在OS X上的合并排序实现中的总线错误10


我想在C中实现合并排序。我编写的代码适用于100,000个数字的列表,但是当我在1,000,000列表上运行它时, “总线错误:10”。在OS X上的合并排序实现中的总线错误10

错误发生在我评论过“BUS ERROR HERE”的地方。发生错误时,tmp_list_i == 65920和pws-> merge_cursor == 32776.函数merge会合并任意数量的子数组,因为我也使用它来合并由不同线程排序的子数组。但即使我只使用单个线程时(即,一次只需要合并两个子阵列),总线错误也正在发生。


// Represents a sub-array in the list. 
typedef struct 
    int begin_i; // inclusive 
    int end_i; // exclusive 
    int already_sorted; // if the partition was sorted before runtime 
    pthread_t tid; // thread associated with this partition, if any 
    int merge_cursor; // index used for merging 
} Partition; 

// O(n log(n)) 
// n = number of comparisons in a merge 
// log(n) = number of merges 
void* merge_sort(void* partition) 
    Partition* part = (Partition*) partition; 

    // Base case. One item, so partition is sorted 
    int len = part->end_i - part->begin_i; 
    if (len < 2) 
     part->already_sorted = TRUE; 
     return 0; 

    // Recursion 
    Partition left_part; 
    left_part.begin_i = part->begin_i; 
    left_part.end_i = part->begin_i + (len/2); 
    left_part.merge_cursor = left_part.begin_i; 

    Partition right_part; 
    right_part.begin_i = part->begin_i + (len/2); 
    right_part.end_i = part->end_i; 
    right_part.merge_cursor = right_part.begin_i; 


    if (left_part.already_sorted && right_part.already_sorted) 
     part->already_sorted = TRUE; 

    // Create parts array to pass to merge 
    Partition* parts[] = {&left_part, &right_part}; 

    if (merge(parts, 2, len) == FALSE) 
     part->already_sorted = FALSE; 

    return 0; 

// O(n) but more specifically O(n * p + n) where p is num_parts 
int merge(Partition* parts[], int num_parts, int total_num) 
    int already_sorted = TRUE; // whether the partitions were already sorted 

    int tmp_list[total_num]; 
    int tmp_list_i; 
    for (tmp_list_i = 0; tmp_list_i < total_num; tmp_list_i++) 
     // find (P)artition (W)ith (S)mallest number under its merge cursor 
     Partition* pws = NULL; 

     int parts_i; 
     for (parts_i = 0; parts_i < num_parts; parts_i++) 
      Partition* this_part = parts[parts_i]; 

      if (this_part->merge_cursor == MERGE_CURSOR_DONE) 

      if (pws == NULL) 
       pws = this_part; 

      int this_part_num = list[this_part->merge_cursor]; 
      int smallest_part_num = list[pws->merge_cursor]; 

      if (this_part_num < smallest_part_num) 
       pws = this_part; 
       already_sorted = FALSE; 

     // add the smallest of the numbers to current spot in tmp array 
     tmp_list[tmp_list_i] = list[pws->merge_cursor]; // BUS ERROR HERE 

     // increment the merge cursor for pws and set to NULL if done 
     if (pws->merge_cursor == pws->end_i) 
      pws->merge_cursor = MERGE_CURSOR_DONE; 

    // Copy back to list from tmp_list. Costs an extra n. 
    int list_i = parts[0]->begin_i; // start where we should in list 
    for (tmp_list_i = 0; tmp_list_i < total_num; tmp_list_i++) 
     list[list_i] = tmp_list[tmp_list_i]; 

    return already_sorted; 

编辑: 当在堆上分配,而不是堆的一切,我得到一个不同的问题。分配int this_part_num = list[this_part->merge_cursor];似乎并没有被正确评估,最终我获得了SIG故障:

141    int this_part_num = list[this_part->merge_cursor]; 
(gdb) s 
142    int smallest_part_num = list[pws->merge_cursor]; 
(gdb) print this_part_num 
$5 = 1 
(gdb) print list[this_part->merge_cursor] 
$6 = 6 

发生错误时,'total_num'的值是什么?那么'list'数组的大小是多少?顺便说一句,我没有看到'list'的声明,它是否在某处? – user3386109 2014-08-28 05:33:53


经过进一步检查,将'tmp_list'声明为局部变量可能是问题所在。作为一个局部变量,'tmp_list'将被分配到堆栈上,并且堆栈中有100万个int的数组可能会导致堆栈溢出(而100K intts可能实际上适合堆栈)。我建议你'malloc''tmp_list'数组和'free'它在函数结束时。 – user3386109 2014-08-28 05:42:03


我试过在堆上创建所有东西。但现在事情变得更加怪异。我最终得到一个seg错误,但在此之前,赋值'int this_part_num = list [list_part-> merge_cursor];'没有正确评估。看到我上面的编辑。 – Sinclair 2014-08-28 12:11:57

想通了。列表在单独的文件中声明为int* list,但在merge_sort函数为extern int list[]的文件中声明。