [j,i,A] = true

应该按照以下方式解释。假设P [j,k,B]为真的情况。这意味着从位置j开始的由k个字符组成的字符串可以从非终结符R B派生。如果P [j + k,i-k,C]也是这种情况,那么由从位置j + k开始的i-k个字符形成的字符串可以从非终结符R C导出。因此,由于R → - [R - [R Ç是一个生产,它是从开始位置j第i个字符构成的字符串可以选自R 导出的情况。


对于每个生产ř → - [R - [R Ç

如果P [J,K,B] == true和P [j + k,ik,C] == true,那么设置P [j,i,A] = true



您能澄清一下A B和C的索引是什么吗? – user2280838


@ user2280838-该算法对所有非终端R_1,R_2,...,R_n进行编号。这里,A,B和C发生的是生产R_A - > R_B R_C中非终端的指数。例如,如果生产是S→T U和S有索引1,T有索引2,U有索引3,那么我们有A = 1,B = 2和C = 3。这有帮助吗? – templatetypedef


它确实有帮助,但如果A B和C作为非终端在语法中定义了多次,该怎么办?分配一个ID值的索引排序是否有助于区分其他非终结点? – user2280838