


[_queue addOperationWithBlock:^{ 
    //POST request used to upload photo to server 
    //request has already been successfully configured before this step 
NSData *returnData = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:nil error:nil]; 




而不是使用'NSURLConnection'发送同步请求尝试'NSURLSessi on'与异步请求。同步请求会阻止它的线程。会话很容易使用,不会阻塞线程,并为您保留执行队列。 – clemens

这是导致更好的设计,尤其是当它成为异步 - 像这样的场景:

- view controller A starts the upload 
- user navigates to view controller B 
- upload fails and you need to notify the user of the failure or retry the upload 
- now what? A started the upload but it no longer exists how do you notify the user or retry the upload? 


- view controller A starts the upload 
- user navigates to view controller B 
- upload fails and you need to notify the user or retry 
- model broadcasts a notification the upload has failed or just retires the upload 
- a meta view controller listens for the notification and displays a dialog to the user informing of the failure 

您应该避免使用静态变量,特别是同步请求。 – clemens


非常感谢,现在声明它是静态工作的。我最终将把它移到一个模型类。 –


@macmoonshine,我说“作为一个快速修复”。即不是长期解决方案。 – Gruntcakes