

我有一个Android游戏的开始。它有一个GameLoop(线程)类,它跟踪一个fps值和一个GameView(surfaceview),它将一个对象设置为一个对象并将其设置为等等。 现在我有一个单独的FpsText对象,它知道如何将自己绘制到屏幕上,但更新,我需要做的是这样fpsText.setText(gameloop.getFps());有没有办法将线程安全地作为参数传递?




package biz.hireholly.engine; 

import android.graphics.Canvas; 
import android.util.Log; 
import android.view.SurfaceHolder; 
import biz.hireholly.gameplay.FpsText; 

import java.util.ArrayList; 

* The GameLoop is a thread that will ensure updating and drawing is done at set intervals. 
* The thread will sleep when it has updated/rendered quicker than needed to reach the desired fps. 
* The loop is designed to skip drawing if the update/draw cycle is taking to long, up to a MAX_FRAME_SKIPS. 
* The Canvas object is created and managed to some extent in the game loop, 
* this is so that we can prevent multiple objects trying to draw to it simultaneously. 
* Note that the gameloop has a reference to the gameview and vice versa. 

public class GameLoop extends Thread { 

    private static final String TAG = GameLoop.class.getSimpleName(); 
    //desired frames per second 
    private final static int MAX_FPS = 30; 
    //maximum number of drawn frames to be skipped if drawing took too long last cycle 
    private final static int MAX_FRAME_SKIPS = 5; 
    //ideal time taken to update & draw 
    private final static int CYCLE_PERIOD = 1000/MAX_FPS; 

    private SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder; 
    //the gameview actually handles inputs and draws to the surface 
    private GameView gameview; 

    private boolean running; 
    private long beginTime = 0; // time when cycle began 
    private long timeDifference = 0; // time it took for the cycle to execute 
    private int sleepTime = 0; // milliseconds to sleep (<0 if drawing behind schedule) 
    private int framesSkipped = 0; // number of render frames skipped 

    private double lastFps = 0; //The last FPS tracked, the number displayed onscreen 
    private ArrayList<Double> fpsStore = new ArrayList<Double>(); //For the previous fps values 
    private long lastTimeFpsCalculated = System.currentTimeMillis(); //used in trackFps 
    FpsText fpsText; 

    public GameLoop(SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder, GameView gameview, FpsText fpsText) { 
     this.surfaceHolder = surfaceHolder; 
     this.gameview = gameview; 
     this.fpsText = fpsText; 

    public void setRunning(boolean running) { 
     this.running = running;  
    public void run(){ 

     Canvas c; 

     while (running) { 
      c = null; 
      //try locking canvas, so only we can edit pixels on surface 
       c = this.surfaceHolder.lockCanvas(); 
       //sync so nothing else can modify while were using it 
       synchronized (surfaceHolder){ 

        beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 
        framesSkipped = 0; //reset frame skips 


        //calculate how long cycle took 
        timeDifference = System.currentTimeMillis() - beginTime; 
        //good time to trackFps? 

        //calculate potential sleep time 
        sleepTime = (int)(CYCLE_PERIOD - timeDifference); 

        //sleep for remaining cycle 
        if (sleepTime >0){ 
          Thread.sleep(sleepTime); //saves battery! :) 
         } catch (InterruptedException e){} 
        //if sleepTime negative then we're running behind 
        while (sleepTime < 0 && framesSkipped < MAX_FRAME_SKIPS){ 
         //update without rendering to catch up 
         //skip as many frame renders as needed to get back into 
         //positive sleepTime and continue as normal 
         sleepTime += CYCLE_PERIOD; 


      } finally{ 
       //finally executes regardless of exception, 
       //so surface is not left in an inconsistent state 
       if (c != null){ 


    /* Calculates the average fps every second */ 
    private void trackFps(){ 
      long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 

      if(timeDifference != 0){ 
      //If a second has past since last time average was calculated, 
      // it's time to calculate a new average fps to display 
      if ((currentTime - 1000) > lastTimeFpsCalculated){ 

       for (Double fps : fpsStore){ 
       lastFps += fps; 

       lastFps /= fpsStore.size(); 

       synchronized(fpsText){ //update the Drawable FpsText object 

       lastTimeFpsCalculated = System.currentTimeMillis(); 

       //Log.d("trackFPS()", " fpsStore.size() = "+fpsStore.size()+"\t"+fpsStore.toString()); 




我怀疑你在做什么GameLoop是修改你的fps变量之间的秒,即获得中间值,您的GameView也可能读取。我建议每秒只修改一次fps,并在时间间隔中进行计算。假设你在开始时有0 fps。 GameLoop进行计算,每秒一次,你已经收集了它处理的帧数和时间(1秒)。在此之前,无论GameLoop在做什么,GameView总是读取0。在那之后,假设您完成了60 fps,fps变量将被修改,并且在下一秒之前保持不变。因此,对于第二个以下,即使GameView可以做更多的读取您的变量,它总是会得到60

// Inside GameLoop 

private int fps; // Variable you're going to read 
private int frameCount; // Keeps track or frames processed 
private long lastUpdated; 

while(running) { 

    if(System.currentTimeMillis() - lastUpdated > 1000) { // 1 second elapsed 
     fps = frameCount; 
     frameCount = 0; 

public int getFps() { 
    return fps; 




非常感谢您的回复!我意识到现在我应该包括我的源代码,因为我实际上认为我以某种方式实现了我的循环,而fps只是更新了第二个,如果你想检查它,我不完全是上面的源代码,因为我并不完全确保它的正确性是诚实的:/这个逻辑对我来说是有意义的,但是在屏幕上我得到800-1000之间的fps!所以即时担心它不应该睡觉时,应该。无论如何,我实现了你建议的第二个解决方案,并且应用程序再次正常运行,所以你回答了我的问题:)谢谢! – Holly 2012-08-04 12:27:52